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Search results

  1. pjoa09

    Typology and Race

    Dutch are NTs? In my experience.
  2. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    How are you so sure he put down $41k? You met the guy who sold it to him? I am pretty sure the owner would exaggerate when he needs to really get rid of it things can take a pretty big turn. I've been watching a car consistently drop from $6k to $4k, it's just ridiculous value now. I can't buy...
  3. pjoa09

    Lazy or Procrastinator?

    I used to do homework on time and leave them in folders and bags. Go through my old shit.Then go "Oh shit. Was this due last semester?"
  4. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    Something I contemplated once. Get a record from the police to where that car is from the number plate. Best yet, hit up all the forums. I am sure it's an enthusiasts build. But yeah, you'd be paying crazy for being crazy. Judging from my experience, I think I'll find something better in 8...
  5. pjoa09

    Typology and Race

    Love his flow.
  6. pjoa09

    Typology and Race

    Is that ' hol' up ' in your signature? Always got strong Se off of Africans I see.
  7. pjoa09

    A LiveScience Article: IQ - men vs women

    the raven test wasn't being revised over the 10 years? Women are supposed to lag behind on the IQ test because IQ tests are all traditionally spacial intelligence orientated. Women are better with linguistics more of the time. There is then the blah blah accuracy. I just want to urinate over...
  8. pjoa09

    I suppose I should introduce myself.

    Milo I guess you're a little different from me.
  9. pjoa09

    What's your ideal occupation?

    Whoa. Hold on.
  10. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    Same here except I was able to spot a better car after six months. At first I was checking out a damn good looking 325i E30, probably it was an import. No rust whatsoever, had been repainted to a custom grey. SR20 in it with an aftermarket turbo. Really classy. I had some issues though. It had a...
  11. pjoa09

    A Darwinian reason for homosexuality

    I agree with most of what you say except for homosexuality being a mental disorder. Homosexual behavior is perfectly normal. It's just a preference.
  12. pjoa09

    acting like nothing close to your type

    You could. Spending too much time with other types and in the attempt of fitting in you might temporarily change the skin of your color so to speak. Spend time alone. You will just find yourself. No matter how bizarre you really are.
  13. pjoa09

    I suppose I should introduce myself.

    Yeah that is what I meant. Try reading this. Those personality tests aren't even close. Analyze yourself. Look throughout your past. My point being is that you can't switch around letters on whims. I don't even know what trauma has that ability. Apparently, this site is pretty decent. Dig into...
  14. pjoa09

    A Darwinian reason for homosexuality

    Well females are quite comfortable with being homosexual in many ways. They are also very much comfortable in their judgement of attractiveness of another female. Just general observation. I think we are to some extent bonobo-ish. One point in time we will succumb to a heterosexual relationship...
  15. pjoa09

    What's your ideal occupation?

    Architect Not attempt at sarcasm but are you serious? Because that might mean a lot in terms of where I am headed. If the end all be all for an INTP (which I presume I am due to many reasons) is engineering then do I quit whatever I am doing currently and join a university? The main reason...
  16. pjoa09

    I suppose I should introduce myself.

    Are you sure you are an INTP? I think you need to research on that more. Being decisive and happy isn't very common among INTPs. Or any introverted thinker. Explore the MBTI functions in detail. Maybe after analyzing yourself you will come to a different conclusion. It takes a great deal of...
  17. pjoa09

    A Darwinian reason for homosexuality

    bonobos are gay. no really. I've read many places where homosexuals have had hetrosexual relationships before being gay or while being gay.
  18. pjoa09

    What's your ideal occupation?

    Architect How does any one of the professions other than software engineering involve little people interaction? The closest is consultant. I just want to be a bum with lots of money. Although I am not sure if I'd be happy about being one in a week. I'd pretty soon start showing up for a...
  19. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    mu is mu Yeah, I have decided. I am going to wait out for an SR20DET. If that means anything. That means waiting. I hate to wait. I still cringe over the fact that I missed out on the opportunity to buy an E30 I really wanted. Not to sound corny, but it showed up in my dreams. I just try...
  20. pjoa09

    Life is so fucking short

    shit like this makes me nervous. i waste wayyy too much time. I think I am wasting it right now.
  21. pjoa09


    I am quite optimistic. I hope so. I like to say "it's okay","it happens", and "give it time". Or it could just be apathy. I guess I have that 'blow off' , 'blow up' mechanism. The news has never been able to piss me off. I got mildly aroused on the Miami zombie thing.
  22. pjoa09

    How to stop?...

    HDINTP I was trying to make a joke... but I guess no one caught that... ehh.. Maybe it's just like being addicted to 'coke zero' or 'yoghurt'. If there is no access to your alcohol you might just stop bothering to drink altogether. Or you could just commit. Drink lots of water and sit in...
  23. pjoa09

    MOTIV Personality Test

  24. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    Now it's not actually. Now it's lingering at the back of my head. The irritating bit is when I wake up debating between two engines. It has calmed down significantly though. I do check around 6 times a day if there is another car. I think I should just really ditch my work for sometime and just...
  25. pjoa09

    How to stop?...

