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  1. Philovitist

    Philosophical questions from a young age.

    First philosophical idea od mine was solipsism. Didn't get over it completely until middle school.
  2. Philovitist

    One world?

    about as substantial as your assertion
  3. Philovitist

    One world?

  4. Philovitist

    INTPs you are stupid.

    It seems that the reverse trolling effort is going well. >_>
  5. Philovitist

    opinion poll : greatness vs happiness

    It's still hedonism, though. You're just choosing one source of pleasure over another. You aren't changing the approacn to life, you're just taking it to level two. Enlightened egoism is still egoism, etc.
  6. Philovitist

    INTPs you are stupid.

    Have you considered the possibility that your post is just poorly written?
  7. Philovitist

    One world?

    Really? Do you know how it's like in other countries? If it makes people happy, then how is it a waste? I dunno. How many? I'll bet you that it's much less violent per capita in the US than in European countries like the UK. if the goal's to unify people, then this is the idea, after...
  8. Philovitist

    INTPs you are stupid.

    This is better, and I'll take it seriously. However, it neither has anything to do with your IQ nor dyslexia. :/ I understand the semantics, dude, but the grand scheme, the argument you're making, makes no sense. It's pseudointellectual bullshit. You're misinterpreting my use of the word...
  9. Philovitist

    INTPs you are stupid.

    lol if you string random ideas together and call it a rebuttal, you might be a pseudointellectual.
  10. Philovitist

    Human Ethology

    Eh. The article writer could use a better grounding in psychology. >.> What it discusses is comparative psychology, not any ethology, which is specifically concerned with non-humans. And now I'm completely turned off. That is not how scientists identify instincts. The article doesn't even...
  11. Philovitist

    INTPs you are stupid.

    lol I can't interpret your post because it's full of pseudointellectual bullshit.
  12. Philovitist

    opinion poll : greatness vs happiness

    Does singleminded pursuit of greatness make you happy? Or does singleminded pursuit of happiness make you great? Pretty sure the latter happens more often than the former.
  13. Philovitist

    One world?

    Not like that in the US.
  14. Philovitist

    MBTI an Illusion?

    A lot of things people call wisdom turn out to be bullshit. That's what science is for. Differentiation.
  15. Philovitist

    Just Introduced To MBTI: Got INTP

    MBTI is bullshit. Run away while you can. Spend time doing something meaningful. Or take a real personality test instead.
  16. Philovitist

    MBTI an Illusion?

    No stock in science or academia..? Because you disagree with it? Seriously, you guys are like horoscope readers. It's mind-boggling how you dupe yourselves. I don't even know what to say. It's so disappointing.
  17. Philovitist

    MBTI an Illusion?

    oh wow... :( I've always thought INTPs had this commitment to rationality. I thought that's what made them, them.
  18. Philovitist

    One world?

    Sports. Or any other common interest, really. You're indicating one general principle of group formation, but there are many others.
  19. Philovitist


    It worked in middle school. >.>
  20. Philovitist


    Probably means we aren't compatible. >.>
  21. Philovitist


    I declare my love for the person Romeo and Juliet style. After, you know, taking his cues...
  22. Philovitist

    Do ALL INTPs like Computers, Math and Logic?

    That's learning things for their own sake, for sure. ^_^ But what is it about application that somehow gives the activity reason and meaning?
  23. Philovitist

    Do ALL INTPs like Computers, Math and Logic?

    I'm a psychology and philosophy geek. But I'm hyperanalytical in my studies — I just focus on what interests me.
  24. Philovitist

    What's your favorite number?

    3 is a magic number, y'know.
  25. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    I was saving this for when I got into a bad mood. Not empirical. In principle, it cannot be tested. Using a bad system is even worse than opting out of using a system at all. Basic understanding of chemistry > detailed understanding of alchemy Every time. Can't a good set of...
  26. Philovitist

    The Welfare State

    It's more like it's okay to coerce people to some reasonable extent (as determined through public discourse and controlled by limited government and moral principle) in order to gain increased human development. Economic productivity is not an end in itself, but our society has organized itself...
  27. Philovitist

    Help Me Decide What To Do With My Life!

