Yes, I think that many people are much too quick to categorize things into "good" and "bad", and to shun anything that doesn't bring about "happy" or enjoyable experiences. Which is a very simplistic way of looking at life, or really anything. You can never truly understand something until you've examined it from all angles. I think that alot of people actually don't want to really understand what it means to be a human, because they fear what they will find, which is counter-productive. I think that all humans, (despite weither or not they want to admit it) intuitively know that to be human is to suffer(to some degree) and they still live with fear, they simply don't face it.
I'm not saying it's pleasant or anything, but it's better then stuffing anything I don't like into a closet in the back of my mind.
Anyhow, the darker side of the human psyche is were some of the most fascinating art and literature, and even music, has stemmed from.