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  1. Latent

    Thinking Females Exude Special Trait

    Wow. Very good point. We can only assume that the people taking the MBTI tests know themselves well enough to answer the questions for an accurate result. Lobstritch, I'm no authority obviously, but the post on 8th-March-2011 12:44 PM where you attack Adymus based on a irrelevant personal...
  2. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    INTP-INTP Identity
  3. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    I have once and conversation dies quickly. INFP & INTP is to ENFJ & ENTJ as far as I've seen. My conversations with ENTJs have the same sparse dynamic; we battle for the leadership. The INFPs and INTPs too find themselves taking turns to talk about what their topic. Sure, that can happen...
  4. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Okay but those are first function Intuitives, why would they settle for a second function intuitive like an INTP when they would be more stimuated by a INTJ or a ENTP? Why don't the first function extroverted intuitives are flightly in my experience and like to jump around and not stay on one...
  5. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    An early side note: In a relationship, would you do this theorizing to purposely think them into submission? -Probably not, but I understand INTPs love to deduce hypotheses from their abstract observations - what a coincidence that ENFJs love to use inductive reasoning to form hypotheses from...
  6. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    I hope so. I just took an online type test www.personalitymax.com ($37 ugh) but the report said that 58% of thinkers are male. 12% of the population are NTs, 9% of the population are NT males. 62% of NFs in the population are female. 1.5% are INTPs. I can produce this document to you if...
  7. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    How can anyone ever really know any results are accurate? Hopefully I'll find more than one survey.
  8. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Fine. I am going to find a study/survey and prove it:p
  9. Latent

    MBTI and functions.

    I was just about to reply "Totally dumb - I know." when this occurred to me: Judging and perceiving are, in their inventors mind, is something that is extroverted. This got cooler still: I'm an ENFJ. Fe Ni Se Ti. I judge abstract things externally, and judge sensible things internally...
  10. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Oops didn't get the question. Doh.
  11. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Uh huh. That link you inserted is definitely not me. That was an idiotic sensible person who doen't like keeping the topic abstract. I encourage and nurture ideas much like a catalyst - not just a supporter who hands them a water bottle as the run by. ESFJs, you might imagine, are not, by...
  12. Latent

    Thinking Females Exude Special Trait

    Males with dominant or axillary Feeling as well as Females with dominant or axillary Thinking have a similar predicament. In a world that is dominated by thinking males and feeling females, gender roles and social norms take a toll on F-Men and T-Women. Growing up, I thought I was supposed...
  13. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Ask is Analytical Tell is Driver Control is Amiable Expressive is Emote How does the categorization work?
  14. Latent

    How Ni is a past oriented function

    Thanks. That makes complete sense. Some people don't like climbing down from their tower to explain things to the peasants.
  15. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Really? My two of my most favorite people are INTPs and we get along fantastically. I don't see why they couldn't. I love hearing their very well constructed hypotheses to everyday observances and expanding on them with them. One of the INTPs weaknesses is getting their ideas off the ground...
  16. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

  17. Latent

    How Ni is a past oriented function

    Right here http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Jung/types.htm :eek: Jung is obviously not writing so that the layman can understand. Also there is no mention of how his ideas relate to the adopted four letter abbreviations, e.g. ESTJ, INFP etc., which is the comparison I was trying to clarify in...
  18. Latent

    How Ni is a past oriented function

    I'm new to Jung's ideas of it. I know he's the grandfather temperament theory. I've been learning about it for 11 years now from Keirsy and Tieger. I'm mostly into applied temperament theory but I want to expand. Yes I know, I can't believe I never sought after Jung's work. I got it. Guilty.
  19. Latent

    How Ni is a past oriented function

    Don't listen to them. It's typical INTP snark.
  20. Latent

    How Ni is a past oriented function

    Just to clarify abbreviations, Ni (meaning Introverted Intuition). Ni temperaments would be the INTJ and INFJ correct? If so, why do both of these types have Js in them while they are catagorized above under "Perceiving Types." The same could be said for the Si. What am I missing here?
  21. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    I see. Were u in a hurry when you wrote this? Expand on this more for me. What isn't crap?
  22. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Re: Dating By Temperament You couldn't be more right. I didn't add all the other components to my idea because it would have taken a while but I should have typed in an escape clause at the bottom saying, "But there's more to this - Stay Tuned". I covered more of the idea above in later...
  23. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    U have a different method I presume or do you just think the best thing to do is "wing it"?
  24. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Temperament matters a lot if you know yourself very well. If you understand yourself a great deal then you'll know what you want quite clearly. Furthermore, I believe that if one has correctly identified their own temperament and their "opposite" type's general profile does not sound generally...
  25. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Are they rare? I read somewhere that INTP's are rare and I know that women with a dominant T over F is rare so a female INTP has got to be a diamond in the rough. I've known of only two female INTPs I think. Yes, I believe that each type as a specific type for them but not every ENFJ & INTP...
  26. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    How do you know that? I'm going to argue that and here's my reasoning. I think we can agree that there are more males that have a T than an F in their temperament and vice versa.
  27. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    Ha, hell no I'm serious. I think eHarmony and Match.com do not use tools that are as indicative as temperament can be.
  28. Latent

    How Ni is a past oriented function

    I wish to ask if you have ever heard of this hypothesis before: References: Do What You Are by Paul D. Tieger http://www.personalitytype.com/ Each type has four functions> Thinking/Feeling Intuition/Sensing Each type has an order of the four functions>...
  29. Latent

    Dating my Temperament

    I'm a strong believer that dating by temperament is really the way to go. I'm of the Kiersian camp of matching temperaments like he does: Switching all letters except the 2nd letter e.g. ESTJs with ISFP's and ENFJs with INTPs. Being that INTPs and ENFJs are quite rare (especially female INTPs...
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