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Search results

  1. Anchorite

    What are your goals?

    - Master the English language - Become fluent in an other language (Not Spanish, it bores me) - Get a job I enjoy - Find a girl I don't get sick of before I even begin to date - Live to at least 100 - Visit Rome - Visit Tokyo - Keep my current set of friends - and gain new ones - Remain skeptical
  2. Anchorite

    What is/was your college major?

    I'm going in to political science.
  3. Anchorite

    How to survive as a guy

    -16.) Always have a drawer full of condoms to show your friends, but never allow them to ask why none ever get opened. ∞.) Don't be afraid to smack a bitch, just don't hurt your hand to the point that you can't jerk off over your condom drawer.
  4. Anchorite


    Hello lovelies. I was on "TED Talks" watching this video and about midway through was reminded of this place. It's fairly obvious that most of the people on this forum are generally terrified of making themselves vulnerable. Whether it be in relation to big time commitment or general small talk...
  5. Anchorite

    Messenger Software

    I used to use AIM a lot, but since everybody apparently switched their messaging over to Face-book I just don't use anything at all.
  6. Anchorite

    What kind of soul are you?

    You Are a Visionary Soul You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very in touch with your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark...
  7. Anchorite

    Learning styles test

    Reflective....7 Intuitive......9 Visual..........9 Global.........7
  8. Anchorite

    Old Games

    It's in it's healthiest state because it is vastly more popular than ever. Games are used to tell complex stories and are generally more engaging than before. If you don't like that's fine, but the fact of the matter is that video games are a huge market and technology allows more unique designs...
  9. Anchorite

    What are you all reading?

    ^ YouTube - Self-Help Books - George Carlin I don't think you ought to be killed though. . .
  10. Anchorite

    Doing terribly in High School.

    He said he's doing decently so it seems to me like he can deal with it. And why does everybody shit all over burger flippers? We need those people, it's a perfectly respectable job. The only reason stupid nonsense in areas of public education and government aren't changed is because the...
  11. Anchorite

    Are you happy

    I guess I'll be the downer here and just say, No, I'm really not happy. I'm neurotic and I have depression. I'm surrounded by people that make me uncomfortable and I get migraines. My future looks increasingly bleak and no amount of effort I ever put in seems to be able to break me out the cycle...
  12. Anchorite

    Watchmen personality test

    The Silk Spectre You scored 50% Moral Imperatives and 58% Attitude!
  13. Anchorite

    Sleeping Trends

    Why do people here seem to think it is so common for houses to burn down in the night? Do you all commit sleep-arson or something?
  14. Anchorite


    I had a facebook account for about a week and a half before I deleted it because it was useless. The few people I actually want to talk to I can call or text at any time.
  15. Anchorite


    I'd say I'm average to slightly above average. I'm short, 5'4. And skinny, 110 lbs. I have medium length brown hair which apparently is messy, and I'm typically clean shaven. I have soft features and I'll be 18 in roughly 2 months. I wouldn't mind putting a picture up for some brutal honesty...
  16. Anchorite

    Doing terribly in High School.

    ^In all fairness he didn't create the schools schedule, He didn't design the physical needs of the teenage body, and he didn't initiate the flawed teaching style that is prevalent throughout public schools in this country and many others. And those other students that have to wake up at 5:30 in...
  17. Anchorite


    I have a $10 Nokia. It does calls, texts, and takes horrible, grainy pictures. It's good enough for now but I would sure love to have the internet with me at school most of the time. I honestly don't even use it very much.
  18. Anchorite

    Old Games

    A lot of great games came out in the 80s (Super Mario Bros., Zelda, Metroid) and the 90s (Super Mario World, Ocarina of Time, Doom) but the video game industry of today is in just about the healthiest state it's ever been in and that has been good over all. My one complaint is that I think the...
  19. Anchorite

    Draw a Pig!

    Mine sucks compared to the other 2, but it took about a minute.
  20. Anchorite

    What's your OS?

    I'm still using the XP I got 3.5 years ago, but I'll be getting a mac book pro come Summer.
  21. Anchorite

    Draw a Pig!

    ^Nah, its there man, just really small. Which would be accurate according to this test. :p
  22. Anchorite

    Draw a Pig!

    I must have done that test on 6 different occasions now. I still like it though.
  23. Anchorite

    Sublime Philosophical Crap

    N-A-R You scored 78% Non-Reductionism, 67% Epistemological Absolutism, and 44% Moral Objectiveness! Damn that guy likes to write.
  24. Anchorite

    What motivates an INTP/You to succeed?

    What else is there to do? You can either put forth effort to "succeed" in your interests or you can put that effort towards things you aren't interested in. If you put effort towards nothing than you're either in a depressive state or a genuinely and thoroughly miserable human being. To not put...
  25. Anchorite

    Last movie you watched

    Harry Potter 7. It was better than I expected. Definitely more my taste than the previous films. It went by very quickly and I didn't get bored, so that's all good and sexy.
  26. Anchorite

    Fantasy RPG Class Test

    No, I suppose that makes sense. It's just the word introspective covers a lot of area in itself while observant is pretty self-explanatory at all times. It's probably for that reason that I chose observant.
  27. Anchorite

    Positive you!

