For NT's, happiness is found in some academic setting. xNTP's will be happy in less-directed lives while xNTJ's wil be happy in more directed lives. Not sure where to put NF's. xNFJ's could fit Motivational Speakers and Peacekeepers, and maybe also in academia. Ni doms or aux usually turn out as rulers. Maybe xNFP's are unnecessary or probably something about "moral art" to lead mankind into proper direction.
As you can see, my theory of a typological society is not finished. Once its finished, I'm thinking of entering politics and arranging the entire system to fit this.
Power as happiness varies by amount and type. SJ's need some power. N's will probably need more power. Ni-dom-aux will tend to seek power depending on their direction. Ne's will eventually stumble into power.
As you can see, my theory of a typological society is not finished. Once its finished, I'm thinking of entering politics and arranging the entire system to fit this.
Power as happiness varies by amount and type. SJ's need some power. N's will probably need more power. Ni-dom-aux will tend to seek power depending on their direction. Ne's will eventually stumble into power.