What a fascinating read, and I deeply regret not reading it sooner. I'm actually doubting my own labelling of myself as an INTP, if only because I came to the stark realization that I really haven't educated myself nearly enough on MBTI. In fact after reading several descriptions of Ne and Ni...
It helped me greatly a few years ago when I was undergoing an 'identity crisis' of sorts in the crushing and sudden realization that I really didn't know what I wanted in life or who I was, and viewed myself as damaged merchandise and an outsider, to put it briefly and simply. Of course I don't...
Typical summer day about now.
1. Wake up at 6:00 AM
2. Go back to sleep.
3. Wake up at 9:00 AM
4. Try to get up but end up falling back asleep.
5. Wake up at 11:00 AM
6. Actually get up this time.
7. Coffee, food.
8. If [(# of days from last shower) > 2], consider showering.
9. Turn...
If MBTI is hereditary, then I'm the albino dwarf among "normal" people. :phear: Or maybe THEY'RE all the albino dwarves...
Mother - ISFJ
Father - ESTJ
Maternal grandmother - ESFJ
Maternal grandfather - ISTJ
Paternal grandmother - ESFJ
Paternal grandfather - ESTJ
Uncle #1 (father's...
I realize I only speak for myself, but I think most INTPs are either too cynical or just don't care enough to really want to change the world; it would certainly be an...exhausting task. That said, it's not as if I don't ever have at least a small desire to do so, it's just that I lack the drive...
Personality types such as ESFJ or INTP are nothing more than labels - a generalization that can't hope to accomodate all of the differences between human beings, but nonetheless can provide a sort of unity among individuals who fall under that label (such as on this forum). For example, two of...
I loathe to draw stark generalizations even between people who fall under such a label as "INTP" because no two people are exactly alike, but judging from many people's posts as well as various internet personality profiles and my own unique personality, I believe it's safe to say that the...
I've never attempted suicide though when I get very depressed I become preoccupied with death. I think about how I'd commit suicide if I eventually wanted to and what effects it would bring. It is immensely morbid that coming up with different ways for me to off myself from start to finish is...
I spend most of my time trying to think of ways to escape from or compromise with whatever is stressing me. During that time I'm pretty much totally avoidant of people and have no interest in interacting with others beyond the most basic and brief of conversations. To say I'd be irritable and...
I wouldn't say that I'm good or bad at math...it's just by no means my strongest subject. Geometry is the bane of my existence, however. I'm seemingly incapable of doing anything much more complicated than trigonometry. I work better with the (albeit somewhat restricted, obviously) abstractness...
Took me one try, and everything went smoothly...even the parallel park, which I can safely say, a year and a half later, I am now incapable of doing without causing thousands of dollars in damages.
...seriously, to hell with parallel parking.
I procrastinate because I work more efficiently and sometimes more creatively under the pressure, though this isn't always necessarily the case. Some of my best and worst work was done at the last second. It's gotten to the point where I find it extremely difficult to will myself to get most...
I won't be in college for a few months yet, but I'm planning on being a Chemistry major with a minor or perhaps a double major in German. My ultimate goal is to attain a Ph.D, but I'm not exactly banking on such a thing even being viable in the future any time soon; things happen, after all.
It's from a Rammstein song titled "Haifisch". That verse itself was adapted from a verse in "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer" (Mack the Knife) from Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera).
We had mandatory "dance" lessons in Elementary School PE. Positively awful for the super shy and unpopular kid that I was, surrounded by others in a school perplexingly filled to bursting with soon-to-be "jock" assholes. Gymnastics was also terrible, and that was mandatory every year from 1st to...
I think its somewhere around a 2.8 overall (Senior year in HS), which appears to be on the lower end among an admittedly miniscule sample of fellow INTPs. Probably the biggest contributing factor is just my lack of interest in general. I hope university will work out better for me.
I personally do think he best fits the INTP type, but Shelley gave him the J "follow through", as you described, so that the plot can progress, and so readers don't lose their patience while reading the novel.
Let's face it: true INTPs make much better supporting characters than main...
I can remember back to about 4 years old, though I do have one very fleeting and vague memory of earlier times, I can only guess that I was around 2 or 3. I was sitting in front of various relatives, seated in either black or brown folding chairs, with a toy tape cassette player/recorder...
Only child for 15 years
Premature birth by 9 weeks - ceasarian section
Right handed
Parents: divorced (Six years old, I even remember the day in great detail)
Height: 6ft/183cm
Weight: ~230 lbs/104 kg (By no means obese, also have quite a bit of muscle; played American football for 5...
