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  • Alright, how about this situation. Sword cut. Your arm cut off. Thoughts?
    2nd Situation. Stomach ache. Thoughts?

    "Good work".
    lol. Would you agree with me if I say that all things require "some" hardship?

    "Limit stinks"

    This subconscious instinct has severely reduced the amount of stimulation I get. It's the critic of your brain. Do you understand? If so, have you experienced anything similar?
    Hell is a place of unbearable torture. Hypothetically, what do you think your thoughts would be when your in this setting? Would you enjoy it?

    Would you rescue those in danger?

    It's currently not working well. I am impeded by my lack of willingness to endure hardship for the sake of a better future. The life that naturally makes me happy is this---Conversations about all things that stimulate me.

    Fear was an example. I am not focusing on it yet. I am still focusing on my limiting instinct, wherein I prevent/filter myself.
    What thoughts would you have if supposedly you were continuously experiencing tremendous pain in hell?

    Why do you care about all people sometimes and most of the times care about some people?

    I rely on nature for my happiness. What will naturally make me happy? What kind of life? It's easier to just let it dictate and limit your freedom. But I want to get rid of the instincts that are never beneficial. For example, fear isn't always beneficial. I want to train it.
    It's okay though, they are wearing off now. I don't intend to have more for a long long time.
    Well I don't know how much control I have beyond putting them in my mouth and swallowing.
    Honestly, the fact that I am still up right now alone should be a pretty good indication of what these pills are capable. I woke up at 7 on tuesday.
    So these things matter to you and yet you believe in all possibilites? Isn't this a contradiction?

    I'm talking Tomato Ketchup.

    Exhilarating? In other words, you enjoy exercising your instincts? How bout, let's say...burning yourself, would that ever be happiness?
    Well...if the reality now requires you to eat or else you die, would you obey it? Considering that you say that you acknowledge all possibilities, would eating or dying matter to you?
    There is bad food which is bad.

    Why was the accident fulfilling?
    No, I mean do you really believe *that* you believe. How do you know if you follow such a philosophy when your obeying *this* reality? I was simply being playful at myself for always referring to food.

    So, what type of experiences leads to your happiness?
    Do you enjoy continuing arguments for the sake and pleasure of debate? Or are you just one of those who hates to lose?
    I like the variance, the change. It gives me a myriad of perspectives, and I can stop wherever I would like to enjoy that perspective. If I sit, I shall have not but to learn to enjoy that one.
    When you are sitting down you get one perspective. When you are on the go you get lots of perspectives.
    Do you really believe that you believe in the possibility of all things? What does your instinct tell you? What do you do when you are hungry? It's always about food

    What is your happiness? Is it not simply to experience? If so, then what is "not" happiness?
    I am a catholic. While I am not the best in the world, maybe not even a good one, I have been raised to believe that god helps those who help themselves. I believe that work pays off. That god notices. There's no use in simply not doing anything, feeling sorry for myself. Anyways, even if it doesn't bring me mirth or joy, I feel BAD when I don't get the most out of my day. I feel...satisfied...when I know that I have done all I can to better myself. I am creating a network, I am physically improving myself, I am making myself smarter, more mentally tough, a better organizer, I am learning life skills, padding my resume, preparing myself for graduate school.

    What would sitting around bring me?
    I don't do anything for other people, I do that because it is what I think I should be doing. The way people see me has little to do with my daily schedule, and more with the basics of my appearance and conduct.
    Forgive my outburst. It isn't all your fault. I say this objectively, please take it as such.

    People look at me, and they see a stereotype. They see an attractive person who carries himself well, takes care of himself, does well on the playing field, does well in the classroom, seems to take responsibility for his life, and appears confident.

    Whenever I try to tell someone or it comes out that I suffer from depression, harbor some inexplicable fear of loneliness carried over from 10 years go, that I see a shrink, people always assume I am being spoiled, or being a baby, or that I want attention.

    I don't mean this arrogantly, but a lot of people see in me someone who they want to be like, and it doesn't make sense to them that I am unhappy. It looks selfish to them. I am not saying this is the case with you, but its the most common reaction I get. My friends used to laugh when I told them I was going to talk to my counselor. I tried to play it off then, but it got to me.
    I'm sorry, I didn't realize we're measuring our metaphorical dicks. I'm sorry that my experiences and reasoning aren't good enough for you. I didn't experience the trauma you did. I'm sorry you had to. I truly wish that hadn't happened to you, even though I don't know you.

    Nonetheless, that does not give you the right to judge me as a person, telling me to get over myself. I never said I had a tough life, only that happiness eluded me. I did not explain all the details of my life, or the reasons why I suffer from depression and anger management, I simply explained the reasoning behind my work ethic.

    I didn't tell you about how I used to harm myself, or how I had suicidal thoughts, but the next time that you want to judge me based on the degree of my misfortune, I'll know better.

    You had your experiences, I had mine. We both handled them how we did. I don't pretend that I could ever understand what you went through. Don't pretend to understand what I did.
    I am not ashamed of my roots, though I sometimes wish I was more wealthy, and that my parents bought me a nice car rather than me buying myself the only POS I could afford, etc. I simply work hard because the values I have been taught are that family comes first, and that you should sacrifice everything to give your children every opportunity for happiness. I want to be able to give my kids every opportunity and every experience I never got. And yes, I also want a lot of money so I can buy a boat and go on weekly deep sea fishing trips with the typical friend group I plan on assembling someday.

