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  • I know it's not random. It was kind of the joking, calling it random, hehe. Moby Dick > Lobsters? Sure. Moby Dick > Lobstrichs? Not going to happen =)
    Genesis 1 is sort of perfect for law-givers really. "Things were inherently chaotic" "Yes?" "But one must only speak a law for it to not only be true, but absolute." "ah."

    The hypothesis is worth a read; I'm sure you can find it on wiki somewhere :P

    I will likely be unable to respond to your PM for a few days I am afraid, due to travelling. Be in touch soon.

    Afterthought: In the E and P traditions, God is always referred to as Elohim until He reveals His name to Moses, then He is referred to as YHWH God. Lord does not mean "Lord of this World" it is God's name in the bible. Elohim is plural, Lord is his name.

    When I was Christian I always felt Lord God was used in the latter part of creation because it represented His relationship with man "Adam and Eve" and so used His name. It just so happens that the J tradition is inconsistent with E and P. For some reason they know God's name before He has even revealed it..

    Edit: Yeah, sorry, I've looked a few videos ahead. The distinctions he makes, while quite intuitive of him to note, are just the differences of the documentary hypothesis texts. I don't think it has anything to do with Satan.
    One thing to note is that the Torah was composed between 922 and the latter 7th century BCE. Genesis was not necessarily the first book composed - they were originally unordered, in scrolls, the ordering was a later tradition. It was likely composed initially in King Hezekiah or Josiah's reign.

    Hope it is food for thought. Sorry to intrude.

    (cont.) Another problem is, if you have a concordance like myself you can check this, Elohim and YHWH are used interchangeably throughout the whole OT if you claim the Lord God is a pretender you are not just denying the NT but a good deal of the OT as well, which leaves you asking on what authority you base these remaining books at such a high standard?

    But it is interesting. He is basically suggesting that some of the amalgamated sources are wrong, and that they should not have been edited.

    If you are curious the first creation is associated as a P text (stands for priestly) They used Elohim as well. They were likewise a Northern Israel tradition. The second creation is J.

    If you ask me the Priestly texts are mostly concerned with establishing ecclesiastical laws. I think the first creation is just trying to symbolise how organised God is, and his creation; a juxtaposition of how ordered priestly concerns should be. J is a folk-tale of some sort I would guess.

    He is correct that Gen 1-3 is believed to record two accounts of creation and that they are divided on God's name, Elohim and YHWH Elohim, respectively. (It is divided 1-2:4a and 2:4a-3). However calling the latter "Satan" is problematic. For God's name is actually one of the primary causes for dividing the text into sources. The J source (Jahweh) and the E source (Elohim). In particular J is associated as a Judah tradition and E a northern Israel tradition. If you check where these names are used you will see the language is very similar.

    Saying Satan was with the Judah tradition produces problems. For example, if E were the true believers why were the 10 tribes of Northern Israel wiped out while Judah survived (went into exile admittedly, but they got back.)
    I am just looking through that video you posted on Nil's page.

    While it is an interesting theory (and I will watch the other videos) I thought I'd contribute a little.

    If you have any particular investment in the Bible I would look up Wellhausen's documentary hypothesis. This is almost universally accepted by Biblical scholars. It is basically the idea that the sources of the Torah (pentateuch - Gen,Exo,Lev,Num,Deu) can be split into 4 different sources that have been woven together.
    There is something to his argument... there is definitely something different between chapters 1 and 2. But still, his argument is based primarily on LORD God vs. God, from what I can tell.
    Very well, I will rewatch it. Though I suppose whether Jesus of the New Testament is Satan of the Old Testament doesn't matter much... if there is a God, there is only One.
    As for the video... I have watched the first part and assimilated a little information. Truthfully, the argument seems somewhat shabby, but still has potential. I will watch it in-depth with the second part tomorrow.
    I don't know the archetypes. :P

    Hm... I am not sure about wrong with respect to the Christian God... there are many mysteries in there alone to unravel, but I more or less turned my back on them. Maybe one day I shall resume.

    In a way, I suppose, knowledge is a poison and a limiter. It forces one to believe in a certain way. So does everything else. That is why I say the only true freedom we have is what we are enslaved to.

    Both Satan and Jesus were described as Lights... I wonder what that means? Seems to me that it was God who wanted to leave man in darkness. Satan showed man the light. In the New testament, the opposite phenomenon happens. Fascinating. you may yet pique my interest in such subjects once again.
    I can have no opinions on something I know nothing about.

    I do not consider seeking knowledge wrong... I truthfully don't know why anyone would, but I suppose some would. Though I do suspect the acquiring of knowledge, especially knowledge which is deeply embedded in the world and universe, such as the type I am looking for, may have adverse effects on the person.
    Haha, you will find I have an abundance of time, sir :P

    (I study history, like 4 hours of lectures a week.)

    I will be kind and wait a little bit before responding as I am sure you have less time than myself. (;
    Ahh, cheers, this should make great procrastination material (;

    I'm on Jungs types, this seems quite dense material, and it is quite late here, so I might have to revisit it. But thank you very much for posting. May I ask how you personally apply your knowledge of typology if it is something you practise?