    I've decided that I going to pursue artificial intelligence with all my might, and all my being. I shall not rest until my life is worthy of history!
  28. Philovitist

    The Welfare State

    I think I like this forum. Everyone here is so...passionate about ideas. I agree that constructing huge welfare state is bad government. I do, however, believe that a system for serving the poor constructed and funded by the government deserves a place in every first world country. The idea is...
  29. Philovitist

    Help Me Decide What To Do With My Life!

    Well, ceteris paribus, research. If by practice, you mean medicine. If you mean business, I don't have enough experience to be sure. There's no greater ecstasy than coming up with (i.e., synthesizing) a good idea.
  30. Philovitist

    The Welfare State

    :/ What are you talking about? Are we competing now? I can compete if you'd like, I guess.
  31. Philovitist

    Help Me Decide What To Do With My Life!

    Hi. I have this tendency to go into these existential crises, and my current one revolves around deciding what to devote myself to. I'm currently a high school senior, and I'll probably be going to Duke U next year for college. I'm strong in most subjects (super in humanities and social...
  32. Philovitist

    The Welfare State

    Debating economics is worse than debating religion. :/ Unlike with religion, I'm never so sure if I'm right. It's easy enough contradicting everything a fiscal conservative says with moral and economic arguments, but I doubt myself a lot more when it comes to this. Of course, with Jason...
  33. Philovitist

    The Welfare State

    Johnson's policies were excessive, and also included a crappy war. Their consequences demonstrate what happens when you have a bad welfare system, not what happens when welfare states exist.
  34. Philovitist

    The Welfare State

    They are getting better. :/
  35. Philovitist

    The Welfare State

    You know that poverty existed before the existence of welfare, right? Instead of getting help, though, people just quietly starved to death. So how will eliminating welfare stop poverty in full? In times of high unemployment, it is hard to find things to do for money. Without welfare, people...
  36. Philovitist

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    This thread is intense. >.> I have an addictive personality and lack strong connections to reality so I avoid drugs. Just in case.
  37. Philovitist

    The Welfare State

    Welfare must be supported with reasonable limitations and and opportunities for job training in order to be effective.
  38. Philovitist

    An intangible beauty

    lolwhat? Hardwired =/= the exact same in everyone. But there are definitely universals when it comes to emotion. Paul Ekman proved it by comparing emotional expressions and meanings across varieties of cultures, including some isolated from Western culture. The basic emotions are universal...
  39. Philovitist

    If you click on this thread, leave a post!

  40. Philovitist

    An intangible beauty

    They are, actually. As hardwired as our sexual response.
  41. Philovitist

    An intangible beauty

    Ever heard of the Romantic Scholar archetype?
  42. Philovitist

    If you click on this thread, leave a post!

    CLASS OF 3000 SINGING...
  43. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    No. Psychoanalysis has been positively skewered by academic psychology.
  44. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    I need to apologize for being too combative in this thread. It's clear that no one here is using the MBTI blindly. I'm just too reactive when it comes to scientific psychology. >.>
  45. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), first published in 1944, attempted to provide an empirical method of identifying a person's dominant ego function, in terms of Carl Jung's theory. Beginning in the 1960s, scientists performed studies to see if MBTI results were consistent with the assumed...
  46. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    Yeah. But not in so harsh terms. >.> Neither do religionists, though. But their justifications remain. :/ And people use religion to arbitrarily and intuitively gain approximate understandings of the universe. And the way they do so is similarly baseless and intellectually dishonest, and...
  47. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    All of this has been on-topic. :/
  48. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    If you fail to explain why you think the things you assert, the discussion hasn't even really started. >.> What I'm saying is that if you assert propositions without any way of actually justifying them, then you're no better than a fundamentalist who makes leaps of faith and treats that leap as...
  49. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    You're using "understanding by emotion and intuition" as a euphemism for "justification by faith and willful ignorance", Duxwing. Feel free, but expect me to object when you try to label it as psychology or something other than pseudoscience.
  50. Philovitist

    Academic Psychology

    The fact that a personality test correlates with IQ test results is an indicator of its failure to isolate variables. >.> I'm not sure how you define pseudoscience, but I don't think the principle that everything is uncertain contradicts scientism at all or ever has. I never mentioned any...
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