    Happiness eludes me because, no matter how well things might be going for me, no matter how much other people may fawn over all the blessings and talents god has given me, I look back in regret at my childhood, and I know that no matter what, I will never get those years back, and I will always feel as though I missed out on something. Try as I might, I cannot seem to let this go.
    Failure for Failures sake is not truly a failure, but rather a successful attempt to fail.

    I work hard because I come from modest means, my parents both bust their asses for a living, yet I have had the...pleasure...of going to high school and now even college in a community of kids whose family's average annual income is comparative to what my parents bank account might look like if they had never had kids and saved every penny.
    Have you ever heard of Taylor Mali? He is a quite famous middle school teacher who makes tapes and stuff that are comedic but often have very serious lessons. One of my favorite is making fun of how kids these days speak, how they show a lack of confidence in what they are saying. He insists that we should speak with the very same conviction that we FEEL about what we are saying.

    Ever since I heard what he had to say about it, I have spoken more confidently It has helped me gain peoples' trust and respect.

    I suppose maybe it has gone to my head a bit and is leaking into my written work as well. I have no intention of coming off as a pretentious tosser. I do not know everything, nor do I think I am always right. It's just that when I say things, I try to say them with conviction.

    You are right. I am not very happy. While god has blessed me with much, and I thank him for it, he has not seen fit to bless me with happiness. I suppose I have not yet earned it.
    how do you even know if there is anything "real outside of our heads"? Are ideas less real from physical objects?

    How many ludicrous ideas were there? Is the idea of "not eating at all in order to eat" one of these ludicrous ideas? Have these ideas turned out correct? To die in order to live? To stop breathing in order to breath? To be yourself in order to not be yourself? The world is full mistakes.
    1 can be by itself as an idea. It leads to the same confusion. Can the idea be not the idea?

    But can you imagine a universe such as that? Do you seriously believe in the possibility of all things?
    It is understood that math is just a language that uses symbols to understand reality.(which I vehemently believe that there is only one)

    But to declare that 1 = 1 is a false statement...

    It's an outright contradiction. And what kind of universe allows contradictions?
    Well, if suppose we know something, it should be itself, correct? AlisaD is AlisaD. Lol. And yes, I am offended. I'm glad you noticed.
    Do you believe in the possibility of a reality wherein 1=/=1? wherein something is not itself? How do you think that would behave?
    I have only started a few threads so I am boggled. I apologize for my assumption, but do you think you are facing a problem? Maybe a vague problem?
    Africa?? :walkout:

    No I don't know, I haven't been on here much either. I started one thread about law, and the only person who found it interesting was someone who thinks he's an ISTJ. Yeah the gf's good... you know what, I think the external world has won me over :eek:
    Long time no talk.. have you been posting/lurking much of late? Or are you bored of your INTPness like me?
    Wow. As always, you bring me great insight. I think I understand the importance of justice as a vague mystery. Still, does justice necessarily mean having good things happen to you? Can't it be just you doing supposed 'good' things?


    :D I see. Sounds like an interesting way of dealing with children. But what if a child always annoyed and angered you? And what if a child did you or anyone else injustice? How would you respond?
    It doesn't help to get mad at yourself? Really? I thought it is at least somewhat useful. Maybe it damages more than it teaches.

    I wonder if punishing children is really an effective way of teaching them.
    So, tell me. Why do you think justice sounds quite wonderful? Why do you think it sounds wonderful to many people?

    Do you think it's because we are conditioned by society and genetics to form a functioning collectivity? We have to like justice because we have to maintain overall survival through cooperation.

    I disagree. I think justice is an ungenetical, unbiological, unsurvival, internal model, a contemporary of reason, existing towards a greater cause. It is there and if you maintain 'friendship' with it, you can live your best life and your best death.
    Interesting thing that you get mad at. I find it hard to get mad at myself. or do I? I don't know. Probably at times, probably when I judge and accuse incorrectly. I think self-imposed anger is meant to develop the self, but at times, can really screw your self-esteem. I want to see if we can condition our own action and reaction. To be better at judging fairly, to be slightly more of what we want ourselves to be, and to lessen the negative reactions we're prone to choose.

    What do you think?
    you patterned me well. I would definitely ask these things but not only to understand. I will ask questions to see if the person is honest and will analyze fairly, to improve that person's own judging ability, and, more importantly, to see if my anger is justified or I'm a fool for defending against truth. In the sideline is also to make the person realize hir mistakes and ignorant assumptions. At times, it is my fault. My emotion defeats and blurs my reason. I may not display my reaction, but it's there and it's being tempered.

    The existence of justice is self-evident. It's there as an idea. I think the true question is 'what is justice'? What you thinkz?
    you can't imagine it? Hm..now I'm wondering about what your impression of me is. :D
    False accusation primarily. I don't know why. I seem to value honor a lot or something. Falsely accusing me of something really tweaks my anger.

    Aside from that, any deviation from 'justice'.

    What about you?
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