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Nicholas A. A. E.

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  • Awesome that you're fairly sure though! But what's wrong with the intro courses at your community college?
    Here's the thing: I love science. Always have. However, my chemistry and physics classes were so bad that they bordered on farce. My chemistry teacher would go off on crazy tangents and I literally learned nothing the entire year. My physics class started out okay and everyone thought I'd be the top student because how engaged I was. That crumbled when the class realized the teacher had no backbone. The structure collapsed and everyone sort of floated in a sea of seemingly meaningless information and arbitrary due dates. I'm ashamed to say that I stopped paying attention and only did well enough to cruise by.
    Point is, I really don't know how well I'd do in those fields because I have nothing substantial to compare it to.
    Sad. I was going to beg you for recipes.

    Yes, indeed. Those three little letters were becoming unwieldy.
    Ah, the conversion is now complete.


    ^Just seemed like a Spockian thing to say. :D

    Oh, and I hear the food is awesome in the Basque country...is it true?
    Crimson Knight chose my avatar for me. I do have others but I'm totally in love with this one and haven't yet wanted to change it.
    Is your avatar picture going to go through a full rotation? The herd of elephants made me laugh out loud!
    I know, right? All I've heard about that school is good things, and an overwhelming percentage of graduates go on to earn their PhDs. So really, it's not as if attending would make you a full-time starving artist post-graduation. But there's still something about it that screams "impractical." Which is sad. I guess we'll both attend at age 50? What science are you looking into as a career?
    You think you get it right, but an idea thats not evolving is a stale one. I don't often backtrack, but I'm always moving forward, even if only by inches. In my view there is nothing as foul as stagnation.
    I don't trust people irl, they are too biased. So I generally research whatever I need confirmation on, and cross reference it. I'm more objective than most people I know, so I tend to trust my judgement more than theirs. However this doesn't mean I don't undermine or question myself. Quite the contrary. I just make the best conclusion I can with as much accurate information I can glean. I'm definintly a work-in-progress though, always will be.
    No my family is a bunch of dirty protestants. :D

    Well I realized through introspection God was morally inconsistent, and not to mention quite the jerk in the OT. I began some independent research and the rest is history. It was my own decision essentially free, from non-christian influence. Everyone I knew was some form of Christian and the only person who wasn't I never saw. He was very spiritual too, whereas I became an Atheist.

    Why the curiosity?
    Portland. So I'm very familiar with rain. :D

    I also looked at a room for rent. It's in a "community house"- a 14 person house. I think it's going to be a little crazy, but I met 8 of the people and they seemed like they were more iNtuitive. Not to mention I have no friends in Seattle, so I need some people around.
    woah, what do you know. I was just in Seattle to interview at a cancer research center there. There's a decent chance I'm going to move up there in the next couple weeks.... but it's totally dependent on getting the job.
    Generally if something impinged on my ethical code. INTPs are described as laid back, until you violate their principles; that's very me. :P My problem is that that I've a very non-traditional code, so I clash with very traditional people, which unfortunately the majority.
    I really appreciate the clarity you bring to discussions, and the willingness you have to stand your ground.
    Well it depends on the situation. I do tend to defy a lot of unwritten societal rules and expectations, and I generally have a lot of issues with authority figures, especially when they seem to be abusing their position. That said, I'm more likely to simply ignore said person, and let them think what they like than to actively rock the boat. Though I have done so in several situations. I really don't like cops though, and I don't trust them. Of course you'd have to be particularly stupid to pick a fight with one.
    No, I distinctly recall that gentleman hanging upside down some days ago. >.>

    Edit: Okay, he changed again. Or I'm just hallucinating. Is it odd that I notice/obsess over this? :confused:

    Is there some hidden message, or motive to the movement?
    Is it predetermined?
    No, I've got you mixed up with some other high-school-age aussie male. I didn't infer nationality from posting style. This is the second time this has happened on this board, aargh. It distressed me so much I made a thread about it (still haven't solved it though). Bugger.
    Hmm, am I completely wrong in believing the picture used in your avatar has been rotating?

    If I'm wrong, hopefully not coming off too neurotic. :D
    Oh, and hi.
    You live in Seattle?! wut. I was convinced you were Aussie. I think I've completely confused you with someone else. It always messes me up when I do this, because then I have to completely reinterpret my past, and redo my mental profiles of people.
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