    -I'm artistic -I seek the truth consistently and therefore have a better understanding of it than those I'm surrounded by. (I think) -I'm open to things and people that are different from me and I'm willing to embrace them most often. -I think I'm a fundamentally decent person who values others...
  28. Anchorite

    What are you all reading?

    Right now I'm reading "This I believe" for school. It's a collection of short (2 page) essays by various people about (of all things) what they believe. It's okay, except it isn't just famous/interesting people. Most of the book is by ordinary people, the problem with that being that ordinary...
  29. Anchorite

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    The Beatles being my favorite band, I listen to that song roughly once a day. YouTube - The Morning Benders - Hand Me Downs
  30. Anchorite

    Fantasy RPG Class Test

    The Necromancer 20% Strength, 20% Bloodlust, 20% Intelligence, 48% Spirit, 8% Vitality and 40% Agility! Because of their ability to raise and revive the dead, the...
  31. Anchorite

    Your Dream City

    Well, having lived my entire life in the area and experiencing so much of the city (yet still so little) I'm completely in love with Chicago, and while I love the idea of traveling the world, this is almost certainly home-base for life. That being said, I've been fascinated with Tokyo for a good...
  32. Anchorite

    http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/17500/Giant-Dolphin-17654.jpg This was my last avatar.

    http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/17500/Giant-Dolphin-17654.jpg This was my last avatar.
  33. Anchorite

    walk and think

    I pace around my house whenever I'm thinking hard about something. This is almost always followed by my mom asking my "Whats wrong?" or yelling at me to stop. I think walking helps most people concentrate and if not that I'm sure everyone at least some sort of activity that helps them along with it.
  34. Anchorite

    What Is Your Preferred Gaming System?

    As horrible as it sounds I'll go ahead an say Wii. Not that I tend to play Wii games, but it basically operates as my NES and SNES system which makes up maybe 3/5 of my favorite games. Other than that I say Xbox 360. 360 might be number one if it had decent backwards compatibility.
  35. Anchorite

    What Do You Wear?

    Plaid. Lots and lots of plaid. I pretty much only wear blue jeans with plaid dress shirts.
  36. Anchorite


    I'm not unobservant by any means. But I do zone out and daydream all the time. I am absent minded to an extent though. Like when I put a cup on the table and 30 seconds later am searching up and down the counter for it ripping my hair out. Or when I accidentally Put the cereal in the fridge and...
  37. Anchorite

    What Sub-type Do You Tend To Interact The Best With?

    When I interact well with someone it is usually based on humor, which happens to be ridiculous and absurd. NT is definitely out. Based on my friends, I'm thinking it would be ST.
  38. Anchorite

    Sleeping Trends

    I sleep with whatever clothes I wore that day, usually. From about 12:30 - 6:00 AM
  39. Anchorite

    Oh thanks. the two avatars I've had seem to draw a lot of attention. Someone else was asking...

    Oh thanks. the two avatars I've had seem to draw a lot of attention. Someone else was asking about it a few days ago and I showed them this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flammarion_woodcut in case you're at all interested.
  40. Anchorite


    Through the same reasoning that all of use who have Pness are so bad at getting laid.
  41. Anchorite


    ^What would you say the Biblical God is though?
  42. Anchorite


    Well. He seeks attention, and demands to be worshiped. Is all knowing. Quite bossy. And if you don't do what he wants he punishes you, so I guess he is quite sensitive. I would say ENFJ. But then again, I have no idea what I am talking about. By the way, what type did it say Jesus was?
  43. Anchorite

    INTP's: Left or Right brained?

    39/61 I didn't think I would be that right-brained
  44. Anchorite

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Good Morning Good Morning - The Beatles Cross Eyed (Acoustic) - The Morning Benders ^Quite possibly my favorite currently together band.
  45. Anchorite

    <3 The World/Inferno Friendship Society.

    <3 The World/Inferno Friendship Society.
  46. Anchorite

    Here you go. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flammarion_woodcut.

    Here you go. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flammarion_woodcut.
  47. Anchorite

    Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch?

    Are you gunna be mad if I tell you that I accidentally killed a Pakistani on your couch while trying to get him to play tennis with me? The fuzz creates drag.
  48. Anchorite

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Bob Dylan
  49. Anchorite

    INTPs and Nature

  50. Anchorite

    INTPs and Nature

    Emerson was very well known in his time for a piece he wrote called "Nature." Ayounger man named Henry David Thorough completely loved it, agreed with it, and followed what it said. Using Emerson as somewhat of a guide he picked up and moved out to the woods near Walden Pond. He wrote a book on...
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