I always end up seeing INTPs or INTJs (or on some occasions ENTPs, ENTJs, INFPs, or INFJs) everywhere. Perhaps it's the company I keep, those who I try to type, or maybe well all just reflect back on ourselves, imagining everyone else to be similar.
As to stuff Fry was talking about in the clip, the reminder to quietly get on with my life despite obstacles, pains, etc...while still being engaged with other people, with an open and outward view on their lives...which I now realize will in turn encourage them to do the same for me (thus naturally drawing out what my 'problems' are and more healthily allowing others to help me progress) is exactly the one I usually need.
I don't know about other INTPs, but I can guess: we either "quietly get along" and share nothing (think blank stares and few communications from one's self and from all around)...OR we descend into the madness of an undeveloped Fe, which is that horrible "me me me" shit that actually repels most others (except those that feed off of misfortune and dramatics).
But it can be so different on the "developed" side of functioning as an INTP! More akin to the open enthusiasm for life and others, freely shared kindness, and reasoned living I think Fry is describing.
For the cynics, take it from one of your own, you may not always get back what you give out...but that dynamic (what you put in = what you get out) certainly is a main factor in the workings of human community and behavior.