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  • No hablo frances, hablo espanol.
    Asumo tu tiene la clase de frances?
    (Sorry for lack of accents, couldn't be bothered to set my keyboard up so I can type them)
    Please, no applause necessary.
    It's my pleasure, as I bore easily and require constant entertainment.
    A ghastly thought, I know.
    It's definitely still up there.
    Who knows, you could find a stash of poems from a secret admirer from last year, and then see for yourself.
    That one's just evil. You know if they'd won that this would be serious.

    I just got a huge ego boost. It turns out that last year, a girl really
    liked me. I was totally oblivious. She wrote a ton of love poems to
    me and posted them on a writing website. A friend of mine just found
    Nothing like hearing about your "Fiery eyes" and "Angelic face" to put
    you in a good mood.
    My list coincides with yours, but I would like to add one more.
    Using the Bible as evidence in a debate.
    Seriously. I was arguing about "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?". I said "Well, reptiles were around before the birds (including chickens), and they laid eggs. Ergo, egg came before the chicken."
    So, the response?
    "Nu-unh! The Bible says that God made all of the animals at once."
    Then, he looked smug and said "I think I won". The rest of the class murmured agreement.
    Such pressure...
    Is there anything specific that some people say or do (or maybe just some specific people) that you hate? Not despise, not strongly dislike, but hate.
    (I'm such a positive person...)
    Today, the weather was wonderful by conventional standards. Weather was in the 60's, sunny, and a slight breeze.
    I prefer cloudy days. It's not just to be contrary, it's mainly because I've got sensitive eyes (although great eyesight) and get burned easily. Sigh.
    Damn you, sun!
    Oh, dear. That sounds awful.
    I, fortunately, have an awesome Spanish teacher. She keeps the class moving at a good clip, yet still manages to keep the kids who are failing Geography from falling too far behind.
    Unfortunately, that's one less class I can doze in.
    I'd prefer that to my homework. At least that could be considered a bit involved. I get a sheet of words. I have to define them and draw a picture to "show that I understand the word". We're graded on the pictures alone.
    Here are some examples of the words I was given (For this assignment (due tomorrow) I was given 30):
    Fast (in the food sense, not road runner sense)
    I hate Geography...
    Oh, it's terrible. I mean, given that they're technically working for the government, you'd imagine that they would be a bit more professional.
    They cover a broad range of topics in the most minimal manner possible. That, and every one of the people are dunces.
    For example, in the 4th grade, I was taught what an atom was. "Building block of matter", and "Matter = Stuff". From 6-8th grade, (assuming they don't return to a previous unit in the last month of school...) we "learned" that an atom has protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons are big, and the electrons are little and go in a circle.

    I, for one, could've told you all of that in the 4th grade. Even if I didn't, to mention that would take an extra ten minutes and would hardly be "over my head". Instead, they repeatedly teach the basics with a little bit added on each time. Excruciatingly little.
    I can't stand the curriculum (or lack thereof), and I can't stand the people.
    I go to a fairly small school, so the book selection is limited.
    If you want books, though, go to http://library.nu. They've got thousands of books, all free for download (usually in pdf format).
    It was wonderful, not only for the Wisconsinry but for the fact that I missed 3 days of school for it.
    I rather despise school.
    It's extremely tedious, but I find the internet to be worth spending twenty minutes or so of tediousness.
    Some cheese curds are fried, so that adds some flavor (and increases risk of heart disease, but whatever).
    All of my teachers are condescending and repetitive. *sigh*
    Is your password...
    (at least 50 percent of all network passwords are on the above list, from my experience)
    Oh, but they taste so very good...
    There is internet available here, it's just that it's not available in the specific residence in which I'm staying.
    (I'm actually still there. I password guessed the neighbor's internet connection. :O)
    (The password was "passw0rd")
    I'm about to go on a trip for approximately four days, and the place I'm going has no internet connection. You may use this time to come up with something devilishly clever and entertaining for me to read upon my return. After all, your entire life revolves around entertaining some stranger on the internet.
    If you want to get really technical, I'm pretty sure that it would be "un-passionate" that you're looking for.
    ~Grammar Nazi~
    1.) I'd sit, prior to debate, thinking over everything I can refer to as objective evidence for my argument, and try to generally make myself convincing. Then, I'll be frustrated when I never get anything in response beyond "Yeah, sure." and "Nuh-UNH!"
    2.) I love classical music, and I listen to it far more often than I do "modern" music. More specifically, I love Rachmaninoff.

