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  • *grumbles about Australia's real heat* 40? Really? *drools*

    We were up almost to 10 today, and at 11:30 last night, when I went out for a ride to bring in the New Year, I was riding in 8C. Which was amazing, right up until I started to overheat with my jacket on, while riding a bike in January... not normal...

    Happy New Year to you as well. May 2011 be a fantastic year on the bike.
    Aha. Yes, it's from one of my favorite films: "Le Samouraî" by Jean-Pierre Melville. The actor is Alain Delon, one of the coolest men to ever do anything at all.
    I don't know what Australia's laws are on the issue. I know that, here in Canada, cyclists legally have to ride on the road, as they are considered to be a vehicle, and while I would assume the same holds true down under, I don't know. That being said, provided the law doesn't forbid it, definitely the road. Granted, there's a slight danger of being hit by a vehicle, but if you respect the rules of the road, and pay attention to the traffic around you, there will be very few problems.

    Riding on the road has always struck me as being more of a thrill. I'm not sure if I actually go faster, but it seems that way, especially since the ride is considerably smoother. It really comes down to personal preference, I suppose, barring any legal issues. If you feel safe enough on the roads, ride on the road.
    It can be whatever you want it to be. I've had this on various forums for years.
    It just seemed to me an accurate representation of, well... mostly everything.
    *gasps* I just checked the forecast for Melbourne for this week. I envy you even more now. Today's high of -4 here isn't too cold for cycling yet, not by a long shot, but how I long for weather in the 20's and 30's to come back.
    It's bearable, as long as I hibernate inside.

    As thrilled as I am to have convinced someone to make biking their main form of exercise, I challenge you to do one better. Make it your primary form of transportation. As long as you live in an urban area, and are no more than 25km from work, you should be able to get into work in about the same time as driving. I would advise you to take water with you on every ride, but I'm sure you already knew that. The one ride that sticks out in my mind every summer was one where I went out in 42 degrees without a water bottle. While I was riding, i was fine, but when I got home, I don't know how I made it to my bed, but my next memory after getting off the bike was waking up on my bed, with a cool cloth draped on my forehead. I was moderately dehydrated, and incredibly overheated, after a ride that didn't last much more than an hour.
    It always amazes me how people so admire me for biking in extreme conditions. People always seem to think I'm amazing for riding in 40C weather, and retarded for riding in -25C weather. I don't see what the big deal is. The hotter the weather, the more the airflow will cool me off; the colder the weather, the more my activity will warm me up. I keep getting dirty looks from motorists, especially, this time of year, because we're starting to dip under -10, and they don't think that cyclists should still be out, period, much less riding on the partially-cleared roads.
    Sorry, I always consider the seasons to be based on months rather than based on weather... that way, Christmas is always in the winter around the world. But yes, our summer weather is very similar from Canada to Australia. So much so, in fact, that I prefer to see Australia's weather forecasts from November through April, because it reminds me that somewhere in the world, there's warmth.

    Biking in the forties isn't that big a deal. The breeze ends up cooling your body down, so you don't feel the heat until you get off the bike. Dry heat is the absolute best biking weather around. At some point, I want to try the interior of Australia, but cross-Canada has to come first.
    It's picturesque when we have fresh snowfall on Christmas Eve. Doesn't allow the city enough time to ruin the perfection that is brand new snow.

    Summer in Canada is pretty similar, from what I understand, to southern Australia's winter. Mid-25's to high-30's are pretty normal. Everyone seems to complain if we go too much higher than low-40's though ("It's too hot. I can't wait for winter. Snow will be so nice.") I revel in the higher heats, for some reason. Much nicer to be out biking in.
    Ugh, just had to shovel 6 inches of the white stuff off my driveway... shall I send you some of it? I'm sure you wouldn't mind a white Christmas for once down there in Australia.
    ^^^Proof you don't live in Canada... no-one here hearts snow. We tolerate it until it goes away.

    Gru is most definitely not a patriot. Canada's leadership has made it difficult for me to even respect my country, much less be proud to call myself a Canadian (read spineless doormat).

    *gasps* Your friends don't care that your country is involved in a war of terror??? Wow, I wish I lived down there. I wouldn't have to put up with people talking about how heroic our soldiers are for getting mowed down left, right and center...
    Ah, the bear from Winnipeg... yeah, not the biggest fan of him, but he's Canadian, so I have to show some support, I suppose.

    Yay, someone who agrees with me... why does it seem like almost anything you post in here is contested by someone? Not that it's a huge problem, just drives me a little loopy... and yes, the Taliban are actually Afghanistan, but it seems lately that Afghanistan and Iraq are practically inseperable. You can't mention the one in my circle of friends without some mention of the other coming up... probably because Canada is in Afghanistan, but all the American media deals with the war in Iraq.
    1. Maybe.
    2. I don't know.

    Both depend on the people. For me, the first is true, but maybe not the second. My experiences and reactions with knowledge and awareness have often been the exact opposite of happiness. But it depends on the individual, what makes him happy, and, if knowledge does make him happy, what knowledge he gains, and how much, and especially his own interpretation of that knowledge.

    That being said, I do like to think that knowledge does, to some degree, make me happy (at least when compared to things typically applied by others to make them happy), but... it never leaves me that happy. I've come to accept true happiness as fleeting; if not, a figment of the mind in order to preserve sanity. Or something.
    What is the importance of nature?
    It tells us what lives we should live.

    Society is natural.

    Nature is often regarded as a foundation for knowledge. Science tries to understand nature. And environmental effect is less predictable.
    *Excuse me

    I would suggest that objective happiness relies on nature: the origin of purpose/meaning. In other words, what makes a person happy depends on his or her nature.

    Let's connect it to personality types. An INTP's nature differs from an INTJ's nature. Therefore, both will be happy in different ways.

    Pure Awareness and knowledge are only one type of happiness that may make a specific temperament happy.(It might make INTP's happy)

    But awareness and knowledge comes in many levels. ESFJ's are satisfied after a certain level while INFJ's are satisfied in another level. Over-awareness might even harm some types.

    Everything here = my opinion. What do you think?
    Hallo right back... I think... maybe? I'm still not sure the meaning of the word "Hallo"... perhaps you're insulting me... perhaps I'm just paranoid...
    I've haven't traveled much. Just around Australia a bit mostly in Victoria. I live a bit more SE of Springvale so I consider that still to be SE. What's so different about the north?
    :D It's an old Life magazine cover.

    Also, I stole Eyeseecold's pipe and this is the visual representation of that fact.

    Nemo as in Captain Nemo?
    Hey, I live in the SE suburbs ( that is all your getting ;) this is the internet after all), I quite like the city but I've never lived anywhere else to compare it to.
    No problem, it's so amazing.

    "Kids, if you want to piss off your parents, show interests in the arts... Kids, if you really want to piss off your parents, buy real estate in an imaginary place, oh yes."
    I got a new one!

    Course I missed you!

    My sniper skills just aren't what they used to be:(
    It seems you and I are in a continuous struggle for that 3rd place trophy in the Arcade. How about we come to an agreement - I get the trophy on weekdays and you get it on weekends, eh?

    What say you?
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