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Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 16, 2009
I found this and thought it might be enlightening to some people.


Visualization is the ability to see something in your mind that is not there for real. But not only to see. Use of visualization was common among shamans too. It is worth to look at their experience to understand the meaning of it. Shamans taught that a person must learn not only to see the object but make it alive - to smell, touch, taste and hear the object - to imagine it as a whole and feel that it is real.

What stands behind visualization? Our eyes do not actually see the object as they are closed. We see through our brain. Nerve impulses are sent to the brain. It is the brain that translates these impulses to images. Visualization is very important for people who wish to make magick. You won’t make a successful spell if you can’t visualize. As you know - the thought can materialize. If you wish for something and visualize it as if it was real, that something will eventually come to you in your real life.

Now let’s look at some exercises that will help you on your road to visualization. Find yourself a place where you wouldn’t be disturbed, dim the light, sit down with comfort, close your eyes and calm your mind for a while.
Attention! To learn visualization well remember never to imagine yourself. You must not see yourself from aside. All you see you see through your mind eye. In visualization you are the central point not a part of the scene.

The Exercises

1. We insist that you begin with a very simple exercise. A sheet of paper. Imagine a white sheet of paper before your eyes. Can you see it? Now change it’s colour to blue. Play with the colours. When you succeed, move forth.

2. Now let’s draw a shape on the sheet. Let’s take a circle. A white sheet and a circle drawn on it. Now change the colour of the circle. When you succeed, move forth. Do not rush in! When you can make these simple exercises, stick to them for a couple of days - let the skill soak up. Don’t hurry through the rest of exercises.

3. Let’s make it a bit harder. Now let’s play with combinations of colours. White sheet - red circle blue sheet - greet circle, etc. When you succeed, move forth.

4. Now let’s take an object. Imagine an apple. See how it’s peel is shining, see the redness. Take it in your hand. Roll it, examine it’s surface. Do you see any spots? To help yourself with this exercise you may want to take a real apple before taking to this exercise and let your mind to soak up it’s image. When you succeed, move forth.

5. Take to a more difficult exercise. Try to visualize a group of objects. Put this apple on a plate and find that the plate is on a table. When you succeed, move forth.

6. Now we can try to imagine surroundings. Start in your own room. You know everything in this room, don’t you? As you sit on your chair with your eyes shut, imagine that you are watching around the room. See the furniture, see all the objects. You will not be able to see your room in your first attempt. Don’t worry. Everyone can learn visualization but we learn at different speeds. It is OK! When you succeed, move forth.

7. When you can visualize your room, stand up from your chair and move out. Examine other rooms in your house but do not go out of your house. Everything has it’s proper time. When you succeed, move forth.

8. Walk out of the door. Walk down your street. See the buildings, see the trees, the sky. When you succeed, move forth.

9. Return to your street. Now add some moving objects. See a bird, see a person walking by, watch the cars on the road. When you succeed, move forth.

10. Let’s make it more vivid. Get back to the first exercise - again a white sheet. Change it’s colour to blue, feel the presence of the sea. Smell the air, hear the waves crushing, hear the seagulls. When you can sense it, combine it with a picture - look at the sea and sharpen all your senses: smell, hear, touch - make it real! When you succeed, move forth.

11. Now your skills are quite impressing. You are ready to add creativity to your exercises. Imagine a place where you want to be. Create a forest of your dream. You can even paint the trees in a colour you wish. See a bird - it is a strange one, it exists only in your imagination. Using your visualization you can travel through space, visit the Underworld etc. Be creative!

12. Now all you do is strengthen your visualization skills. It’s wise to practice visualization at least a couple of times per week. As any of skills visualization can slip away if not working with it.


For people who actually read it all, what'chu think? I think the way that it's done, it kinda would work.. wouldn't it? It's just strengthening your imagination?

This might belong elsewhere, but I think it's more psychological anyway. =3


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
May 23, 2009
Your mileage may vary. I was always snap-successful with visualization, and no longer require a tuning process or relaxed awareness to achieve high-res. I don't even close my eyes these days. For some people, I have been told, the paper-step-one is nigh-unto-impossible.

For those who have difficulty, is it primarily an issue of inability to think in a visual-spatial way (for example, do you have difficulty with visual memory recall?), or the result of over analysis or excessively high expectation of results?

You won’t make a successful spell if you can’t visualize.

I am amused. Did you take this from a pagan/wiccan/et cet website, or was it derived direct from "The Secret" that was so popular a few years ago?
Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 16, 2009
For those who have difficulty, is it primarily an issue of inability to think in a visual-spatial way (for example, do you have difficulty with visual memory recall?), or the result of over analysis or excessively high expectation of results?

I am amused. Did you take this from a pagan/wiccan/et cet website, or was it derived direct from "The Secret" that was so popular a few years ago?

I do have difficulty recalling visual memories. Does that make a difference?

It was from a Wiccan website, a friend sent it to me. "The Secret"?


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
May 23, 2009
I do have difficulty recalling visual memories. Does that make a difference?

It was from a Wiccan website, a friend sent it to me. "The Secret"?

Interesting. It may indicate that your primary thought zone lies in another region of the brain-- how does memory recall work for you? As a visual-spatial thinker, most of my memory recall is direct visual input-- I can recall exact visual details years later, although I probably can't correlate them to events. I assume that this processing method has some relationship to the ease with which one visualizes.

