That's messed up. I have an INTP father who is entirely too detached for his own good, and an ESFJ mother who rarely understands anything. Both of them annoy me in their own way, but I love both of them at the same time. I can't take criticism AT ALL. Whenever anyone has anything harsh to say about me I want to just die... meanwhile, I have no problem criticizing others. I'm such a hypocrite. And yes, I too live in Ti.. with extreme Ne to the point I freak people out. My ENFP friend is constantly telling me to GET OUT OF HER HEAD. Hehehe.. I can't help it. I also have weekly mood swings that drive me insane. Depressed, On top of the world, depressed, repeat. Oh the life of an introverted intuitive is not an easy one. Not that I'm saying others have it easier, but it'd be nice to not have to painstakingly think about every little tiny detail of everything, always.
I've edited this post like 10 times now.