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  • I'm thinking the presence of more than 5 people is just overwhelming for me, at this point.

    Do you think you're edging toward figuring out why?

    For some reason I find that I don't mind groups larger than this. I'm allowed a certain amount of anonymity in larger groups. I feel claustrophobic by small groups.

    Hello there....I'm a bit newer to the forum, though I've browsed the here for awhile now. Never made an account until I recently ran across a music thread to which you'd posted a couple of songs. After I heard one, I scoured the rest of the thread for all of your musical suggestions and was forced to create an account that I may tell you:

    Your musical taste is phenomenal. Also, thank you for blessing my ears with Phantogram. By far my new favorite.

    See you 'round the board :)
    Ugh. That's always the hang up isn't it? Making enough money to live while doing something we like and then finding a degree that will get us there. Bleh.

    I went to a funeral and saw my first dead guy. That was a little odd. Personally I don't want some guy talking about God while other people cry about my not being around anymore. I'd rather have a bar-b-que with a bit of a party and maybe if I was cool a few people remembering me a bit you know?
    I had a real tough time in High School in DSM. I went to ICCC and got a Computer Networking Tech AS degree. I wouldn't mind majoring in comp sci or something and minoring in Philosophy but I will wait until I can't get a job or a company will pay for college before I make a move for that.

    I hear you on getting out of school, it seems like the curriculum is so damn boring and presented in a completely unintuitive way, that is unless you spend $40k+ a year.

    I hope the rest of your time in college goes quickly!
    Oh I have had plenty of conversations about Fort Dodge. It is definitely lacking in.... culture? I really miss Des Moines, moving here initially was quite the culture shock. I have made a few good friends in town here, a lot of the IT admins hang out together and we have a good time.

    What were you studying at UNI? Did you get bored of the classes?

    I am actually on INTPc as well, so far I don't mind it too much, we will see how it progresses! I have spent most of my time on the INFJ forums, which is what I initially thought I was, I have a ton of content on there.
    So what drew you to MN, if I may ask?

    Also, what is the diff between INTPc and INTPf, I have heard maturity for one, any other personal opinions?
    I am! I work at "The Labs" which actually just got bought by Pfizer and in turn, the FD plant just got bought by Boehringer-Ingelheim. The whole situation gives me a headache! Small world!
    I was born in Mason City, but I grew up in Des Moines and moved to Fort Dodge after my graduation. I also lived in Iowa City for a few months.
    Flying Lotus//Atoms for Peace at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago on April 10/11.

    Oh, oh! Do I go?

    I think so!
    Oh, I'll go. I have this nasty habit of making myself do things that scare me. Some weird need to prove to myself that I'm strong I suppose. I hope this Portlander thing inspires others to have meet ups.
    Ha! No, not me in reality but perhaps me in spirit.:D And sadly I'm not a librarian though I can see why you might have thought so. I sell books.
    You seem really set on moving to Oregon. You are okay with the idea of living green and living locally right? You might actually really like Corvallis or Eugene. Here in Corvallis we have a wonderful little farmers market most of the year and there are a lot of locals who have that kind of focus. I actually work with a guy who's been heading up a program at OSU involving running a farm entirely organic and earth friendly. He's got goats, bees, chickens, and a bunch of veggies. I've been getting next day fresh eggs from him for months actually. :) Oregon seems to be opening up a bit job wise. My BF finally found a job a week ago in Portland (after looking for a year and a half). At least, IT jobs are opening up again...I don't know what's out there for psych majors...sorry about writing an opus here :o

    I should have just sent you a note.
    Oh no. I thought it was wonderful. You delighted me. hence the face with hearts attacking it. ;)
    Well, it's my duty to give unrequested, uneducated advice that I refuse to apply to my own life, isn't it? By the way, I LOVE the music!
    On the bright side, things are improving here. By the time you get close to graduation you'll likely be able to find work here close to within the time frame expected pre-recession.
    In reverse order: Thanks :D The move would only be for a year. I'd train in MN and then move to Vancouver, WA to work. Masters in chemistry with a focus in semiconductor devices. The University of Oregon has a strong graduate psychology department if that sounds attractive. Sorry to hear things are at least partially predictable right now for you. I know that tends to keep me from being able to explore things as energetically as I prefer :slashnew:

    Global Studies eh? Thinking of taking your skills abroad?
    Hey Flow... so I got a job interview at Adalis in Minneapolis. Did you have a timeline for moving?
    Those are (especially Kid A) probably a couple of the most introspective songs I know. Whenever I'm upset or overwhelmed I just turn on Kid A and turn off all of my senses (or at least try to). I try to somewhat separate my mind from my body, taking solace in the solipsist view (which I don't necessarily adhere to but believe is eerily true) that all that I know that absolutely exists is my mind. I think Descartes' First Meditation also helped convince me of this.

