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The Introvert

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  • Well I don't like being called stupid for no good reason, nobody does, but for reasons I've just stated it doesn't matter.
    I gotta say I'm enjoying the irony of someone making an idiot of themselves by calling me stupid :D

    I am well aware that faith and science are incomparable and everybody knows it, heck whose idea do you think it was to split the philosophy and faith board into two different ones?

    By all means please continue to amuse me.
    Lost where? :matrix:
    In the endless tangets within this place?

    I already seem to exist in a state of perma-lost/wandering, mentally and physically...but I have a good sense of direction and prefer it this way [I think].
    I'm writing a book. (Sorry for the arrogance, but it is/will_be truly ingenious. Haha.) I'm at 11 pages now. I will organize and rewrite some of them. Once I have done that, I will send you some paragraphs.
    This is also what I mean with being transcendental, my accuracy of perspective has become more dedicated than the common person. It is not to say I am better. I am just more dedicated onto that direction. NOTE that I do not say the 1 dedication is better than the other! It is not that I say so for the sake of arrogance. I say so for the sake of truth.

    I change a lot though. And perhaps soon I will posses the humility you are referring to. As I do not know the future, I can't predict myself. I thus can't have an ego just yet.

    I am sorry for the TL;DR. If you are bothered by it, I will prevent doing so in the future.
    Once I would make my external awareness of ego more conscious, I would lose the ability of being accurate. I thus am getting the most out of it now; so that when I feel wise enough, I can transcend it by establishing my ego. The longer I wait, the wiser I get; the more intelligent I will end up. And I do not yet feel satisfied enough no transcend my own consciousness into the humility you are referring.

    Thanks for the advice though. I am graceful for that.

    Do you understand my perspective? That what I am focusing myself onto right now: In order to be accurate, I have to explain my own perspective without presuming an objective. Which may come across as arrogance or as agnostic, but it is not. It is simply, having a low ego. Which resonates with being accurate and thus honest about your perspective.
    Haha, how great that you say that. I've been writing a theory about it. "To receive the constant stream of intentions resonates with being humble. To portray intentions by impulse resonates with arrogance.". These are two types of consciousness which alter in every human. To be wise in thinking, would resonate a preference for the former. (If you'd like to read more about what I wrote about it, ask)

    Now I have talked about one his ID being wise, there also is the ego being wise.

    It is a hard task connecting them together, and I must admit that I both fail in that and I have not yet established an ego.
    Developmentally I am not far enough developed to do so. I am building my ego with extreme caution which creates the complex I am in now. Namely, I have the purpose of being accurate. That is, to get the most out of my ID being wise, and forming intelligent circuits. Detached from how it would be perceived (ego). And as I said, I do so to establish my ego with caution.
    "Your life sounds wonderful, except for the hectic sleeping pattern. I would recommend you try and get that at least somewhat stable.

    Don't lose faith in the scientific community, because I'm still here D:

    Is it over-optimistic to hope to be able to change the misplaced values?"

    I can stabilize it when I have to, and yes, it's impossibly over-optimistic. Being a teacher seems almost like... being a wolf in sheep's clothing. :angel:

    And there's a difference between having faith in you vs the scientific community. ;)
    Ah, OK. :) Good luck in your salvaging!

    *yawns* Time for bed. *gets under covers*

    Well yeah, you'll feel sad and anxious after driving her away: feeling like you're losing someone whom you like is a double whammy of loss and fear of later enmity, enmity that cuts all the deeper because you still feel close to them. And though I'm glad that you've found the will to carry on afterward, focus on working through these feelings lest they become lost in your unconscious.

    Hi T. Introvert,

    Not very. I took one year of physics in college or maybe it was two. Non-math oriented. I recall I was disappointed because at that time they never covered nuclear physics. Later I took one semester of theoretical physics which was math oriented. It was not for me as I far preferred pure math, not the practical stuff.

    Are you new to physics or a physics major? Architect is the physics guy and Agent Intellect I think too.
    So, my cuddly friend, what happened between you and your girl since we last spoke?

    I never knew about it until I saw your post. Something I wanted to do for a long time, but never knew how. Till now. Thanks.
    Flying Lotus - Archway (Teebs remix)

    I recently came across it so I'm enjoying it too. You're into hip hop / electronic music?
    Yeah, he has issues, and you were smart to do what you did. Nice, Fe, O INFJ. ;)

    Yeah, some species and yields are wildly powerful. I've known some people who started seeing words coming out of people's mouths on just two stems and two caps, which is probably less than 1.75 grams.
    In my opinion the bad trip stuff is overblown. Psilocybin has basically no toxicity or long-term side effects. In fact, psilocybin's use has been linked to better long-term psychological health. But yeah, I would start with half an eighth and add-on if necessary.
    For me, I could take one or five dried grams and be fine. The issue, ultimately, boils down to how ready you are. Just do it in a peaceful environment. Without knowing more specifics, I would recommend two grams for your first time. I did a full 1/8 ounce (~3.5 grams) my first time and it was incredibly powerful. I basically saw god haha. Honestly, though, I enjoyed the split 1.75 dose (with a friend) more my second time. These were very powerful shrooms, however. :p
    Hey, I left a post but take it easy your first time. Some people cook up a fun-filled day and then become overstimulated. Just go out in nature or stay inside. Good luck, and peace out. :D
    Your abstract sounds interesting; I'd start a thread on it, if I were you.

    Hm. I still think my girlfriend is INFJ even though Architect said probs not.

    What about Fe for you?

    Now I have to go back and read everything I can about INFJ so we can chat some more. Wait, no that's just wrong. I should have read everything I could about INFJ the minute I suspected my girlfriend was INFJ!

    Edit: must RE-read as much as I can about INFJ.

    have you read this yet!? This one in particular.

    I came back to share this with you.

    Just a fluffy article on INTP that I finally thought conclusively defines me to a T. Without a doubt.

    Go ahead and read it maybe we are more similar than you think. Let me know how closely this rings home :).

    I like the part about Ne it really helped me understand.
    Hmmm... Talk to Snafu about this: http://www.intpforum.com/showpost.php?p=343474&postcount=17 Or maybe bump an old "What's my type" thread and do an @ summon. You're Ni-dom fo sho (INTJ/INFJ), your auxillary is questionable given that I used your "experiences" to ID tertiary and inferior and we're not quite sure what the cause is. There's also the option to upload a video for Auburn. Dude's a badass.

    Now then... WHY AREN'T YOU GOING TO CLASS?!?! DO NOT make me drive 4 hours through a blizzard to C-Bus to kick your arse! :aufsmaul: :cat:
    Hi thanks for saying so! Yeah it's kinda cool to chat I'm sort of just getting into forum culture with reefkeeping and stuff.

    I do love voicing my opinion all over the place but I have to keep myself in check of course before I start running wild with criticism. Must first learn a little about who I am speaking with.

    At least I know nobody's going to get offended with what I say! :) - because I don't want them to.
    I might be able to live with that label. :^^:

    Vis-a-vis your recent thread - follow Minuend's advice. These problems seem pretty long-standing and heavy duty.

    Let me know if I can help...
    No worries. I've got a lot of road time ahead of me in the next 48 hours, and a lot of stuff I gotta update you on as well.
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