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  • Oh, it's only been a week since I said hi. Feels like it's been forever. I guess it's been a long week.

    How are you?
    Oh yeah, the only reason i posted that is because you weren't on IRC but you were here. What's up with dat?
    No, I'm not asking for your aim or for you to go away. I just thought it would be better to speak to the people who are worth it directly rather than use the forum if you don't really like the forum.

    I made one too, not so horrifying. Have fun I suppose, don't drink and drive.
    You're welcome, I kinda think you do have to find the right one, not the best one, but someone who knows what they are doing, and like before someone you're really comfortable with since both hypnosis and therapy are intimate practices.

    That's cool, would you be okay with contacting them directly(email, im etc)? You know so the whole place isn't allowed become a crutch.
    I've been reading from what Da Blob linked me: http://consc.net/online/8.2b / http://consc.net/online and wikipedia articles of course. I couldn't really give you a good source article so far. If you're interested in it for the therapy(habit-changing, motivation and relief), a lot of that could be done through talking with someone you are extremely comfortable with, it's semi-hypnosis through relaxation.

    Also, I noticed it's been a week already(?) and you haven't left. So you like it here or what?
    Pot? I smoked it for a few years when in college and found it to have therapeutic value, but it became boring after a while, just part of the same-old-shit POV
    First question: I think that who we are changes in degrees. I'm more the person I was yesterday than I was two days ago, and I'm more the person I was two days ago than I was three days ago etc. There is no clear cut off point, but I would say that I'm almost 100% a different person than I was when I was five.

    Second question: depends what you mean by "being myself." If you mean do we act differently based on the context of our situation, then yes, we have many personalities. If you mean do we switch to different identities qua numerical identity, then that comes down to what you think matters as far as identity goes (see ship thread).

    Third question: I don't think we have responsibility to anyone but ourselves. However, there are consequences for our actions.
    i'm sorry if i've come across harsh in anything i've said to you. and for hijacking ur thread! i'll let it go now. ^^;

    welcome to the forum.
    hey lungs,

    Just a heads up. Posting pornographic images isn't permitted. I'll let the image you posted in the Random thread slide because it was more comical than graphic, but yeah.
    That's great :)

    I really need some, been trying to make my own though.

    As for skype, sure thing, it's just for whenever.
    hey, I've seen that picture before. I knew someone named laghlagh who used to have it as an avatar.
    or something?

    go to sleep
    listen to music
    when I'm feeling solipsistic, imagine the lives of other people
    I know haven't posted there in a while, my priorities have changed, if that's all you're interested in...well I know we didn't talk much so I guess there's not much else to really be interested in.

    I don't know what you'd find of interest here, in the monotony, but it looks like you're already here.
    I'm not really sure, but I'm pretty sure. ? In that case, hi, hello, long time no see.

    So, what brings you here?
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