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Search results

  1. Haim

    Science is dominated by facts.(?)

    Yea science method has its limits. By your reasoning Albert Einstein would never dare to research his theories, he had no proof, he had his intuition, Newton's laws of motion had was perceived as factual true, the calculation had "proof" of true.Different physics "laws" can produce the same...
  2. Haim

    Weird incident in light of terror attacks

    Just another stupid/unstable person, meaningless actionless words. Not having separation is the problem, having the problem on low fire is worse than short bursts, low fire is more damaging but you won't do anything with that because you don't feel it is significant, to actually solve the...
  3. Haim

    Post Count Limits

    That often cause trigger happy behaviour of punishing non really harmful behaviour, it lacks the flexibility of dealing with people, being punishing for every little bullshit is an hostile environment, and no being punished for bullshit rule is only going to piss off the "offender" and make him...
  4. Haim

    Post Count Limits

    So you say 1)let's make a stupid rule. 2)well we made stupid rule then we must do it in justice way, otherwise the spammer will feel unjust, now the spammer will say "well thank you for limiting me" 3)really who have the power to actually think?, every one that reach more than X posts is an evil...
  5. Haim

    Sudden 3d shaded Avatar Trend

  6. Haim

    Sudden 3d shaded Avatar Trend

    Go go go
  7. Haim

    Sudden Avatar Trends

    You all go black and white, I will go 3d shading.
  8. Haim

    AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

    Architect do you have a guess how they trained their value network?The hardest part of Go AI is that it hard to detriment who is winning based on board state, I wonder how they solved it.
  9. Haim

    Getting pwned by computer science

    CS is very different from actual software development, make yourself a software to see what it really like.CS is finding solution for existing problem, finding your own new problem,questions and answers is much more interesting and useful. With that said those are some attributes of my...
  10. Haim

    sexual dimorphism in humans

    The short man won't die, many of them will have children, fat short stupid poor unsocial mans do exist and have children, as long that it only few of the population they can survive, if they consists most of the population they will exstint(actually they will just migrate to other place)
  11. Haim

    sexual dimorphism in humans

    Every reason I mentioned don't stand in itself but in combination of them.Not only the best individual survive, unless there is significant disadvantage they will survive, an evidence of that is Genghis Khan gene that still live on and humanity stupidity, it is not the "strong" individual that...
  12. Haim

    sexual dimorphism in humans

    Baby takes a lot of energy. Strong woman don't get raped, meaning they have less potential for children. What DNA part and materials that makes woman a woman might just have that side effect. Man focus on hunting protecting etc... They need the resource for breasts. They don't need it, they...
  13. Haim

    Can a computer create art?

    You must have intention to be able to create, things without intention are not creative but a mere tool, your intention may be something else, as I stated earlier you may create a weapon in order to hunt something.You can not "randomly select" a goal, the goal is the thing the nural network is...
  14. Haim

    SAO Abridged

    meh, FF7 and dragon ball Z Abridged are examples of good "abridged", the one is pretty weak.Also I liked that first season of SAO.
  15. Haim

    Can a computer create art?

    A software developer is an artist, in this case a tool maker.
  16. Haim

    Male dominance ritual on the forum

    When I see someing which is incorrect my ego must fix it. You make a rule from one treatment for one woman, you can not make a pattern from single point of data.The pattern is not male ego but the treatment for people that tend to oppose ideas and facts just because they think it makes them...
  17. Haim

    Can a computer create art?

    No AI neural network is very different than actual brain neural network, I think the most significant difference is that unlike the brain it is static.If you are referring to traditional software then even more no, it works in entirely different way. Well if you regard the brain as a data...
  18. Haim

    Can a computer create art?

    human is indeed different, human can create new algorithms, current AI can't out of the blue "want" to learn to paint and find new painting algorithm. Human can want something, let's say to hunt an animal, and in the way for that goal create new neural network such as one for creating a sword...
  19. Haim

    Can a computer create art?

    Current AI does not think, thinking is creating new connections,new goals.This AI is using static structure neural network and can only do what to developer programmed her to do. I wouldn't say it created art but the developer use the AI as an art technique, saying it created art is like...
  20. Haim

    AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

    I knew it already, still it does have a NN which job is to predict its opponent's next move and in it's training database among the rest there is every recorded match of Lee Sedol, it is to some extent fitted to predict his moves.AlphaGo is using deep NN, interly in order to predict it's...
  21. Haim

    AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

    I wonder if AlphaGo could win over 2-4 9 dan go players playing in turn against it. That way AlphaGo wouldn't be able to predict her opponent's moves and would create super unique playstyle that AlphaGo isn't fitted for, also it would be more fair as AlphaGo use shitlods of cpu and gpu. It was...
  22. Haim

    AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

    Of course I meant trying to make the best possible move, which is accurate for AlphaGo because it is working using statistical data of better/worse ratio of boards states given a certain move. First you need to understand that neural networks behave in inspiration from the brain, not like...
  23. Haim

    best RPG?

    Mega Man Battle Network 6 fable 1 FF7 stars wars knights of the old republic 1,2 Evoland 2 Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1,2 (due later games can be decent also) Doesn't really have story but Mount & Blade: Warband
  24. Haim

    AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

    AlphaGo is an AI it just calculates the best possible move, it does not go easy or "felt it was winning". Due it will take a lot of time for a Go program at that level to work on consumer computer or reasonable sized server, AlphaGo was using 1920 CPUs and 280 GPUs!
  25. Haim

    Would you rather be an INTJ?

