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  • Thanks for the links! I'll have to have a gander at this when I get home (stupid work keeping me from my interests...).
    Yes, but I find that it helps me organize the chaos at least enough to see where the interconnections would go, if there were a way to depict something very tangled. :)
    Well....there was implied sexual references in there, just not in chords, sorry, chrods*

    One finds her overbearing accent overbearing. Be as it may I don't find her quite so distasteful, just her accent. Golly.

    Ah good, now Irish is an accent worth saving! especially the drunken subvarietytype.
    Ulster, like oysterz? they talk right?

    My brain just doesnt process the last sentence, please resplurge :)

    And here I was hoping Chrods had some deeply sexual meaning!

    How can one not like Keira Knightl
    y? D:

    Yeah I'm Irish.;P

    Though of Ulster origin, so not so sweetly voiced.

    Quite unlike the Englishman in question...
    Well, it's not like my brain is of any use anyway:3

    So why worry?

    Oh, never you mind missy, but I always seek to hide the weakness in my knees on hearing the queens English when spoken by anyone under thirtly or partially attractive.




    Oh don't worry.

    I am secretly infatuated with a select few English actresses, and this one time I had a chat with an adorable English guy who was interested in the Irish language.

    So it's not completely hopless!:3
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