    I personally don't mind if my type is challenged. I don't have an ego attraction to INFJ it just makes the most sense to me that I am an introverted intuitive. What type do you identify with (if there is a MBTI equivalent that would likely help as I am not too familiar with Socionics yet.)

    Also, in Socionics is a persons type fixed or is it fluid?

    Sorry for the questions, lol, feel free to ask me any (:
    Hi Eyeseecold,

    I'm surprised I havn't written to you before you seem like an interesting person. May I ask how you got into socionics and if you could recommend any resources for it - when I have the time I wouldn't mind learning more. I'm afraid my typology knowledge is a bit from here and a bit from there, and no bit knows where it came from (;

    There was a video posted some time ago where a female was conducting a Saw-like torture and the male participant was eating right through her challenges. Do you know where this video is, or at least the thread in which it is contained?
    We all have it within us. All we need is to rediscover it. Although if we push it to extremes (luddites) we become hardened.

    If you look at my conversations with Da Blob, or subsequently listen to all 14 videos. Muslims are not Evil/Antichrist - their spiritual growth has be suppressed. We all need dignity/purpose/our place in the universe.
    It's symbolic of relationship between Good and Evil.

    The Fallen have in a way been put into a position of a no win scenario.

    Optimus would not have his mistakes fostered on those not responsible. Megaton has fear of the death of all Transformers.

    To see Optimus at risk, taking the responsibility shows where the main male human protagonist accepts his responsibility.

    All actions have consequences. - Divide the options and civil war has always been winner take all.

    To survive on terms of Ethics more than barbaric ignorance will spare much bloodshed.
    Its only in your heart that you deceive yourself. Personally and culturally.

    As above so bellow. Them that love and them that go.

    Interpret me as you would, wanting nothing more than your child(humanity) to be safe.

    Be gentle.

    A spoon full of sugar helps the medication go down. - Mary Poppins
    I do have a habit of only figuring out parts of things before moving on to the next great adventure.

    haha :p to be honest I can actually see what you mean :p
    , although I did have to look him up
    Introverted Judgment? Dom Ti? Wait, you think INTPs have Ni as well, don't you? I'd completely forgotten you had this wei- very different system to conventional MBTI. What do you think the majority of the people here are? What is an INTP, to you, ie what functions does it have? Is the MBTI profile for INTP at all similar to whatever profile you have?

    Heh heh. What's 'the other way' to you? What's... lots and lots of questions? TO YOU?!

    Your 'proof' only shows you've read a lot of posts by young forumites who haven't developed their Fe enough to realise the world is a bright and shiny place! And that every place has room for slaves! But no beds, because you don't fraternise with slaves.
    My momma said never to asept Pness deminstrayshuns on the innernet!

    Yeah, you did come across a little aggro, but it could've been just me. This feels more comfortable. Again, that could be just me.

    I feel de-ego-ed as well! But unfortunately the effect on my behaviour is going the other way.

    Actually I *would* like to see what you come up with in terms of INTP proof.
    I KNEW I forgot something!

    Yes, your personal interest.

    Good. Actually nothing much has happened since then, except more detail and I haven't made contact for the last few days.

    Alright. I have no way of telling, really, but I think you might not be INTP? I don't know. Although you seem different the last few weeks. More approachable, less antagonistic?
    thanks. So, what's your favorite series? I'd liked .hack since the first time, but it turned into my favorite series when I read about Jung and Neon Genesis Evangelion was based on Freud's theories. Always I see something related to .hack I try to find symbolic patterns hidden. Do you also try to find hidden meanings in your books, movies, etc?
    Well ... I still don't work and my parents haven't money to international shipping (? you mean shopping, right?). However, one day I'll buy, I'll learn japanese and will go to live in Japan if necessary, but as .hack//link wasn't translated to english yet (dammit) and I don't have money I'll wait. I want to see a game as The World someday, without intelligent virus which can hack your brain of course.
    They're not all as invested in typology investigation as you seem to be, and they're not all interested in extended argument. Of course there could be a lot of mistypings, but I'm just talking about forumites in general.


    I'm off to pray now. Wonder what'll happen.

    Do you think I'm INTP btw, if you have any opinion on the matter at all and if you don't please form one right now kthx?
    You don't know who Melkor is? :O Search him and take a look at his number of posts, and number of visitor messages. I assume your high activity is largely a result of your interest in typology and your tendency to debate.

    If you really don't know why I deleted it, maybe there wasn't any need to. Hmm. I'll see where it goes, anyhow, and maybe create a new one when I have some answers.
    I was told the .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet was very good, but it's hard to find anything of the .hack series here in Brazil, so I've just seen the anime which is very different from the manga. But I want to see the novels about G.U. and to play .hack//link

    .hack is my favorite anime, it changed my life
    *unusually intense activity :p
    That's Melkor-esque, surely.

    The information, ah, ahem. Forget it. Actually I may update on a later day, but now is not the time I think.
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