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  • I might respond to certain things you have said later on. For now, "Your headspace seems shady, especially after getting banned from PL."

    Implying shady is being used as a synonym of unreliable, I have to disagree. The only thing is, that I use other definitions for the words I use. If I say Ni, I merely and only mean Internal/Subjective Interpretive Perception. Which has a lot of meaning once properly understood the context/depth I put in it. As for Typology, I refer to PL as Typology too. You may disagree, but that would simply mean that you misunderstood my intention. Interpret that what is being said by the context it was supposed to be in by the writer. Don't interpret it all weird by saying: No in my worldview.... bladiebladiebla. That would be what I would refer to as: "PL ignorance."
    Hey hey, I will read it later. I g2g now, I hope your not making a fool of yourself XD
    What is going on is that you don't consider the judgments you made in the perspective that you pursued to be false. Which they probably weren't. But yeah, the perspective you had itself, may be based on the wrong concrete perception, making it irrelevant in the concrete external context. But I retreat/also_admit_that, my perspective may also have been based on some misunderstood concrete perception. It is INFJs greatest loophole. That what made me able to judge you for an INFJ within a matter of seconds.

    But yo Ben. I wish we could continue forward as 'friends'. Since my ban from Pod'Lair I know quite a lot about typology. I've build up a worldview that covers a lot, transcending PL themselves in some aspects. (In my judgment).
    I may be a jerk. I don't intend to be one.

    Anyhow... Are you an INFJ? Perhaps we could become friends
    Omg.. I told you not to turn this into an endless discussion. Your logic is weak, just forfeit kiddo.

    (I'm so mean :#)
    Assuming you're an INFJ, which I can tell. I'll give you a moment to retreat in your response message to mine. You failed to interpret me, and if I'd take part in the discussion it will be an easy win for me but we would both waste our time. So delete ur wrongfull message (which is based on false concrete perception), or I'll actually respond -.-: If I do respond however because you had failed to retreit, than leave it at that. Don't let this turn in an endless discussion. I wont impose questions
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