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Search results

  1. Redfire

    Is pet ownership ethically defensible?

    Well yeah, but that's not on me son. And again, nature is really really ugly in and of itself. Domestication is the least of your worries if you want to find horrible stuff in nature. Not triggered btw, I just love mentioning my lovely beautiful kind best-in-the-world cute kitten.
  2. Redfire

    Is pet ownership ethically defensible?

    Well, I find some human relationships genuinely creepy. Most, actually. Not to mention boring.
  3. Redfire

    Is prostitution an ignoble profession?

    No. All jobs come with pros and cons. Live and let live.
  4. Redfire

    Is pet ownership ethically defensible?

    Well, we adopted a cat with my sister and I'm pretty sure she's better off with us, than in the streets. And plus she's the most beautiful and kindest kitty in the whole world. So, yeah. Absolutely ethically defensible. edit: nature is pretty abhorrent in and of itself Cog. I'm sure you've...
  5. Redfire

    Should I take the third jab?

    I got two Moderna shots and it fucked me up. I never get sick btw. I got a paralyzed foot (for a while, subsided after a few weeks), and my left leg feels weird since then. Don't want to get a third one, but I got all my family, and government; busting my balls. I might cave. Might not cave. I...
  6. Redfire

    INTPf revival discussion

    I haven't been here in a long while, maybe more than two years, and I could come back. Forums were not replaced by anything better; as the OP said: forums have the "upper hand when it comes to written word being taken seriously and rationality still being the primary motivator of thread-posting...
  7. Redfire

    Karma System

    Well, that's not what tends to happen imo. There's certainly no shortage of controversial posts in The Phora. It is in fact the most politically incorrect forum I've come cross; while still keeping up serious discussions and discouraging trolls. No forum is a democracy. That doesn't mean it's...
  8. Redfire

    Karma System

    Not so quick Mr. QuickTwist. How do you know what Ragnar might or might not implement? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz3O0JftA5w I can't link those two parts. 1- It's not about expressing disagreement, it's about ranking content. Good content is upvoted, bad content is downvoted. Why would...
  9. Redfire

    Karma System

    INTPf, y u no have karma/reputation system? Old thread: http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=7842&highlight=reputation New argument: I used to post on The Phora (http://www.thephora.net/), and the reputation system works really well there. The thing is: some people post really low-quality...
  10. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    +1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPw7nlluRdc
  11. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  12. Redfire

    What do you wear?

    I dress gothic. I wear stuff like this: Sometimes I fantasize about cross-dressing but I don't act on it.
  13. Redfire

    Working Holiday

    Has anyone gone to NZ or Australia for a working holiday? Or anywhere else for that matter. I'm thinking of going there next year and work picking fruit. I'd be 24 when I get there. Is it possible to save some money while being there? Saving, say, 10k during the year; would mean I can live back...
  14. Redfire

    Google images paedophilic results

    @Higs For some reason I don't find teen porn that shocking, but some asshole dared me to watch animal porn once and it fucked me up badly. I posted here looking for help, same as you: http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=22647 And now I'm fine. And you'll be fine too. It just takes some time to...
  15. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ2Lh8woWz4 I can't find the lyrics. Can anyone translate for me? Or if you have it in you: transcribe so I can sing along! :P
  16. Redfire

    Do debates actually change anyone's mind?

    Debates can change a person's mind only if they're willing to change it. You can usually tell when someone is willing to truly listen to you. Otherwise: it's like planting a seed. The person may think about what you said in the future and change their mind on their own over the years. However...
  17. Redfire

    INTPs & the military

    I think it can be a great experience for any man. I was actually thinking about enlisting when I joined this forum; and it would've been great for me to get some structure back then. Check this out: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/120398416 For me it's something personal though: I feel like...
  18. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  19. Redfire

    Drowning ceremony

  20. Redfire

    Drowning ceremony

    "Courage is in far shorter supply than genius"
  21. Redfire

    Drowning ceremony

    Also a higher form of commitment. If you are not willing to risk your life for it; what's the point?
  22. Redfire

    Drowning ceremony

    Ok, so I always liked the drowning ceremony observed in the (GoT) Ironborn. They also did it to Rollo in Vikings. Here are the videos: https://youtu.be/4fQqbgycLRg?t=329 https://youtu.be/GqkeOQAVELg?t=75 So. If you were to do the ceremony in real life, how likely is it that you'll survive...
  23. Redfire

    Is the internet dying?

    Good times indeed. I actually got shivers looking at that picture. Nostalgia is such an odd feeling: neither good nor bad. It hurts, but it's also sweet. MSN Messenger is part of the 90s kids mythos: like Windows 95 and 98, TV shows from the 90s, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWIwFEGNynQ
  24. Redfire

    Is the internet dying?

