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Search results

  1. BrainVessel

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    2/10 I was actually a little aroused before I saw that... Now I'm not. I think I might have just lost my sexuality forever. It was a spectacle, though.
  2. BrainVessel

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    4/10 A little too hardcore for me, but watching the crowd interaction was entertaining as hell. Now someone must rate this golden fuck knuckle:
  3. BrainVessel

    Let's get emotional

    Aye, me too. When reading, watching a show, or listening to music I fully insert myself into the mind of the major character I relate to the most. It's pretty overwhelming, but I need to do it because it's cathartic. This(empathy) rarely happens in the moment irl, I find I'm more concerned with...
  4. BrainVessel

    why is it hard finding info for INTP females?

    Most fingers and toes intact, at least 3/4 of conventional limbs present, no more than 8 cysts larger than the US quarter protruding from the body... and being alive is always a nice attribute, though I'm not considering that a requirement.
  5. BrainVessel

    You Have Become Dictator of the World

    Destroy religion, hateful, and indoctrinated thinking. End war via above. Use war money for science, education, and to relieve poverty. Bestow upon the entire world basically a Swedish government. I'd restore the health of the planet. Basically make the world one humanist scientists...
  6. BrainVessel

    INTP's, things you hate

    * I hate it when people laugh at un-funny or offensive jokes. * I hate it when people make non-eventful things into stressful events. * I hate religion(not religious people) and the things it leads people to do. * I hate human suffering. * I hate it when people pollute the planet for greed or...
  7. BrainVessel

    I want to donate my organs, but.....

    "I want to carefully chose whose lives I may save" seems pretty bigoted to me. Yes, it is your body and you have a right to do whatever you want to it, but if you die and chose not to save a life because of their history it makes your ethics no better than that of a criminal, theist, or...
  8. BrainVessel

    why is it hard finding info for INTP females?

    INTP female here. Hai, welcome to the forum. :3 Like bronto said, human females are generally equipped to be more sensitive than males and the emotional side of that sensitivity isn't congruent with the INTP stereotype. Henceforth, less INTPs with vaginas. :kodama1:
  9. BrainVessel

    Define "Reaching your potential"

    Potential could be anything on any spectrum. I'm assuming you mean positive success or something of that nature. I would hope that reaching one's potential would be impossible. It would be empowering to know of our own limitlessness.
  10. BrainVessel

    Would you be satisfied with a purely menial job?

    Depends on if it would provide adequate time and funding to pursue non-menial things.
  11. BrainVessel

    How to get over esteem

    I want to not care. And I try to not care. But if I think someone is a generally reasonable person then I'll usually immediately believe what they say and realize that what they said was wrong later. And of course there is comfort in this kind of trust but it's also irrational so I want to not...
  12. BrainVessel

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Sit alone in a dark room with headphones and just immerse yourself in this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h3lWwMHFhnA
  13. BrainVessel

    INTP stuff

    You should always be able to control yourself or find a way to, and if you really can't, apologize and carry on in the mindset to not lose control again. Are you trying to excuse sexism? What are you trying to say?
  14. BrainVessel

    INTP stuff

    Considering women are people(some people in this thread seem to fail to recognize this, so I thought I should remind), and all people are different, you can't just ask women what they think. They MIGHT have a more similar opinion to the women in question but it's doubtful that they will be able...
  15. BrainVessel

    INTP stuff

    I'm talking about assumptions, not statistics or direct observation. There is nothing wrong with statistics or direct observation, but assuming because of those is harmful. In what was have striving for equal rights and emancipation from prejudice done any harm? "Feminists" who don't...
  16. BrainVessel

    INTP stuff

    It is sexist to apply an assumed characteristic to even 99% of women. The base of the feminist movement is to free women from stereotypes and give them equal freedoms to men, and while striving for women's equality they have recognized that there are not only prejudices affecting them, but...
  17. BrainVessel

    INTP stuff

    exorcised? :D
  18. BrainVessel

    INTP stuff

    Thank you for spending a good amount of your short life to explain to us that women are inherently irrationally emotional and passionate beings that must be subjugated and thank you for asserting that women are weak and relative to men. No, really, I cannot thank you ENOUGH for dragging the...
  19. BrainVessel

    Activisty Zeal

    I'll need a while to internalize that but thank you. That made a lot of sense.
  20. BrainVessel

    I had that "aha" moment.

    Then what were you trying to get across? I was arguing that zero depth can be found in superficialities.
  21. BrainVessel

    Activisty Zeal

    *sets a beautiful cake with piped writing "Please explain me a thing, O' Architect" in thread*
  22. BrainVessel

    Activisty Zeal

    There are a lot of self-proclaimed activists out there who are in it to look opinionated. Those people are not activists, they're insecure. This produces poorly thought through opinions and stupid causes. I don't think we should shirk away from a title simply because it is misrepresented...
  23. BrainVessel

    Activisty Zeal

    I'm not an emotional person. I'm a stereotypical INTP in most areas. I don't even blink when someone's telling a proclaimed "tear-jerking" story and I'm hardly ever capable of empathy even when I try to force myself to feel it. But I'm a huge activist. I care about people. Maybe not their...
  24. BrainVessel

    I had that "aha" moment.

    If I were certain I were to live the rest of my life surrounded by unswayably superficial people and none other I would actually rather die. There would be no purpose or joy in that life for me. Superficial people are everything wrong with the world, it's the root of fear, greed, hate, mundane...
  25. BrainVessel

    I had that "aha" moment.