1. Inferior Extraverted Feeling. Enough said.
2. My tendency towards pretty extreme procrastination.
3. Lack of situational awareness.
4. My wasting of my potential.
5. My constant self-doubt.
6. My borderline-irrational fear of failure/the worst.
7. My inability to finish things or...
My intellect doesn't compensate for my emotions, rather it tries to repress them (around other people, anyways) as to not let them embarass myself. I recall several different INTP profiles describing an "outburst of childish and excessive emotion" when we become very emotionally overwhelmed...
Thank you for your responses.
I'll admit that when I posted this I was suffering from pretty severe lack of sleep, which usually amplifies by several times any stress/depression I may be experiencing at the time. After a nice sleep and some reevaluating and rethinking, my situation isn't...
In the past few months following the start of my senior year of high school, my attitude towards school and performing well in class has turned for the worse. Don't get me wrong, I've been suffering from "senioritis" and a poor work ethic for well over half of my school career, though I somehow...
20/20. The eyes were the biggest giveaway to me, second maybe to the duration of the smile combined with head movement; a longer smile accompanied with swaying or bobbing of the head and squinting of the eyes was real while a brief smile with minimal head or eye movement was fake. I definitely...
Why didn't I see this thread earlier? :eek: Is it bad that I had fun coming up with these?
Industrial Baby Blender
Sodomized Satanic Sacrifice
Corpse Shed
Garage Full of Bodies
Occular Explosion
Orgasmic Dismemberment
Cranial Bandsaw
I'm dealing with this right now. I had about 4 days worth of free time last week to start on a rather large mountain of homework and late work. It's now monday and I've barely done anything about it.
When I'm in a working mood I can get a LOT done. It's just that getting me in that mood is...
I used to watch tons of anime when I was a little kid, especially Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, and Dragon Ball Z. I watched DBZ religiously every day after school for a good 3 years until I just stopped watching anime altogether, for some reason. I just lost interest in the genre as a whole...
I've got 20/20 vision, as affirmed by my second visit to the eye doctor in my life a couple of months ago. :p
Considering the amount of time my eyes spend glued to a computer screen I'm delighted and pretty surprised.
I've always liked algebra and I've been way better at it than geometry, which I hate with a burning passion. :mad: It's as if there's some sort of mental block that keeps me from understanding the finer concepts of geometry while algebra just sort of comes naturally to me.
Vast majority of the time I've gotten INTP. A few times I got INFP and once I got INTJ.
You should always take such results with a grain of salt. The best way for determining your type is to read the descriptions and see how well they match yourself.
I was the "perfect one": straight A's, teacher's pet, know-it-all, never got in trouble...but with little social skills and maybe two friends, one of which was rather domineering to my non-confrontational demeanor. Add being overweight to the mix and you've got a recipe for endless torment which...
I don't think I could have described myself much better. The number one things I miss from having a relationship were just the simple things: holding hands, a well-timed embrace...Few things could improve my mood more.
Mildly amusing but, as said before, unimaginative and whiny as hell. If you want to see atheistic/scientific videos with real substance, I suggest looking at Thunderf00t's channel.
I actually taught myself how to type when I was very young. I'm not sure how to decribe it. I basically use my middle, index, and ring fingers almost exclusively and sort of dart around the keyboard, knowing where everything is. I've become so accustomed to it that when I was forced to type...
My father is ESTJ and most of my family are SJs. There's nothing quite like growing up with someone who never understands you and insists on controlling you and criticizing your differences because of it. It was hell. The saving grace for my sanity was, sadly enough, the divorce of my parents...
I don't like being touched at all, even by family members. Handshakes are just fine, but nearly anything else makes me feel really uncomfortable, especially if I don't know you. That's the absolute worst.
I am similar to the OP though in that I definitely enjoyed touching and being touched by...
I step into a leadership position if I have to (read: everyone else in the group is too stupid or generally too unknowledgable to adequately perform the task). If I'm the leader of a group project, what generally occurs is I take 80% of the work load because I don't trust the other members to do...
I usually enjoy or find myself enjoying new experiences, such as going to new places or trying new activities or foods, but ultimately prefer to be around people that I know well for a sense of 'social safety', for lack of better words.
1. Hating living in "an SJ world".
2. Procrastinating too much for my own good and not really willing or able to do much about it.
3. Not being able to socialize nearly as well as others, especially with romantic interests. (My super-social ENTP friend essentially told me to "grow a...
Most of my dreams, to my own frustration, I can't fully remember but I know that they're generally attributed to recent events in my life, and occassionally 'jump' from story to story with no cohesion.
The dreams that I do remember occur after waking up from a deep sleep from some external...
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