    Man. The power of music..
    On my way back I took a route past this farm house that had a huge fenced off lot with a ton of black and white spotted cows, and was listening to Optimistic, and at one of the parts where Thom says "this one's optimistic", one of the cows just turned and stared at me. Then he continued with "this one went to market" and ANOTHER cow turned to look at me! It was as if I was reading the cow's thoughts as I passed them. That was pretty cool..

    Anyway, that's my Kid A story. I'm pretty high now; you can kill that.
    Since the sun was getting lower (to the point where the light from it gets pretty dramatic), it cast this amazing light across the fields, so that the yellow and green from the corn fields were illuminated in orange, and everywhere I looked around it was as if I was in some flowing orange sea (the wind was making the grass/corn flow sort of [shit! you're flow!]). All the while, How to Disappear Completely was playing and at that instant I felt like I was Moses crossing the Red(ish) Sea. It was one of the truly unfathomable/spiritual/happiest moments of my life.
    Speaking of Kid A. My birthday is around mid-October, so the weather is always beautiful (at least here in Illinois). I go to school in central Illinois so there are a ton of farms and just open plains around here (which is at times depressing and at times beautiful; this specific tale is of the latter). So I woke up on October 19 with a pretty bad hangover, and was feeling kind of down the entire day (I always get inexplicably depressed on my birthday), until I had a great idea. The weather that day was unbelievable here, and it was around 4 or 5pm, so the sun was still out but on its way down.

    I grabbed my jacket, then my mp3 player, and scrolled over to Kid A. I decided that I was going to have a hardcore introspection sesh. So I took off south of campus towards a bunch of farms/fields with this amazing dirt road that goes between these two endless fields for a couple miles.
    Hey. I think you're a stand up guy.

    *passes blunt*

    Wanna hit this?
    Hey Flow, btw... I'm still asking around about job opportunities for working with troubled youth here, but I've had trouble finding anything that would lead to a paying gig. I'll let you know if I come across anything.
    True. I think at INTPc unfortunately there's more "gap," the older crowd and younger crowds tend to form off more into separate clumps. Here there is more mixing.

    ... no worries about age. Everyone who meets me or sees my picture thinks I'm thirty... and in ways aside from chronological, maybe they are right. For obvious reasons, I am perfectly fine with that. :D
    Ah flow... very very good, you have been studying your "profiling" theory... yup, anyone who invests time in a letter rather than just disappearing probably has some emotional investment and wants to be heard, not just disappear. :)

    I actually bounce between a few forums (TypoC, INTPc, and here, among another 1-2)... but... more I was just frustrated I couldn't seem to make this work, ya know? I couldn't understand why i did not feel like I fit. It was more just a dump of my feelings when Cheese happened to trigger me, otherwise I might have sat on it for more months and said nothing ever but stewed on it...

    i'm glad i checked back :)
    I guess I am back, lol... I checked in for mail and after seeing some comments, decided I had been wrong in my assess, or at least it was worth trying again.

    ... ROFL... actually, that was my ISFP-then-roommate's room... but rest assured, the room I am sitting in right now and typing from is... not nearly as organized as I would hope. I just tend to have too many things for too small a space, and can never quite figure out what to do with anything so... it's like urban sprawl confined to one tiny room, doh! :)
    *avoids eye contact* I really like your use of green... it's uh, like, all encompassing your profile and such. Which is cool. Wait, idk if I used encompassing correctly.. let me check. (quickly walks away)

    Loved this.
    Well, It would a train-on-the-job kind of deal. No, I don't have a BA... I have a BS! In biochemistry. Unfortunately they're looking for a Chem Eng or Chemistry major, not a biochemistry major...
    Good to hear that it's a kinda happening city, I have had zero experience with the midwest.
    do you get into St. Paul much? What's it like? I applied for a job where I would be training/working in Saint Paul for a year before moving back to the Portland area.
    Ugh I don't want to work there. It's a recruiting firm, so 50% of your day is spent talking on the phone. The other 50% is spent talking to coworkers, preparing for phone calls, or thinking about what just happened on the phone call. I imagine you don't want to work there either. :-P
    hahaha, believe me i don't know many either.

    thank you, i suppose :)

    and respect to you to, but i don't think i deserve any kind of respect for that to be honest, still, thanks.
    he really is. I think my favorites bounce between "Tango Til They're Sore" and "Singapore". I only have Rain Dogs, though, which I have to say is still a fantabulous cd.
    at one place I worked there was this really awesome picture of a guy smoking a cigarette hunched over a typewriter. You can find it in the old picture archives at the Oregon Historical Society in Portland, Or. It would be a good avatar for you. :-P
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