So I was watching this history channel or discovery channel episode on the planet Saturn ( clip YouTube- The Mystery Hexagon on SATURN) and a portion of it dealt with this strange six sided hexagonal cloud or shape that is at the pole. Scientist have no idea what it is, but its cool. Richard C. Hoagland supposedly has the answer, but I don't think he is all there. No offense to his fans. Oh if only we were not so busy killing each other in wars and stuff, we could explore the solar system and find new and interesting stuff. Is it an Alien hideout, that would be interesting, an opening of an interdimensional vortex? Unfortunately, I don't think so. I think I might just be a combination of the planets magnetic field, high pressure gases forming this stable structure. I would say its an Bose-Eisenstein condensate, but I'm sure the planet is too hot, i think.
Oh so much more to learn about our lil neighborhood. I hope we have enough time, before we become extinct and all. any thoughts on this phenomenon.
Oh so much more to learn about our lil neighborhood. I hope we have enough time, before we become extinct and all. any thoughts on this phenomenon.