    Two bears! lol I don't think that's alcoholism! Alcoholics Anonymous? Daily sounds like you could be turning into an alcoholic.
  26. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    Hadoblado In that view my problem would be "how to build the cheapest,fastest,comfortable,most attractive, and most exciting car for myself". I don't know why am I even addressing it as a problem. I am an INTP(most likely now) that is being lured by sensory activities. Don't want to...
  27. pjoa09

    Hi, my name is Ben and I am a fairly recently self discovered INTP

    Robotic and 3 links in first post.
  28. pjoa09

    That annoying sense of superiority

    Intelligence is understanding. Understand the person. But I can't fucking stand it when people use "your" and "you're". For everything else I hope they know how to use their grammar correctly and had just made a mistake. I think I can't stand this grammatical error for one simple reason. It's...
  29. pjoa09

    SpaceYeti's New Avatar!

    should have taken the photo a couple of seconds later.
  30. pjoa09

    Depressed? It may be because of your porn addiction.

    so.... imagination?
  31. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    Polaris I do regret not buying one E30 that showed up for sale a while ago. I was supposed to buy it but I took it easy and focused on my slightly heavy workload. I just didn't hurry. That triggered the point where the thoughts have become way more invasive than they were. It was so disturbing...
  32. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    NinjaSurfer By obsessing over it? Well I just wrote it all out. I even expressed this on my blog several times. I have even drawn a transformer E30 the cartoon transformer. Fuck yeah I did! It's shitty but I always wondered how it would've looked like so I took bumblebee and replaced that...
  33. pjoa09

    ESTP Lust

    red eyes, white fur. Might as well be that rabbit from The Holy Grail.
  34. pjoa09

    Putting Plans into Action

    Ripuli damn, I read everyone of them. Love the sperm one.
  35. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    mu is mu there is no disorder for it really. I tried researching on obsessive thoughts to no avail, Edward Kemper and Ted Bundy were the closest (although they thought of killing women and I thought of buying old cars).Judging from that it should not be a real disorder. It's calmed down now. I...
  36. pjoa09

    two little logic tests

    They claimed ambiguity. But in the stricter sense of logic you are correct. I was thinking they had to get 'up' before 'beak' and did. So you they gotta go 'down'. Didn't consider spawning by default as 'up'. Damnit, again 15/9 lol.
  37. pjoa09


    I prefer handheld devices.
  38. pjoa09

    being single

    hmmm... someday.
  39. pjoa09

    being single

    I love self destruction stories. I have too many of them. But getting drunk and riding at 130 mph on a bike is some really sick shit. But I'd like to if I were sober. Too bad bikes aren't allowed on freeways or highways here. Even though I have never rode a motorbike I'd say CBR250RR is one...
  40. pjoa09

    being single

    masturbate excessively? i am running out ideas here ... introversion is a bitch. when i was upset over an infatuation I took a road trip to the beach and back in one night. averaged 80-90 mph. note, whatever i am, ixtp, or just flat out loner, everything emotional is overwhelmingly intense...
  41. pjoa09

    being single

  42. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    Doing that today, trying to settle with a white one even though I was mad crazy about delphin grey. I always wanted the x360 but I end up looking like a heroin addict once I touch the controller. I am talking about heavy heavy thoughts though. Like I wake up in the morning debating...
  43. pjoa09

    Creative Outlet

    I blog a little time to time. It's not blogging really, just words of frustration. Occasional photography, I am scared of holding cameras because I am very clumsy and when I do take photos it's only of cars.
  44. pjoa09

    Ever tried to explain to an Extrovert?

    Lfnunley My point was that you can't throw a percentage. In that sense your friends are, in my opinion, stupid. There are activities you do alone and there are activities that you do with people. You just prefer to do activities that you do alone. That is perfectly understandable. If you lock...
  45. pjoa09

    Ever tried to explain to an Extrovert?

    I'd consider social anxiety disorder, suicide, anorexia, ASPD, and "serial killing" as insane. Insane in comparison to other animals. I've seen genocide among chimpanzees but they are cannibals so it can be excused for survival reasons. Think about it, you are primate who does not like to...
  46. pjoa09

    Obsessive Thoughts

    Trying to put things once again into sense. More of a rant that I am putting up and here because I need the mild interaction and the advice that I probably won't heed. Affirmation that such behavior is expected among people. At times I still do doubt my personality traits. They are very...
  47. pjoa09

    INTPs with ADD?

    Doesn't ritalin work like meth? Get more dopamine in your head?
  48. pjoa09

    Staying Up Late

    Architect I guess it's a person to person thing. I can't sleep early. scorpiomover I think I am getting that insomniac issue too. I have recently started to obsess over certain things and I'd agree that shit doesn't let you sleep! Need resolutions.
  49. pjoa09

    If I focus on developing and maturing one of my weaker functions, will its opposite suffer?

    I don't like getting kicked in the balls and I still don't like getting kicked in the balls. Maybe my balls have hardened but I don't think I'd still like to get kicked in the balls.
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