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  • Lol, I'm on my iPod touch. And I would try to download that on my laptop but I assume I'd have to be connected to the Internet
    first, and to be connected to the Internet I need the adapter to work... Sigh. :(
    See if you can download this ftp://downloads.netgear.com/files/WG111v3_v2.0.0_Setup.exe
    Meh, that's the thing, I do most of my reading on the Internet. I suppose I could read on this screen, but it's a little inconvenient and I always end up fidgeting and accidentally moving the screen around so i lose my place :/ . And I don't know much about computers so my brain kind of went poof went trying to comprehend your previous post about the drivers... Laymen's terms, please? :)
    I'm always interested in learning something new. I'm sure I'll like it.
    That is if I don't die first...This no-internet-on-laptop thing will be the death of me, I swear (yes, I know I'm addicted. It's kinda sad and I need to get some sort of life. Problem is, I'm not sure I really want one?). I went out and got a new adapter this morning but installshield wizard isn't cooperating and giving me an 'invalid drive e' message. I don't think I even have an effing drive e!!
    Aggh. I watched about 30 mins of the documentary then had to get some stuff done, and then accidentally killed my internet adapter when I was moving my computer. Can't seem to be able to watch it from my iPod. :(
    I'm just about to go get a new adapter though, should be able to watch the rest of it tonight! Woot.
    Lol, I have no idea what that means, but it sounds kind of cool... at least I think. :D. TB= terabyte? Or tuberculosis. I hope it's the former rather than the latter. ;)
    That sounds... uhh... uncomfortable? And probably rather unfortunate :p.
    I watched this one ER show once where there was a car accident and a piece of tree branch launched through the windshield and went straight through the guy in the passenger seat. Kinda like Wash in Serenity. The guy ended of living though. It was pretty gnarly.
    Ahhh, I LOVE the Science Channel. My newest favorite show of theirs is Sci-Fi Science... probably not suprising, hehe. But I like most of the other ones that I've seen, too. I also like the Discovery Health Channel, their Mystery Diagnosis show is great!
    Fascinating. Good choice in reading material by the way- Discover Magazine has always been one of my favorites!
    That's interesting... and also a little confusing. Since the brain experiences beta wave activity anyway during an active waking state, I wonder if subjecting the brain to excess beta waves would cause too much anxiety (beta waves have been observed during states of anxiety) and induce some type of calming mechanism by slowing the waves that your brain is already producing. I'm not sure if that's the way the brain works, just a thought. Here's where I'm getting my info from - http://www.brainwavesblog.com/beta-brain-waves-information/.
    What was the study you looked at? Now I'm all curious! :p
    Hmm. Alpha waves I can understand because those can be used for meditation, but Beta waves are usually associated with a state of normal waking consciousness. What affect did those have?
    And I happen to like my pictures, so deal with it! :D
    Hehehe. Apparently. :p
    I've tried binaural frequencies before, but have never been able to relax enough for them to really take effect. Which ones were you listening to?
    At work, taking some inventory of our Mac software and listening to a binaural frequency. It feels sooooo weird.
    Yep, I took them! And thank you :D.
    I'm doing well, trying to get some work done (though not really succeeding so far...) and rest up before the busy weekend! And you?
    That child-like sense of awe that you mentioned is exactly why I'm pursuing Astrophysics. :)
    My computer was a little too slow to watch the whole thing is 720p, but the pictures were still amazing. I looked around the poster's profile and they had a link up to the hubble telescope website- hubblesite.org. It's interesting.
    Cool! I'll watch it when I get home, which will probably be around 10 or 11 depending on how late my class gets out :/.
    Haha, indeed! We get along very well, she balances me out and I help make rational decisions :) It was funny, she looked on my page here and saw you and went "Oh he's on the INFJ forums!"
    Definitely agree with the stong percussion! Although I don't think I tap along to any particular pattern when I'm not listening to music. Meh, sitting still is difficult. I can if I have to, but it takes a lot of concentration! Most of the time I don't even realise that I'm fidgeting, I bet it drives people crazy :P
    Hey, apparently you know Laurie on the INFJ forums? she's my twin sister, she told me to say hi
    I do that too! And tap my fingers. In fact, I'm just not great at sitting still. At all.
    Ok, so I finally thought of a secret...

    ... :drumroll!: ...

    I'm afraid of rollercoasters!
    At least most of them, but the ones at Disneyland/CA Adventure are actually quite fun (although I'm not sure most people would even classify those as real rollercoasters...).
    Your turn.
    A decent, easy to read book that I've suggested before is "Your Brain Is (Almost) Perfect" by Read Montague, which covers a bit about the evolution of the human brain.

    A couple links you can check out (which I've posted in other threads) are the genetics of the brain and an article on brain evolution - the latter being shorter and easier to read.

    I'll see about making a comprehensive post explaining evolution, as it's quite obvious there are a lot of misconceptions about it, but it won't be until the weekend (too busy with school and so forth during the week).
    Yep! Not only John Locke, but also Desmond (named after David Hume, a philosopher), Charlotte (named after C.S. Lewis, the author), Daniel Faraday (named after Michael Faraday, a physicist and philosoper), and Danielle Rousseau (named after Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a french enlightenment philosopher). I'm sure there are more that I can't think of right now :D
    Hi there.

    I don't usually notice you that much, but you see quite enjoyable to be around with. ^_^
    Not particularly... heading back out in a minute or two to go to work, then back home to study, read, (or just procrastinate, that's probably what will end up happening) and maybe (meaning most likely instead of doing work) catch up on Lost. How about you?
    Eh, I suppose it was fairly harmless. There were a few questions that I wasn't quite sure the answer to, but I managed to reduce the possible answers to one or two choices instead of the four we were given. I finished it pretty quicky and got out of class about an hour early. Score!
    Ermmm, let's see...
    States of conciousness, neurons and neurotransmitters, gender and sexuality, and health and stress.
    Considering I haven't done much of anything so far, it's been excellent. I'm just about to go out for a bit and then have to dedicate the rest of the weekend to a Psychology test looming on the horizon :P
    They're thought to, yeah!
    Yes! I would take to long to explain it myself, so here's the wikipedia page for it-
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_collision. Interesting stuff, I can't wait to study it in detail and from a more reliable source than wikipedia :P.
    I actually have no idea, and I can't seem to find any information on it. I'm not sure it's physically possible for two black holes to meet... But I'll look into it.
    Haha, it's all right. I'm not sure anyone's ever called me fascinating before :P
    So many questions!
    I just did general dance classes. A combination of lyrical, ballet, jazz, etc. Nothing in detail, I suppose it was pretty fun. As for AIM- sure, but I'm hardy ever on anymore. I work as part of an animal husbandry team taking care of smaller local marine life and maintaining their exhibits. It's been fun, but I'm ready to move on.
    I'd actually suggest watching the Elegant Universe video before reading the book, it puts some great visuals to the concepts he explains. I find that useful!
    Hmm, let's see... I learned that our galaxy is a cannibal of sorts- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoceros_Ring,
    And a little bit about Tidal Encounters- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globular_cluster#Tidal_encounters,
    and the planned decommissioning of the NASA shuttle Endeavor- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Endeavour#Planned_decommissioning.
    There were also some other things that I don't remember right
    now, haha.
    I'll check out those videos a little later, probably when I get home from work. Thanks for the links!
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