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  • Ugh, yellow?

    Dreadful colour!

    I despise it, so blatant and excessive.

    I don't see much of it, thankfull y, our national palette is all grey and green!
    Green and red? Hrm...blood in the forest.:D

    I will most definately mix them, it'll look so horrible, but amusing as well!

    Glad you agree!

    *Puts away torture kit*
    Agh! Which means you're boyish, see the traits of messiness, and apathy of shoes are both very male! So does the mud and dirt.:P

    I want green ones so I can further feed my culture frenzy!:3

    Plus, it's my favourite colour.
    Uhm, yeah, but, everyone has either black or blue ones, rarely red, so from this, rare colours and styles can often suggest things.

    (I only have red ones, but I hope to get green ones for my birthday:D)

    As for mine, the added factor of badly tied/ not tied at all laces, the occassional doodle, labels still not removed long after purchase, oh, and the obvious utterly destroyed and loose soles.

    Each suggests that I'm a lazy sod, disrespectful when it comes to art, not financially conscious, and am renowned for climbing things, respectively.

    Dust and mud can reveal activities, quality background, and condition can betray disposition.

    Also, the style can help.

    I always seem to wear converse, which apparently indicates I'm either an avid fan of Doctor Who, love the American culture, have been absorbed by the emo phase, or just play a lot fo sports!

    Other clues lead one to the correct assumption.

    Oh, Anthile says having canvas shoes makes you gay, and by that logic I must be v.v.v gay.
    Uh, possibly...think I was diagnosed as Autistic for the tiniest part of my childhood, but then they changed their mind.
    I *was* in touch with the real world, however much I wanted to see it burn.

    Uh, I'm too weak willed to keep eye contact, I just slowly droop until I'm looking at their feet.
    It helps to know someones shoe size and style you know!


    Hahah, even more embarassing if you're a guy trying to be suave and distantly passive, and then this tiny little git of a girl rugby tackles you with a squeal.



    Last video I made, I didn;t look at the camera lens for more than a few seonds, I kept looking at the ground, ceiling, chair, table, floor...it was awful, mostly because I was entirely unaware of the this fact.:x
    I only fall over when pushed...it takes little effort actually.

    Hahahm, was that a sneaky wya of indirectly complimenting me.

    Just for that, I'm NEVER posting a picture.

    Oh, I might make a video.
    I wanted to make a topic asking how people went about making them, because several members have prompted me to make one.

    I'd have to write a script for it, have a hundred sticky prompts notes, and use images and graphs to proove my points.:D
    A snake!?

    Well, not me, I'm generally very humble and silent in person, you'd be more worried that I was going to fall over than attack you!

    And tall and slim is sexy in girls! In males it's a bit silly looking unfortunately...

    Yeah, I'll go to Japan where no-one will understand my accent, and thus I will never have to speak.
    Yes, sortof like a tree.>>

    But more like the skinny lanky gits you always see in Anime.

    Thats the least offensive way of putting it!:x

    Also, your username is so awkward to type, too many vowels!
    Is your user title a line from an Imogen Heap song? 'Headlock', more specifically?
    Throaty? Er, like husky, deep, somewhat growled and purrish, not forced, simply animalistic and certain of itself. You know the sexy voices all the real women have?

    I was a small child, I am now a very tall young adult, though not much wider than before:x
    Yeah, but throaty with a cute face is always going to equal super sexy, which is the best kind of guardian!

    Well, I think I got most of the boxes from my Grandfather, who at the time, repaired and made Organs (The musical implements, not the biological bits), so I guess that helped in my path to sublime boxotonomy.
    I used to love boxes when I was younger. I was in the habit of making structures from them, with each section having a different purpose,and then living in them.

    Uh, a guardian with eight wings?

    Who looks like Aeris:D

    She'd sound real throaty too!

    I do wish saying things had more of an effect than humans imagine it to.

    If only intertwining my hands, shutting my eyes and speaking with praise ensured a omnipotent and loving guardian would look after me.

    You look damn cute in a box you know.
    It is the typical English Green Tea one or whatever it is called. The cheapest normal tea I guess.

    Although I do have my nostalgia moments thinking about the Chinese version of it; Flowers being spread out on the surface and sniffing their smell like a crackhead on cocaine. Oh the joy.

    For some reason you typing the imma-drinking-water sentence made me laugh allot.

    What type of novel is it? Mind sharing it?

    I will check out your taste in music in a bit as well.
    True. I was using an analogy though which was different but exposed the same position; powerless or not, the victim has barely any fault since the victim has no stringsattatch to the case apart from experiencing it without anything to do with it.

    "I'm just saying they have their reasons"

    Reasons or not, no one cares. I dont. I am having enough hardtime attempting to shallow the cold,dry psychology I am being taught at my University as a rationale per se one.

    "when they CAN protect themselves or ask for help"

    Fear, depression, anxiety, hopeless are some keywords that rightfully belong to the victim. The one who victimizes has no keywords to go along.

    Anyhow as an add, what are you up to? I am currently drinking my Teah! and chilling out with trance. Might switch to coffee soon.

    What about you?
    "but if someone was being bullied with a GUN, then that would be a completely different matter."

    So somehow it changes the argument, interpretation or even the angle of your perception/stand-point-of-view? Nah. Not going to happen on my day. It simply changes the mean and the L.a.w.s applied not the issue itself or how it serious it is.

    Psychological VS Physiological = Yes physiological is far more superior than psychological but sometimes it is easier to endure the pain than the mind behind it.

    They're both at fault = No they are not. The victim was not the provakatore so all the blame is distributed to the bully. Simple as that. No philosophical existentialism in my head. That is pushing it too much.

