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Search results

  1. Fascist or Liberal? test

    2.2 Liberal airhead
  2. moral politics test

    SUBOTAI'S SCORE Your scored -2.5 on Moral Order and 1.5 on Moral Rules. The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Socialism Ideology: Social Democratism Party: No match. Presidents: Jimmy Carter 04' Election: John Kerry, David Cobb 08'...
  3. Mastering the Internet

    He reminds me of this guy...
  4. Character Analysis Test

  5. What should i do?

    I would like to do scientific research ( BioEng ) but i think i'd like being a doctor aswell. I have met a lot of doctors in my life ( i have diabetes ). And i quite like finding out what's wrong by analysing symptoms, test results, ... I prefer being a doctor but the social part of it and...
  6. What should i do?

    Actually it fits quite well. But intp fits me to :confused:
  7. How to memorize a speech.

    Dude, do you live in Belgium?
  8. What should i do?

    I have trouble choosing between studying to become a vet, a doctor ( probably endocrinology ) and bio-engineering. Any suggestions? Pro's and con's?
  9. It is me: FacetiousPersona. A message to the community.

    What's actually the purpose of this thread? Mister 'genius' is already back posting in threads other than this one, either do something or stop arguing there are way to much opinions here. The moderator is a fucking dictator so let him choose and don't whine about it afterwards.
  10. Seme/Uke Quiz!!!

  11. Cultural idiosyncrasy

    In dutch " een mandarijn "
  12. The three most interesting cities in Europe

    Heretics! Find salvation in belgian beer! Or you will burn in hell for all of eternity! :twisteddevil:
  13. The three most interesting cities in Europe

    Bruges? ( rather small compared to the others i guess ) I wouldn't go to venice because a friend mine went on a holiday there and he said the city smells afwull because everyone dumps their waste in the canals.
  14. Mass Effect 2

    Im playing it and it's EPIC !
  15. Who's your favourite person on the forum?

    I like the discussions not the people.
  16. Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Finally it's over
  17. Test Your Inner Calvinist

    Flash, i curse you from the depts of my heart Why does everything need to be in flash godverdomme! I Will answer this if i use my computer. Damn flash!
  18. Latent Superpower Test

    Explosive You're powers are 78% Mental, 39% Emotional, and 33% Physical!
  19. Glass half full or half empty?

  20. Your Metaphors

    An encrypted encyclopia
  21. Are You a Nerd, a Geek, or a Dork?

    tri-lamb material
  22. Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology Quiz

  23. Demonoid is back!

  24. Languages you know/are interested in

    We learned only to translate it to dutch. If you can learn the vocabulary good i suppose it's pretty easy.
  25. Languages you know/are interested in

    How did you study Japanese?
  26. Languages you know/are interested in

    German, dutch and french are the official languages of belgium so we learn them at school.
  27. Languages you know/are interested in

    I'm just curious about how many languages you know. My native language is dutch, the languages i know best besides my native language are english and french. I can understand german and i know a bit of the grammar and lastly i had latin for two years. At the moment i'm interested in...
  28. Fable 3

    I'm actually searching for a rpg for osx (not intel) or xbox(360) where there are no obvious evil or good choises. It's a bit annoying in ME that you have three choices in a conersation: a paragon one, a renegade one and a neutral answer. It's like you only have 3 ways to play the game.
  29. Fable 3

    If you want to be good. I enjoy games like fable/kotor/mass effect more when i play evil. My brother says i'm immoral for doing so and that i will become a danger to society. I always reply he's the danger by taking games so seriously.
  30. Fable 3

    You have a good point but for the sake of being able to do something fun after the end it's better to choose love/sacrifise I just couldn't play on without my dog, the game seemed kind of empty without him.
  31. iPhone games / apps

    I'm. Very impressed actually.
  32. Warning: spooky thread.

    What mental illness causes that kind of stuff? I really doubt putting her in a mental institution is doing any good.
  33. iPhone games / apps

    Lol congratulations:rolleyes:
  34. Warning: spooky thread.

    It seems to me she just didn't get enough attention/ is an attention whore Subtotal
  35. I'm Cocoa Heyday

  36. iPhone games / apps

    I'll post a review tomorrow or something i'll ask a friend of mine to download it. Anyways... Good luck with the game! ;) Did you help design the game?
  37. iPhone games / apps

    i'll check it out EDIT: I Can't download it atm i don't have the 3.0 os
  38. iPhone games / apps

    What is it about?
  39. Fable 3

    I think you are supposed to be the son/daughter of your hero in Fable II when you play Fable III It would be ... weird. Not that being a dog/human hybrid will stop me from murdering every single human being in the game. :evil: (not the bunnies doh they're to cute)
  40. Why did you pick your name?

    Your name makes me think of a toilet... (latrine means toilet in dutch)
  41. Best NES Game of All Time

    You mean this ? ...:phear:
  42. ScummVM 1.0 Released

    I'm not really a point and click fan. I find 90% of them extremely boring so i only play them once a month or so.
  43. Fable 3

    I only played fable II so i can't compare it really.
  44. Headlines That Make You Chuckle

    It seems my elite army to take over eastern europe has started getting out of control... But my plans for world domination will succeed !:borg0:
  45. I have a game you will not stop playing..ever.

    Can i join?
  46. Xbox Live?

    Hoe long ago did you register the account?
  47. Fable 3

    Anybody else exited about Fable 3 ? I loved the previous ones and i'm sure this one will be as good as the rest. (does anybody know if the game supports natal ? )
  48. Xbox Live?

    I'm subotai10 ( pretty obvious )
  49. Hi

    Both :eek: You knew them all from memory? The only scenario's i can remember from the conquerer campain's are lepanto and the battle of hastings
  50. Hi

    Your pathetic attempts at stopping me from unleashing my genius won't succeed as my iPod doesn't animate gifs. ( sorry for double posting )
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