    (Thinks to hisself, "I really should ask something back, so as not to be boring, but I've no time...")
    How would you respond to your own questions?
    I just ran out, sadly.
    Closest thing I have to ice cream is burritos, and those aren't like ice cream at all.
    Oh, dear! Best of luck!
    (Though by the time you read this, they will probably have finished...)
    Tell me how it went, then.
    Oh, whoops. It skipped my mind.

    The way I see it, knowledge is better by a long shot.
    Opinion, and the will to act on it, without being guided by knowledge... It's a terrifying thought.
    Without guidance, the opinion is more or less random. Imagine the opinion is one that Jews are bad. Evil incarnate. Hellions roaming the Earth. Just nasty in general. Now, throw in some will to act on this. If this happens to a particularly charismatic person, your end product, and the actions it takes, will resemble a man generally known as Adolf Hitler.

    I think a bunch of lethargic scholars would be considerably better for things in general.
    I've never particularly minded solitude. I crave it more often than not.
    I was recently debating in my English class, and I thought it was rather painful. It's fun in general, but considerably less so when the people who I'm "debating" with will ignore any argument, no matter how logical or based in fact. They refute it with nothing more eloquent than "Nuh-UNH!" and proceed to repeat whatever they just said.
    The arguments that they give... Ugh.
    This one actually happened:
    Topic: "Should we sterilize the mentally retarded?"
    "No, 'cos it's mean, and it's bad to be mean."
    Mind, I'm in an advanced English course...
    (I don't mind long comments, though at this point I can only hope that you don't either..)
    Happens to the best of us. (And by that, of course, I'm referring to myself.)
    (People like narcissists, right?)
    How's life?
    would you consider dress codes in most contexts, and similarly enforced traditional codes that are associated with the highest of civility, to be uncivilized by principle?
    1.) They're accumulated in an afternoon of boredom and "ooh, shiny!"
    2.) Well, it's -interesting?- to know that the figure I portray over the internet betrays my age.
    (14, for the record)
    As soon as I'm old enough to get a job, I'll have a plethora of instruments..
    I'll also start working towards the $2000 in online wishlists that I've accumulated.
    Oh, I'm jealous of your versatility.
    I play the piano, though the specific one I play could hardly be called one. It's more suitable to refer to it as a cheap keyboard purchased at a pawn shop.
    The keys aren't even weighted. Sigh.
    It had no reason of importance. I was trying to think of an interesting username, so I was just throwing together adjectives and nouns in my head. I found the thought of a beverage with a stony expression to be amusing. Rather than saying "Stoical", I fancied giving a throwback to the (interesting, at least in my opinion,) philosophy of Zeno.
    And so, "Stoic Beverage".
    Is there any particular significance to your name?
    Nope, this is a first. It was spurred by several reminders that I'm not inclined toward being social. So, I decided to demonstrate my ability to the contrary.
    (by saying hello to someone on a forum consisting largely of people who are also antisocial...)
    I logged on to the forum today, determined to leave a visitor message on somebody's page. You, lucky miss, have been selected.
    Your prize is shown above.
    Ah. It is a starquake. Said phenomena do occur 'in space'. However, it is merely an artist's rendition of what are actual occurrences. So, yes and no.
    Sadly I did not, although I have found directions and it is quite simple. I just don't have the necessary pieces to do such things at the moment.
    Well, I've had my INTP forum account for awhile . . . but I haven't used it in forever.
    Life is dull, predictable and full of nonsense.

    Assuming you mean life as in the 'external world' and not my general health.

    As for my inner world, it's as bizarre and as rich as ever!:3
    Nope, they let me play as long as I want since I don't turn them up to load. I have also bought me a telecaster from there so they let me play. :D
    My harmonicas are the Hohner Piedmont Blues with the A, B(flat), C, D, E, F, G. I am not too great at the moment but I am learning and they are fun. Mine aren't chromatic, just the regular blues harps. But I have read that chromatic's can go to several scales while blues harps can be forced into other scales. Both have nice benefits that make them special. I got the blues harp because that is the kind Mick Jagger plays, well a better/more expensive version of mine no doubt. I got mine at a music shop near where I live. I just love going in there and playing the different guitars for hours. Haven't got to do that since last spring though.
    Inane = boring, pointless, meaningless, trivial
    Drivel = like dribble but speaking, to speak without saying anything
    That used to be Auburn's avatar.

    Anyway no point, not saying you shouldn't use it.
    Just my brain leaking inane drivel.
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