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Search results

  1. Octavio

    Beating social difficulties with logic

    Yes I am aware what the word 'skill' defines. Perhaps what I meant is that the term 'social skills' is often an erroneous attribution. I;m trying to say that learning how to make a friend is not something you learn, practice, and improve in incremental progress; it's something that develops...
  2. Octavio

    An NTP from «E» to «I» in two years?

    I think you should forget the whole MBTI and focus on the fact that your introversion/extraversion is what is the issue here. Most people fall somewhere in the middle of the bell curve, and like someone mentioned already, have ambiverted tendencies. I feel that the MBTI types are usually just...
  3. Octavio

    Beating social difficulties with logic

    You are overthinking it. You have social anxiety. You said you've found out why you like to get drunk at parties. You can't really fall back on that as a long-term chronic solution. Maybe antidepressants will help. Maybe CBT could work for you, as it would challenge the very question you asked...
  4. Octavio

    Breaking Bad

    On a slightly related note, Saul Goodman is going to have a spinoff. Should be a good show ENTP show.
  5. Octavio


    Narcissism, bro. It's an easy trap to fall into if you're an INTP. I get the vibe that you're young, maybe 19-20 or younger. You're looking for an identity, a niche to fit into. You just haven't found a way to satisfy that degree of external locus of self-esteem. In this case, it manifests...
  6. Octavio

    Any good philosophical movies?

    Apocalypse Now Taxi Driver Nolan's Batman Trilogy Although these movies are not 'philosophical' per se, they plunge deep into the depths of the human pscyhe. In that regard I consider them philosophical.... Also Fight Club Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas Memento No Country For Old Men...
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