You need to look a lot more into what Fe and Fi are, methinks. In fact, you have a lot of it backwards (at least, if my understanding is correct).
I think that, generally speaking, it's Fe's that are probably going to react passive-aggressively, whereas an Fi will take more of an active, personal stand. Fe's are likely to react in a way based on the emotions of others, and when taking a stand it is usually on behalf of another. When they strike it will probably be your actions have hurt someone else rather than your actions have hurt me (which an Fi would do). Fi's will also do this sometimes, but the difference is that they will be doing it because, by hurting someone important to them you have indirectly hurt them, and so it is still a personal thing.
Both try to avoid conflict wherever possible I think, being sensitive to the pain of others. Fe's are more direct conflict resolvers, Fi's will be more passive and try to keep the mood light.