    The victim and no one should be E.X.P.E.C.T.E.D to be bullied in life or anywhere else.

    Those who fail or still fail to see that should be utterly punished.

    We have lots of nice-little-fluffy rights. Not the right to bully and get away with it.
    "I didn't mean they were all shining examples of humans, I meant that they weren't solely to blame."

    I am stubborn as fuck so here we go again;

    A man takes a walk with his gun and he shoots at the other man.
    The other man's fault is that he didnt have;

    1. Another gun or somewhat of equipment.
    2. Someone to always protect him from getting shot.
    3. He should have taken martial arts along time ago.

    Conclusiong: Epic fall. In a society, no one expects you to "defend" your self from physical or psychological damage cause no sane person would have to have the need to take action.

    Since, the world is as fragile as my nanotesticles you are forced to be over-protective.

    Objectively, no one should feel the need or the will to defend him self. That is how you objectively start discussing this serious and thinline issue.
    To answer it, I felt I was provoked and therefore I had to provoke you. I failed and I admit it. You win.

    "What's the point in being angry at people when it wont change anything?"

    Well next time I should shake the hand of pedos, serial killers and all the lowlife scums that exist and will exist. Thank for clarifying that.

    It is not about "change". In fact nothing ever is. It is all about making a stance of no-tolerance.

    "he was just messing around."

    He is still not justified. In fact, he barely is. There is a difference being a smart-ass with strangers and "messing" around. Why think that because you are so carefree others have to endure it?

    "he way, so why not just ask me why I was friend with one rather than assuming things next time?"

    Regardless of what you and me have to say upon that, it is people's right not to be less serious. That is their prerogative and we have to deal with it. Not displace our flaws and errors upon then cause we failed to understand why being serious is just a valuable quality to have.
    Well if you can tolerate me, I guess you can tolerate the rest.

    Good to know.

    Yet again it is a paradox or in my eyes trying to play Jesus too often.

    "I've experienced serious, violent (physical and psychological) bullying for alot of my life, I'm giving an objective view on the matter."

    So defending them is objective? Why the victim has ANY sort of blame to say the least?

    "but if you think about it, tons of people are bullied and don't become messed up/suicidal/angry/etc people"

    Bullshit. I have my data and all that it comes via me. Where is your evidence?
    Are you even aware the full damage a bully has on a kid or do you want me to link you catastrophic case scenarios on youngsters turning to the worst enemy after being bullied too much?

    Why does the bully have the right to bully? Who gives him/her that right? W.H.Y they even have the right to do whatever they want to do due to their /cutswrist "painful" past?

    Cause my painful past wants to wipe out 3/4 of this population. I still dont do it and wont.

    No, this psychological over-exposed Bullshit has to stop. I have no sympathy for bullies nor their stories. The world is too full of shit, to even take seriously a bully's Emo Drama.

    What is yours?
    "Oh! I'm also friends with a guy who used to bully people, he's a very nice person, very polite and kind :) I think some bullies are just messing around and get taken seriously"

    Well I failed to see any good logic to say the least. It seems that you;

    1. In love with a bully and therefore justify him.
    2. Got laid with a bully and therefore justify him.
    3. Your best friend is a bully and therefore justify him.

    Taken too seriously?

    If I started pulling off all of my brain cells to work on you, I would make you delete your profile within a sec.

    Therefore, I sense this typical hypocrisy which is famous in the country which you and me live in.
    I'm writing several novels, to help with my insanity.

    So far, we are getting nowhere...>>

    A team of women?

    How can it be any worse!?

    Card captors was pretty cool, I'll give you that, but only because it had some interesting visuals and cool little winged hamster smartass thing.

    Bah, Famous!

    I will surprise them by writing a novel with deep characters and an intriguing concept!
    HAHAHA, neither will be any match for my secret weapon!



    *nudges bunny*


    *runs away*
    I *thought* you looked a bit familiar! Pleased to meet you! INFJ/INTP twins, that is a badass combo! Do you get along with each other??
    Sour fruits are for...er..well fruits!*
    *googles Tsubasa*

    *Becomes more confused as a result*

    Sexy googles though!

    Is it one of those manga/anime's in which a fat old hag(the author) tries to live out her desires by placing a young,nerdish (yet cute) and naive female into a mystical and dangerous world (which somehow had always existed under our noses, egads!) in which all things, be they good or evil, are ridiculously sexy/adorable males with latent and unimaginative superpowers (not to mention great hair!) that try to teach/kill said protagonist with the ways of this secret *thing* while trying very hard to follow some sort of whorish romance subplot?

    I DESTEST such things.

    *Er, in case you be unfamilair with Irish/Scottish slang, this term is an alternative form of 'a big Ginny Ann'**

    **Uhm, and that being a feminine or just plain passive male, usually meaning homosexual but not limited to that.
    Oh right, is it from some silly Yaoi thing then?

    You're doing that thing that says 'oh gosh don't make me tell you'

    See also: Screw you! Strawberries forever!
    Oooh, num-num.^_^

    Uh, strawberry, original and best!

    The thick kind that needs a knife to extract!

    He looks too serious to be Zack, unfortunately, I assume it's from some dark anime then?
    Ewww Scones!


    Only if they have several spoonfuls of jam miss!

    Then we have a deal!

    Also, have a peach.


    I like your avatar, it reminds me of Zack!

    "Shhhooollder first class zax, on the job!"
    Well, it's certainley not a poisonous apple!

    Thats why it's so rosy red and delicous.

    I only give it to the prettiest ladies you know:D
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