Several things: quantum mechanics doesn't really talk about good feelings- it doesn't really point to good feelings doing good things, it's more about observation that does it. Quantum mechanics is more you cannot know the velocity and the location of a particle at once because photons, or light particles have mass in it themselves, which causes the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. I don't think you can deduce from that a law where good feelings can change things. Perhaps it's more that good people attract good people because they want to be in the same company, not because there's a quasi-scientific natural law at a fundamental level that causes this.
It's more so "how much should you base your life on scientific truth?" Take for instance the uncertainty principle and what it means.
Certain things are suggested to be unknowable. You may as well break into your neighbor's house to look in their bathroom and know what kind of decorations they have up, in the grand scheme of things. If not, be like Sherlock Holmes and deduce what must be there - because you're so smart and "woke". So you "should" know certain things, if only to live up to your reputation. If you're smart enough, you can see, if not, more whining and complaining thus struggling to understand or comprehend basic things in life. Non-contentment.
Buddhist preach non-attachment. However, I still like playing videogames and the vanity of the artistry involved. You people struggle to understand the way people act. While others struggle with the actual physics of how the universe works, and each component inside it - like clockwork. Call it Schrodinger's Cat.
The Bible was generally handed down by Mesopotamians from stories of legend before to some people (like Jews). Aristotle and Plato lived in the 50's and 100's. All religious truths were already known, not necessarily experienced, since at least the mid-twelfth century. The most popular philosophers such as Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein, Kant, Russell, or whoever else, lived from the 1500's-1800's, quantum physics came out at the turn of the century in the 1900's, so it's the newest and latest.
All paths generally lead to the same one. Figure out what it is you want, then go for it. Tell people what they want to hear.
It's all predetermined anyway, nothing you do really matters, or it should, not in this lifetime/reality though. Most people are trapped in some ego-identity trying to be a comedian or something, make people laugh so they can be known as good people. Hopefully something will always be there, documenting it all like Martians observing Earth. Some Holy Spirit probably knows what the problem is. So it's all been known for at least 10,000 years already.
So like-minded people attract each other.