    I think you'd fit in fine here if you dropped the bigotry. You're creating good content, you just need to stop immaturely Fi-ing everywhere and your mind would be very welcome here. :o
  26. BrainVessel

    Do scary movies scare you?

    I like watching them with people but I can't do it alone nopenopenopeee unless I'm surrounded by people during the film and after for a week it's likely I'll have anxiety attacks because I can't ever completely separate myself from fiction and reality after I've experienced something immersive. O_O
  27. BrainVessel

    What is wrong with me?

    Yet you took the time to write that out.:confused: You could always create a new thread and explain to me why it was relevant if you'd like.
  28. BrainVessel

    What is wrong with me?

    Why? You're the only one taking offense. This is INTPf, we don't criticize out of contempt, we criticize because we're constantly seeking truth. I ask because I want you to explain where you're coming from.
  29. BrainVessel

    What is wrong with me?

    I understand the concept, logically inconsistent as it may be. I wanted you to explain why it was RELEVANT.
  30. BrainVessel

    What is wrong with me?

    Well. Um. I'll have you know that I hardly try at all because all the things I do I find a reason for myself to appreciate the productive outcome. When one finds satisfaction in all they do it is hardly trying, more like simply anticipating. Actually no part of holding on is letting go...
  31. BrainVessel

    What is wrong with me?

    Not what I said... A lot of people take "be yourself" broadly and use it as an excuse to do whatever they want instead of freeing oneself from their ego, this generates masses of self-serving douchebags so instead of throwing out a "just be yourself" I attempted to define what I believe the...
  32. BrainVessel

    What is wrong with me?

    Ideally when one asks for advice to improve their personality one wouldn't revert them to seek the approval of others. Introspect. Learn. Be genuinely compassionate. Always find your motivation intrinsically. And keep the douchebaggery to a maximum of 2/10.
  33. BrainVessel

    What is it like being a genious?

    Going to disregard the word genius from the beginning because of its subjectivity. I can of course never objectively say that I am the smartest person in the room because the smartitude spectrum is subjective and the people around me are almost certainly not displaying the full extent of their...
  34. BrainVessel

    What is your lifestyle?

    Nessa...... Doctor Dillamond........... Fiyero.... FiiiiYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOO
  35. BrainVessel

    Your life goals? Dreams?

    To have a very well paying career in the arts so I can always be doing something that makes me feel ok while being enabled to use my earnings from doing so to help people. But overall just being content so: independence, relative happiness, time for hobbies
  36. BrainVessel

    strong intuitive feelings about shifts in the worlds dichotomy

    Hypocrite much?
  37. BrainVessel

    strong intuitive feelings about shifts in the worlds dichotomy

    Aw you don't have to talk about yourself that way you just have to WANT to change.:)
  38. BrainVessel

    To cut or not to cut my hair?

    You are contributing nothing, causing conflict for the sake of conflict, and your avatar isn't fitting in with the aesthetics so I think you should be banned but I'm no scientist. :rolleyes: EDIT: I fully advocate Kuu's post by the way.
  39. BrainVessel

    the overly repetitive african names thread

    You're a tiny flake of gold in a sea of diamonds. :3 Stop intentionally causing conflict or go away, you eleventh toe.
  40. BrainVessel

    The Society of the Spectacle

    Huh? Well I assume you mean "What are you going on about, capitalist pig." Why, the sovereignty and truth of Carl Jung's words! Oh let me tell you, he is our deliverer and his word will ever live on! Accept him, Salm! <3
  41. BrainVessel


    You're a masterful work of art talk to you later. <3
  42. BrainVessel

    The Society of the Spectacle

    I saw you change your post by the way. :D Aw, and now I see what you've been trying to tell us, are you a puer Salm? It's okay, we accept you for who you are. <3
  43. BrainVessel


    I give up with you. You are the satsuma at the bottom of my Christmas stocking.
  44. BrainVessel

    The Society of the Spectacle

    Aye. but you on the other hand need to crack open that crusty old mind and let a little light in :3
  45. BrainVessel


    I recognize that Jung was a remarkable psychologist. Revolutionary. I also recognize that he's been dead for quite some time and there has been significant psychological advancements in that time and I'm just asking if you have any cold hard not outdated scientific evidence. That's all. But go...
  46. BrainVessel


    Salm, is there scientific evidence backing the article because it seems like a convention obsessed sexist male ISTP trying to explain to himself why any man would ever separate himself from convention. And very Freudy. I would describe the most troubled bronies I know as ENTP borderline aspie...
  47. BrainVessel


    Not very INTP of you to band together with culture and call out bronies for liking something perceived as feminine and assuming they can't be straight which, from what I've observed, is exactly what bronies are trying to point out as an incorrect assumption. I don't have a problem with people...
  48. BrainVessel

    What is your lifestyle?

    Of an average lethargic rebellious nerdworm.
  49. BrainVessel

    What'd your creative cycle like? (menstrual jokes welcome)

    Do you even have one or are you just an enigmatic golden cloud of unwavering creativity? Average time between highs and lows? What you find affects it most? I wanna know, bruh. EDIT: ignore the typo in the title or I will devour your firstborn.
  50. BrainVessel

    How do you deviate from your type?

    I have strong values and I'm quite the activist. But I don't know, that could be Ne.
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