Haha, how great that you say that. I've been writing a theory about it. "To receive the constant stream of intentions resonates with being humble. To portray intentions by impulse resonates with arrogance.". These are two types of consciousness which alter in every human. To be wise in thinking, would resonate a preference for the former. (If you'd like to read more about what I wrote about it, ask)
Now I have talked about one his ID being wise, there also is the ego being wise.
It is a hard task connecting them together, and I must admit that I both fail in that and I have not yet established an ego.
Developmentally I am not far enough developed to do so. I am building my ego with extreme caution which creates the complex I am in now. Namely, I have the purpose of being accurate. That is, to get the most out of my ID being wise, and forming intelligent circuits. Detached from how it would be perceived (ego). And as I said, I do so to establish my ego with caution.