    When you are superman, society can keep trying to suck you to their small hole, I am freaking superman screw you society, I don't need to be in your small stinky hole society.
  26. Haim

    The Goals Thread

    Well I did completed the forecasted plans of January(in February :P) Started studying(game design and development at a college instead of computer science) The moving apartment thing. and in the 29th got a job :(
  27. Haim

    Nihilism – Why the Hell Should Anything Exist?

    If Einstein would only based his thoughts on experiment, he would have never made his theories.Einstein did not just "boom" here is relativity theory, he built it slowly, taking out what is improbable and taking in what is probably.So yes Einstein did go to probable ideas, just the other way...
  28. Haim

    Favorite Speakers

    Hideo kojima
  29. Haim

    The reason why INTP fail in social settings?

    On a deep level, I just don't care, like a kid that hate math/history/other and don't pay attention to class but have more important things to do like to draw or think.Sure I can make myself listen, hell even have good grades, but I still don't care.I don't care what is socially happening.
  30. Haim

    Do you talk to yourself in your head?

    There is a conscious thinking and unconscious thinking, you are just not aware to what you are thinking sometimes.When you are doing things without awareness you are using your intuition. "I would be in my head and not feel so anxious. I would be able to focus and contemplate alone." Why do you...
  31. Haim

    Help with Python

    I mean what cause the while loop to exit or run more than once?
  32. Haim

    Help with Python

    Why is the "while True" ?
  33. Haim

    Help with Python

    I would not recommend c++ as first language, it adds a lot unneeded complexity for what a beginner is doing, it is good to learn it but not as first, and it isn't that similar to other languages, it has different mindset.I would recommend C# or java.
  34. Haim

    Explain to me Neural Networks

    Basically to produce an approximate function(trained neural network) from a data of outputs and inputs.The "outputs and inputs" can be just how much the neural network is doing well. Say you want recognize if their is a dog in the picture, first you need to train the network, you need a series...
  35. Haim

    Recommended graphic novels/comic books

    It's interesting because he always learn new things and because of the inner insight of game character, I like the world, the story isn't complex but I don't think it reduces the comic value. I didn't know black and white manga was included, then I have more. Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Spin off Koro...
  36. Haim

    So I need some Ideas...

    Make software anime,game,book,tech news,learn to play music instrument,graphic/physical design,manga,good tv series/movie,plan to conquer the world when all fail.
  37. Haim

    Nihilism – Why the Hell Should Anything Exist?

    I meant that you made up that question, you give meaning to things, it not that they actually have some meaning, the question(the why) exists only in your brain.A stone is a stone, it has no meaning, as a human you can give it meaning, for example it is a stone I throwed at a bully so it's...
  38. Haim

    Recommended graphic novels/comic books

    The gamer-the main character has abilities like an rpg game character in "real" life, he level up learns abilities and other shit game character does. It has modern day setting with magic fantasy elements. Steins;gate-I liked the anime of it. One punch-Hero for a hobby.
  39. Haim

    Gravitational waves from black holes observed on Earth.

    Thanks(note:I do have some idea of what is dark matter) But I am not sure that we will be able to detect it that way, dark matter does not have much interaction that can produce significant gravity waves(as much as I know)
  40. Haim

    Gravitational waves from black holes observed on Earth.

    "Being able to detect gravitational waves enables astronomers finally to probe what they call "dark" Universe" What? how?0.0
  41. Haim

    Something really f***ed up is going on with banks

    Banks learned their lesson from history, they know how to keep it just about that it will not break.Even if the banks will have 99.99% of the total money, it will not matter as long as they don't use that money, like the money doesn't exists, more than that it will cause virtual deflation making...
  42. Haim

    intps differentiating avolition from wishful thinking

    "wishful thinking" does not involve doing by it regular meaning.Wishful thinking and avolition are not related, one is lack of will for some things, the other is a type of thinking where what you want influence what you think to the point where you are wrong.
  43. Haim

    intps differentiating avolition from wishful thinking

    http://intpforum.com/search.php?searchid=2005417 That is every post I used the term "wishful thinking". When people think what should be right is right instead of what is actually right based on reality.
  44. Haim

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    Not necessarily that Harry Potter is better overall, but it is better at that it is likable be many people and can make people to recommend the book to other people, not any good book is good at that. To start "power-laws" and keep it rolling you need to have something, a not that good book even...
  45. Haim

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    Not any event can become huge(in directly visible way), the same events to other book would probable not result in the same way.For example you would not tell your friends about the new bad game that just came out, but you will tell them about a game you really liked.Not to say the if many...
  46. Haim

    Useless interests

    Say it to all dragon ball inspired anime and games, One Piece, Naruto to name a few.
  47. Haim

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    Luck is in the casino. What people call luck for successful art are just factors they don't understand, luck can bring you to the field but will not let you stay a good player, JK rowling knew where to research where to explore, that no luck.The luck ended once the first book was published, not...
  48. Haim

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    Before an artist create the physical art itself he has a "vision",the world itself.Now an artist can shove a message in our throats, it's adds spice to the art and helps create it, but the creation itself is the world the characters, the better you can see this world from the artwork window the...
  49. Haim

    Optimisation freak?

    That just means their optimization was no good, not considering all the data you have is bad way to optimize, thinking you live in a bubble is just stupid(hence "bubble") Also you need to optimize everything including your own optimization, if you optimise for only one type of data(profit,frame...
  50. Haim

    Who- why- where are we ?

    When you try to go to some place that doesn't exists, you will get lost. There is no why, this is just human concept, where?here. Who?a living organism, an arrogant one thinking that he transcend animals and nature, while the relationship is a type of symbiosis and nothing special.
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