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  • Yep, I'm the same way. 'Normal' conversations and small talk are so... boring. I prefer talking about something that will make me think or reconsider the view I have. Something intellectually stimulating. Luckily my INTJ friend is great at coming up with really interesting topics for conversation (and he's a lot more open minded than most other J's I've encountered), and my INFP friend always contributes a different side to to the views that the INTJ and I hold (he and I think very similarly most of the time). It's refreshing after dealing with the people in my classes all week.
    Oh, that does sound kind of fun. I don't know much about computer networking, but it sounds like something that would be cool to sort of play around with. Although I am a little suspcious of networks after watching Battlestar Galactica... damn Cylons:p.
    I'm actually at a rather large community college called Orange Coast right now. I am mostly against standadized testing in general and most universities don't even bother looking at your application if you don't have SAT/ACT scores, so I never applied. Plus, I am supporting myself so I needed to be able to save money on my general ed. classes and have time to work to pay rent/bills. Such is life. But I'm having fun and learning, which is all that really matters in the end, I think. :D
    Hmm, what was the film you watched? There is also an 'Elegant Universe' documentary done by NOVA based on the book I suggested. That's actually what turned me on to the book. I also suggest watching that! Brian Greene has a way of explaining the concepts so that it's easy to understand even if you don't have a background in the field.
    And yes, I'm really looking forward to teaching. I'm one of those people that was born with a sense of insatiable curiousity, so I have to keep learning in order to be truely happy. I figure teaching at a college level would be perfect so that I could continue learning myself while passing my knowledge (and hopefully some enthusiasm for the subjects!) onto my students. Ideally, I would like to teach at a community college level so that I'm not bound by responsibilities to research (although I obviously would like to do research to expand my knowlegde, just on my own time, you know?) and therefore would be able to spend more time on my students.
    Hehe, I'm glad someone else appreciates the bubbles.
    The trip to the observatory was mindblowing. Fortunately my two closest friends are also introverted intuitives so we have the most interesting conversations, which really helped during the L.A. rush hour traffic drive up. The presentation was so cool- they covered a whole range of topics including the current developments in the space programs, water on the moon, and some really cool pictures of the Andromeda Galaxy using different electromagnetic wavelengths to capture the images. Awesome.
    As for dishes, they're only fun to me if there are TONS of bubbles. I've always wanted to fill up my entire kitchen with bubbles. Maybe when I move out! Hehe.
    And I am SO excited for the trip, the Observatory is one of my favorite places to be. Ever.
    ...Uhh, sorry for the long post. I suppose I got a little carried away :).
    Ooh, that book looks fairly interesting. I took and Intro to Philosophy class last semester and it really sparked an interest in Philosophy for me. In fact, a few contemporary theories of physics are debated to be more philosophy than science because our technology hasn't evolved to a point that we can test these theories yet. If you're interested in quantum mechanics, Brian Greene's 'The Elegant Universe' is a great introduction to it. It's about the Superstring Theory, which I find absolutely fascinating. You should give it a try!
    As for my studies, I'm enjoying them throroughly. I'm only taking one Astronomy class and the rest general education (math, psychology [both of which I still find very interesting], anthropology), but I love to learn and I have plenty of time to take more science-heavy classes. I'm in no rush, and will probably be in school the rest of my life both teaching (I want to be a college professor later in life) and learning :P.
    It's all about current events in space! I'm an astrophysics major so I'm all over that kind of stuff. Ah, cleaning... urgh. How boring. I do actually like doing laundry, though. What book are you reading?
    I'm taking a trip to an observatory with a couple friends a little later to listen to an interesting lecture and play around with the exhibits, so I'd have to say I'm pretty damn well :D. And you?
    Yeah I was just doing a General Studies degree, I could never settle on a major. I ended up in some stupid classes that I hated and just stopped going or doing my homework, got really depressed, finallly seeked some counseling and got a doctor's recommendation to allow me to withdraw without it hurting my GPA. I'm now majoring in sociology, minoring in global studies, going to a school thats honestly not any bigger than ICCC (which I got my AA at). It's alright, I'm just trying to get a BA and get the fuck out of school, I'm beyond burned out.
    I withdrew from college at UNI, moved back to FD.. didn't want to be there.. and then my Aunt and Uncle here in Superior told me I should come live up here with them and look for a job or go to school up here, so I did that! I never joined INTPc and I don't really have a good grasp of the environment, but it seems to be more crowded and yeah, immature. A lot of the forum members here are older and dare I say.. wiser. I've pretty much been a regular here since I joined in August of '08. Lots of good people here. I hope FD doesn't crush your spirit, it's not the most enlightened, intelligent place to live. I hate the high school mentality everyone has.
    that's awesome, I moved to the Duluth/Superior area last September.. still, most of my family lives in FD. I think you're the second person from Iowa to find the forum.. don't tell anyone about this place! It's top secret!
    lol, I'm from Fort Dodge. I've also lived in Cedar Falls for a couple of years though. Are you in FD now?
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