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  • Could you give a link to an example or two? Yes, as much as I can appreciate photographic realism (I like eyes especially), I also like what you pointed out.
    Interesting idea that one, or perhaps one could go as far as say observation, that images stored in the mind (or are they really "stored"?:) memory and the nature of it's "existence" is highly fascinating) are "nothing but a bunch of colored smudges". I wonder if one can take that idea further. That most of our thinking is indeed quite smudgy! And if it is, shouldn't your living expression, or more specifically, the way you communicate parts of it by language, to be as accurate a representation of your mind as possible, be quite smudgy as well?
    Sorry for such scrambled sentences, but I guess I can blame it on my smudgy mind now:) I like that word.. smudgy smudgy smudgy smudgy!
    Yes, I think I'll have it as a desktop background once my current one (a picture of an opium den from the 1870s) has run it's course:) The thing with beautiful pictures, for me, is that they always leave me with the feeling that something more is to be wanted. I want to be there, touch it, smell it, live it. But I guess it's exactly that that makes it so fascinating; you have to construct that for yourself - what the people are doing, where they have been, what it's like to be there, what goes on in their minds and all that good stuff. :)
    If you're passionate about psychology I guess all of those barriers won't stop you. I just like to warn people first.

    Civil engineering was a random selection I made at the end of high school. Under civil engineering I randomly majored in an area which allows me to design chemical reactors, distillers, industrial furnaces, water/wastewater treatment plants. I guess I "could" design simple buildings/bridges. On the side I studied an applied mathematics degree because the engineering already covered half the subjects.

    During the last year of my degrees (last year) I worked in the field of data analysis. I left uni and a firm offered me a job paying 100k a year. I declined because the university offered me a full tuition and stipend PhD scholarship. So now I am doing a PhD. PhDs here at maximum last 4 years.

    I am not passionate about much. I just do and see where the chips fall. I am still a bit uneasy about doing a PhD rather than working.
    As for myself my expertise is in civil engineering and applied mathematics. I have limited knowledge in the area of pure maths. I like using maths to solve problems. Teaching mathematics? I don't think that is going to happen.
    If you are going to study psychology in Europe or the US, expect to devote 12 years of your life just to leave university level education with a PhD. Anything less than a PhD is worth less. Now if you want a decent income, there're post-doctoral studies you must do... It never ends. Throughout of all of this there is the establishment and bureaucracy.

    Psychology is a fascinating subject but being involved in psychology may results in net negatives. Just bear these things in mind.

    The situation is the same for philosophy, economics, sociology and the rest of the human related subjects. To a lesser degree science.
    Keynes was a very charismatic individuals and had a strong personality. Definitely a J type personality. Take people like Mises, Rothbard or Friedman, you can tell that they a J types as well.

    From interviews with Hayek I have seen, he always paused and thought about his replies. The replies to questions weren't phrased in a manner where they imposed on other people. Very different personality to Keynes, Mises and Friedman.

    I have no idea what Paul Krugman's personality type is. I leaning towards considering him as a J type.
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