    No, but forums are. The few we had in Argentina, for example, have all closed except for one: which is mainly about videogames (3dgames). Why? Well, idk, but maybe: there are three generational cohorts: 1- Kid natives (grew up with Facebook, Twitter, etc; by the time they were developing their...
  25. Redfire

    Lyra's Obituary

    It's a shame he can't be around to see these last events happen.
  26. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  27. Redfire

    Successful INTP's, what career has made you happy?

    Invest 6 months of your life learning how to code. Two things may happen: 1- You won't like it enough to make a career out of it. Still useful, regardless of what you do next. 2- You'll love it. You'll keep learning, get a job, maybe a degree too; you'll be a programmer. Age won't matter, as...
  28. Redfire

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    These kinds of problems are the reason why it's so exhausting to discuss with people. The question is: is it still worth it? Why? When is it worth it, when is it not worth it?
  29. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  30. Redfire

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Yeah that's what I figured. It started to hurt more and more and then I got sleepy. But I'm fine now. And I don't think I've broken anything, chin doesn't hurt that much. I imagine if anything was broken the pain would be really bad.
  31. Redfire

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    It's used for that, but maybe there should be a special one for drunken posting. Maybe there already is? I know I can never find it when I'm drunk. I fell today in the street and hurt my chin badly. A lot of blood. My first thought was: maybe I hit my mole and can save money on the surgery (I...
  32. Redfire

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    You already did.
  33. Redfire

    Game of Thrones

    I didn't see that. If anything Joffrey comes off as asexual.
  34. Redfire

    Game of Thrones

    Why am I the only one that hates Emilia Clarke's casting? She is too fat to play Dany, and I don't give a damn if anyone's offended by that. She's also not pretty enough to play a Targaryen, and on top of it all she's a terrible actress. So WHY? WHY Clarke? Harry Lloyd as Viserys was fantastic...
  35. Redfire

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    Ok smartpants, name every character (not just the human ones) in this picture: http://i63.tinypic.com/bg4cv6.png Bet you can't do it. Bet no one can.
  36. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  37. Redfire

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    lol, you're going to school me in South American demographics now? You do know I'm Argentinian, right? :p Brazil shares many things in common with us. Soccer, for one thing. More important than you realize, too. I guess you wouldn't know that our president, Macri, started his political career...
  38. Redfire

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    Really? The ONLY distinction? So religion and race play no role at all? Argentines are way closer to Italians than Bolivians; and yet they're closer to us geographically and speak the same language. How is globalism nationalism at the global level? I agree that the West has imposed its ideas...
  39. Redfire

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    there are many of such stupid rules. in Spanish (why do I have to capitalize that, for instance?), there are two question marks. an opening question mark and a closing question mark. so you are supposed to write: ¿hola, como estás? i always found it so annoying, that i just stopped using the...
  40. Redfire

    Why are many Chinese so extreme?

    Why are you so obsessed with Asians?
  41. Redfire

    Rushing mind at nights

    I think most of us experience that here, and I don't think there is a solution. Zen meditation is supposed to help with that; but only if you really want to slow down your thinking. And deep down you don't want that, you want to keep thinking. You need it. You feed on it. Welcome to INTPf.
  42. Redfire

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    And it's called the "information age" because there's nothing else important going on technologically. Progress in transport, for example, is stagnant. Progress in energy is stagnant as well (Elon Musk may be in the way of changing that but hasn't yet). "Technology" used to mean much more than...
  43. Redfire

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    I didn't compare it to 100 years ago. I compared it to 50 years ago. And real wages have not gone up since then; they're stagnant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_wages#United_States "Real wages in the United States, have stagnated since the mid-1970s[5] contrary to expectations that real...
  44. Redfire

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    In the end it's just different groups with different interests; but you are just assuming than all in all liberalism is the best economic system for everyone. Because there are less jobs, those jobs pay less when adjusting for inflation and all industries are receding except for IT. There are...
  45. Redfire

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    There are many other losers. Argentina's industry, just to name an example, was absolutely devastated by cheap products coming from abroad. That happened in many countries. There are countless examples, some of them easy to see. e.g: Starbucks outcompeting small cafés. That's something I...
  46. Redfire

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Jeez. There's so much truth to that. And I need to write my resume this weekend :(
  47. Redfire

    Donald Trump Must Earn His Mandate

    1- Don't start any new pointless war. Don't invent imaginary enemies; Russia is an ally. 2- Try to get out of the current pointless wars as much as possible. 3- Lower tax. 4- Build a wall (if only for symbolic reasons). Regulate immigration in general. 5- Deregulate most industries. People need...
  48. Redfire

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    There certainly were some economic benefits to globalization, but if you think about it, what are they really? 1- Cheap labour. Both in host countries through offshoring (China, India), and through hiring immigrants, since you have to pay them less. Who benefits here? Very poor people (although...
  49. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Nada! is very good. I like all their early, post-punk stuff. Other good post-punk bands: Soviet Soviet (already posted here), Motorama (they came to Buenos Aires early this year; I was there. I got to talk to them when they came out, because there were so few people). Also...
  50. Redfire

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    I'm not making excuses, I'm just saying.
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