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Search results

  1. warryer

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    Why can't us smart people take the center stage? Maybe we aren't that smart after all.
  2. warryer

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    Eventually you'll learn the workings of socializing. If you believe you are the smartest person in the room then you are. Your reality is what you make it. You will of course fail at first but, you will learn what it is to be smooth. I am on my way to that road- almost but no cigar. Put yourself...
  3. warryer

    Hado's sleep experiment.

    I used to have that problem. I began to question why I stay up so late? I couldn't come up with a real answer. There was no reason. It felt like if I went to bed early I was missing out on something - probably a remnant from my childhood? The thing that helped me most was having...
  4. warryer

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

  5. warryer

    Good Movies

    Requiem for a Dream is a depressing story but, is definitely well done. If you're in the mood for an action movie check out Heat- there is a bad ass gun fight that is too good to miss. Plus the story is decent. Dumb and Dumber is another good movie. Slippy, slappy, swammy, swanson ... ah...
  6. warryer

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YouTube - Freestylers - Cracks (Flux Pavilion Remix) HQ
  7. warryer


    I'm going on 1 year of freedom. I picked up running when I quit- gave me somewhere to de-stress myself. I remember how much less toxic my body felt after a good two months in. People who have quit will know what I'm talking about. You will feel so much better after you go through craving hell...
  8. warryer

    What do you do when you are lonely?

    Nothing picks up my spirits like the unstoppable feeling I get after a good run. I also like to get creative and consume myself with solving some kind of problem- usually related to machinery because I LOVE that kind of stuff. Its a good chance to surf around the internet and learn something...
  9. warryer

    guinness is delicious, good choice!

    guinness is delicious, good choice!
  10. warryer

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    I love this show! Wild card bitches yeehaw!
  11. warryer

    k just got everything situated here. I work as a field test engineer so I'm going to be doing...

    k just got everything situated here. I work as a field test engineer so I'm going to be doing lots of traveling which I'm excited about. I will try to put some kind of response together tomorrow.
  12. warryer

    I will respond... at some point. Currently, I am in the middle of moving and starting a new job...

    I will respond... at some point. Currently, I am in the middle of moving and starting a new job so it's a bit hectic over here. Once I get settled in and get an internet hook up at my new place I will spend time on the response.
  13. warryer

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

    I get what you're saying systems. (And don't worry no offense taken. I don’t check the forums daily.) There is no denying that energy is at the heart of everything- to say otherwise is stupid. We cannot obtain energy without some kind of device to capture/convert it into something usable. So...
  14. warryer

    Social folkways, etiquette, and nonconformity

    I can understand please. It is an acknowledgement of humanity. Take out the trash. Carries with it the connotation of being a command to somebody of less status. You don't have to be all prim and proper with somebody "below" you. The addition of please makes me much more willing because it...
  15. warryer

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

    Problem: Finite resources. Causes wealth based class system, unequal distribution of wealth, unequal access to opportunity based on where one is born. Solution: Nearly infinite resources. One solution I had was that we should be developing technology to be extracting resources from rocks...
  16. warryer

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: Grama nazi?. One thing I always hated was when the class know-it-all shoots their hand up with nothing meaningful to contribute other than to correct some minor (and I do mean minor) error. "Thank you Johnny Jackass for noticing a mistake nobody cares about." When you go around...
  17. warryer

    How to get an insecure INTP to shut the fuck up????

    By hearing them out. :rolleyes:
  18. warryer

    very interesting

    INFJ - 78% INTJ - 77% INFP - 76% INTP - 74% At least I know I'm an INXX :smiley_emoticons_mr
  19. warryer

    your ideal

    I want to know infinity. I don't think I would be content with any imposed limits.
  20. warryer

    Every woman is now a lesbian.

    "Tee hee I got drunk at a party and made out with my best friend once, now I'm a lesbian tee hee." I imagine that thats what the thought process is.
  21. warryer

    An approximate number sense test

    You had a score of 78% correct on this test. Based on the results we have so far, the average person who takes this test scores 76% correct. Your percentile score on this test was 60, meaning you scored higher than 60% of people who took this test It took you an average of 0.43 seconds...
  22. warryer

    Delusions of Reference

    I can remember one time I experienced a delusion or maybe it was reality - that's the thing about this. It can't be distinguished and there's doubt, that it actually happened or if it was a product of the mind, surrounding it. Anyways here's the story: This and other experiences along with...
  23. warryer

    Last movie you watched

    I just watched Limitless. I liked it because the main character uses the power of his brain to make all these insane intuitive leaps and connections. Easily one of my new favorites. Also it glorifies using the power of one's mind versus the typical one-man-army-bring-the-fight-to-'em heroes...
  24. warryer

    Expanding Earth theory! (WOW!)

    A known fact? Can you show me a source? Id love to know where you got this from. reminds me of: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThm2kVRC_ujFIMU_d_e3y19wRwcazCbivh-2zOjnY7Cg9OgZHB
  25. warryer

    Story/Joke telling abilites [Or lack thereof]

    oh god the tangents. yea i don't tell stories I tell tangents. So many that your head will spin. Don't you just love the confused look on the person's face when they are trying to follow your intuitive jumps? "sigh.... ok let me take a step back and break it down step by step for you...
  26. warryer

    Body Language

    Consciously only sometimes. It's quite draining to do 24/7 so, I conserve my energy and escape off into beautiful oblivion. I think what I hate the most is how self conscious it makes me feel - this is more draining (emotionally) than the actual information processing. @DT you can read about...
  27. warryer

    When you think it can't get any worse...

