"The Cutting Edge"
your humor style:
Your humor's mostly innocent and off-the-cuff, but somehow there's something slightly menacing about you. Part of your humor is making people a little uncomfortable, even if the things you say aren't themselves confrontational...
Yeah, and it is epic. I've always known that Dorian Gray would be perfectly placed in the 80's. Oh, and Wotton's remarks in the book are hilarious:
"My main pleasure in going to the opera is counting the homosexuals in the audience and seeing if they outnumber those on stage." :D
Be warned...
2. Homosexuality has been seen to promote kin selection rather than group selection, so this point is good.
3. I think I get it- you're saying that homosexuality is an extension of humans choosing their ideal mate, but goes further and decides not to use the opposite sex. This would probably...
1. It has been suggested that homosexuality boosts individuals' reproductive success, albeit indirectly. For instance, same-sex partners might have a better chance of rising to the top of social hierarchies and getting access to the opposite sex. In some gull species, homosexual partnerships...
I also think INTP's have more of an appreciation for the "weird." If I make a really dark, sexual joke, the ISTJ's and ESTJ's I know look anxious, or give me a disgusted look.
I'm like you; Mum-ESFJ, Dad-ISTJ. My mother and I seem to be having fights more often, we disagree on quite a lot. She will go into rages about minute details, which is really annoying.
I get on better with my dad. He's a physics teacher, so we can have really good discussions. However, he is...
If only the tendency to look and behave in a non-threatening and characteristically female manner were passed down, then those men would not have a chance with women (who would probably only be looking to mate with alpha males, and not their inferior effeminate counterparts)-therefore none of...
Brought about by natural selection. I'm just trying to provide reasons for why homosexuality does not go against evolution, even if at first sight it appears so.
I said "genes predisposing"; I didn't mention a pure "gay gene."
"Homosexuals are probably just confused bisexuals."- Perhaps. No-one is 100% gay or straight, although to say that homosexuals are "confused bisexuals" may be stretching it a bit.
Is it possible that homosexuality arises out of group selection? As the population of our species is way more than it should be, could carriers of genes predisposing towards male homosexuality be beneficial to our species? I have seen articles illustrating how homosexuality could increase the...
Typical INTP- Life can never measure up to what is in our minds. Try to find people with the same interests as you. Your brain can process new information, and you won't be stuck in the same cycle of musing over the same theory. It'll engage your Ne and Fe as well. :)
I don't believe this is a new theory, but it is interesting.
What is the basic reason to "want to" do something? Why listen to social values and what impels someone to have a certain desire to "want to" to something?
Awesome. I discuss something (philosophy,science, whatever) with a friend or teacher, then say:
"I have been analysing your responses, and it has become apparent to me that you are an XXXX. Does this correlate with your actual MBTI type?"
The looks I get. Absolutely priceless. Even my ENTP...
Produced by the Canadian production crew Heliofant, I, Pet Goat II is a short animated movie that quickly went viral across the internet.
Creepy, right? So much symbolism...
I just want your views on this.
Conspiracy theorist or not, this is just...
On a side note, which MBTI type is most likely to become conspiracy theorists?:D
I think they need funding; making a living on trying to find out the truth about life can't be easy.
It may be unhealthy to get obsessed, but it is admirable if you do. It is brilliant that you want to find out...
ESTJ: My way. Do it my way.
ESTP: Seal it with a grin.
ESFP: Porn star.
ENTJ: Manipulating fuckwit.
ENTP: Can be found looking into the mirror and fapping to their own image.
ENFJ: Love me. Love me. Love me.
ENFP: Usually has ADD. They got through life like someone running...
Elliot - ISTJ later ENFJ
Turk - ESFP
Carla - ISFJ
Dr Cox - INTJ
Dr Kelso - ISTJ
Janitor - INTP
Todd - ESTP
Ted - INTP
Jordan - ENTJ
Laverne - ESFJ
Doug - ISFP
I think the trickiest one is Elliot; in season 1 she is all hardworking and "teacher's-pet" like, but as the show develops...
It is pretty obvious that MK-Ultra has not vanished, in fact, there are many signs it still carries on- especially when it comes to celebrities and people in the music industry.
Take a look at this website:http://vigilantcitizen.com/
It takes a look at music videos and reveals the symbolism...
Maybe some want attention...not sure. For those who are gay, good on them.
Then again, no-one can be sure that they're straight or gay. Perhaps we're all bisexual. Or even pansexual. Hmm.
When you have a repertoire of responses for any situation.
You analyse other people's social interactions, but when it comes to your own, you have no idea what is happening.
I'll just do the first one for now, I'm kinda tired. *yawn*
Anyhoo, the first thing I thought when seeing it was MPD....maybe I've been reading up on MK-Ultra too much, I dunno. Let's say the girl is an MK-Ultra victim, she has a split personality consisting of two alters. The one being...
Witty satire, blue humour and black humour.
Favourite comedian: Frankie Boyle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZcJwmSSom0&feature=relmfu
^apologies if anyone is offended by him.
(Actually, I lied. I'm not sorry.:D)
I'm a pretty recent addition to this forum (and quite young), but I'll give you my experience with Ne anyway. I was always good at making connections in the world around me, even from a young age. An example of this is when I realised I was able to go into a lesson and intuitively make...
:elephant:Loser - INTP :elephant:
Talked to another human being lately? I'm serious. You value knowledge above ALL else. You love new ideas, and become very excited over abstractions and theories. The fact that nobody else cares still hasn't become apparent to you...
Nerd's a great...
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