    Pure disgust. Utter hopeless toxic filthy disgust.
  28. warryer

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    PLEASE! do yourself a favor and listen to this band. I would compare them to Tool... and Tool in my book is one of the few great gladiators in the coliseum of music. They are so good that I have to spread the word.
  29. warryer

    Teacher criticized me for being too philosophical.

    Why put the effort into making something more difficult than it has to be? It could be so much less painful. Leave flowery language to where it is warranted (poetry and art).
  30. warryer

    Heat/radiation types

    There are three types of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. In vacuums the only way to transfer heat/energy is by radiation. Conduction and convection both require some type of medium. The way I think about radiation is on the moon, the surface lit up by the sun is very hot but...
  31. warryer

    Insulting Intelligence

    It's about power games. There is a line between actually insulting a person's intelligence and people just itching for something to be insulted about. The key indicator is people, who are looking to be insulted, grab for more than is rightfully deserved. Also, there is a line in which you...
  32. warryer

    Perils of Shaving

    I guess if you haven't flossed the meal before?
  33. warryer

    Stuff you're not sure you want to know

    I use mine to pull my car out of the snow when it gets stuck.
  34. warryer

    Not comfortable with the atmosphere of one's self?

    That's the ol' fear of the unknown for you. Caging up your true self where the cold world can't get in. For me it's rejection. It hits me hard when relationships come to an end. So I retreat into my nice little bubble where I can be in control. You just gotta stop lying to yourself. You...
  35. warryer

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YouTube - Psychotic Waltz - A Psychotic Waltz
  36. warryer

    Psychology of Death Metal

    I like this music because it feels more real to me than most anything popular. It's like eating candy (pop) when what I really want is a steak (metal). I get the impression that people only "like" certain bands or music because other people do... or that they "should." The music I listen to is...
  37. warryer

    Foot Thread

    I have a longer second toe and I think also the third its hard to tell. Another fun fact, my toes don't touch together. I don't have a camera now but, ill see if i can find when tomorrow.
  38. warryer

    Expanding Earth theory! (WOW!)

    Earth would have to be heating up and/or spinning really fast to expand. Really fast meaning: fast enough that mass on Earth would have a tendency to move out (due to centrifugal force) from the surface rather than inwards due to gravity. From various sources: Current Land Surface area =...
  39. warryer


    Doing those chess puzzles on gameknot has helped me immensely. I just smashed an opponent who was some 200+ rating above me. It's really interesting because the puzzles are teaching me to think of ways in which I can accomplish 2 or sometimes 3 things with a single move; like, forking with a...
  40. warryer

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Hey guys I heard jenkem was pretty cool. Anybody ever tried the shit? :D ....I crack myself up sometimes.
  41. warryer

    Properly Ignoring Females

    :phear: It is good because the words of two minds carries a far greater weight than one alone. :)
  42. warryer

    'What's your Archetype?' Test

    Magician Magicians create new realities, transform old ones, serve as catalysts for change, and "name" and thereby create reality. At worst, their efforts can be "evil sorcery." At best, they discover empowering, win/win solutions.
  43. warryer

    Properly Ignoring Females

    Instead of trying to learn these tricks, why not spend effort into learning how to socialize? I know its dark unknown territory but, this will better serve you than stuff like "properly ignoring a female." Learning how to socialize gives you the ability to understand what's happening and an...
  44. warryer


    Kantor, you will see the light one day. I see myself as the best also so, I challenge you to a written contest in which we list 10 reasons why I ,warryer, am the best. Whoever has the best reasons wins. :smoker:
  45. warryer

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    As the only voter for deliriants, I feel it is my duty to say: do NOT ever try them. You cannot tell what is real or not; unlike hallucinogens. It's not fun and you feel like crap the next morning. You become a hollow zombie - and no zombies are not cool. Cocaine is dumb as Mellvar so...
  46. warryer

    You put your right leg in?

    The place is the US the religion is football.
  47. warryer

    Properly Ignoring Females

    You know who Indiana Jones is... that guy who digs around in the dirt searching for relics, escapes from nazis and always gets the girl? --- anyways, your OP sounds an awful lot like PUA. I looked into that stuff and realized it's a bunch of crap. You don't fake yourself to get a person to...
  48. warryer

    Problems with choosing 'Role Models'

    Really?.... really?? There's nobody in history who's actions impress you? I find that very hard to believe. I usually revere underdogs.
  49. warryer

    I enjoy making fake/phony people rage?

    I gave up on this kind of stuff because it takes so damn much effort. I'm an introvert dammit I only have a 30min charge for this kind of thing! I realized that doing that does three things to me: 1) Mentally, emotionally drains me 2) Accomplishes nothing 3) Makes me look like a jackass...
  50. warryer

    Comedy/Satire Music

    I enjoy a good dose of non-serious music every now and again. Post some songs and discuss the greatness of the Bloodhound Gang. Here's a couple to get things started:
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