"The Secret" was some self-help... book, I think. I don't know all the details, but it has something to do with visualizing... and... karma. I think. Spirituality on some level. I filed it under the Televangelists and Related category.


Active Member
Local time
Today 8:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
Geometry & physics help develop this ability too btw, as my math teacher said at the time. It came as a surprise to me at the time that apparently not everyone had this ability already. Sciosa might be right: maybe you have a different preference. I know some people are supposed to be auditory (which comes with its own advantages).


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
huh? this is a skill?

i thought everyone could do this
Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 16, 2009
Actually no, I've realized I can't visualize at all. Is there something wrong with me?

Artifice Orisit

When your visual resolution gets higher than what your real eyes are capable of it starts getting weird, like opening your eyes and it's like seeing through binoculars the wrong way. Another creepy thing is staring at a blank wall and seeing visual static on it, but when the two effects are combined in a dark quiet room, things start getting trippy.

Who needs drugs, not me :D
And I haven't even started on the audio, tactile stuff.


Active Member
Local time
Today 8:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
Somebody check wether Cog isn't yet another account of XIII, please ;)


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009

to answer the OP, yeah practice makes perfect. because my "minds eye" isnt as strong as my visual perception, I do excersises with this somewhat frequently.

a very simple practice is to see an object or wall in a different color. I practice this when I am relaxing sometimes. I cant fully do it yet, but I'm getting there :D
I can change my full perception of the color of my ceiling in a concentrated area, but I have trouble spreading it across the surface as of now.


Active Member
Local time
Today 8:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
@Glovehead: while imagining an object in a different color, are you actually looking at it? Don't make things more difficult than they already are! ;)


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
yes I am looking at it. with my eyes open. and its not so much imagining it a different color, but actually seeing it a different color (i.e. making internal visualization and outer perception indistinguishable)

Artifice Orisit

Make your avatar's beard lime green and the skin pale, trust me it looks cool.

"Trust me, he says" :evil: Shut up subconscious, you'll ruin everything... and stop typing!


Bandwidth Angel
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Dec 14, 2008
I can picture things in my head, but they look washed out slightly and tend to be more and more ghostlike almost the further away from the point I'm focusing on. I can picture things with my eyes open, but I don't see them, it's like another layer but the reality of what is actually there, and what I'm picturing don't connect at all, as in, I can't picture a piece of paper on the desk/floor/etc. and it looks as if it's there (shadowy or not). I can picture it, but I can't 'see' it on the desk.

I also asked a couple people about this (who both looked at me as if I was insane) one of them (a longstanding friend of mine) claims that she just can't visualise anything at all, while the other (My mum) said that she could, but she wasn't very good at it.


Local time
Today 8:35 PM
May 29, 2009
yes I am looking at it. with my eyes open. and its not so much imagining it a different color, but actually seeing it a different color (i.e. making internal visualization and outer perception indistinguishable)

You should research evokation. It's a magick ritual which, according to my interpretation, involves the projection of a highly developed imagination into the world around you. It enables you to talk ''to'' aliens, demons, or whatever else you can conceive of. It's as if they were separate beings, with an independent will and memory.

You need to have a good imagination as well as strong visualisation ability. Don't do the demonic ones, as they'll send you crazy. Start with something soft and friendly, like an friendly alien.

You might also be good at astral projection, with a little practice. It's the moving of consciousness ''out'' of the body into a beyond-mundane environment. It's like having a lucid dream while awake, and having complete control over where you go... but also being able to meet whatever your imagination can conceive of in more detail and with more reality than if it were a normal person in front of you.

Beats this Wicca bullshit, anyway.


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
sounds interesting.

I'm quite impartial to superstition at the moment though, as I just got over being christian and I'm not exactly sure what to believe in (though I have ideas)


Local time
Today 8:35 PM
May 29, 2009
It has nothing to do with belief.

You do certain things, and certain results occur. You can believe whatever you want about it.

These practices tend to be associated with spiritual or magical systems, but so was almost everything that began a long time ago.

Of course, the conceptual framework that you're working from may define what you encounter, whether it be in the form of an entity or an 'astral' environment.

Despite all that, evokation has nothing to do with superstition unless you want it to. It has to do with mental flexibility and fine-tuning.


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
I guess I misinterpreted it. (the wikipedia article was drenched heavily in "magical" connnotations)

I dont think you're wrong though, and it sounds like something interesting to try once I am able.

are you able to do it?


Local time
Today 8:35 PM
May 29, 2009

Wikipedia is a bad source of information for such techniques. "Magic'' is how people understood this in the past, because it seemed like magic. I see it as an advanced psychological skill or ability.


Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 8, 2009
San Diego, CA, USA
I thought everyone could visualize too. I visualize just about everytime I am deep into thought about something, also ecspeacialy when I am meditating.

How do you think!!!!??


Local time
Today 8:35 PM
May 29, 2009
I don't know if this is accurate, but I've heard somebody suggest that they do visualise, but not 'consciously'. Some part of their brain is forming images, but they don't have immediate or vivid access to them. Much of visualisation training is about bringing these subconscious processes into fully conscious awareness.

So, in answer to your question, the underlying thought processes may involve images (/general sensory thought), but only the non-visual effects of these processes are consciously experienced.

There is a strong correlation between artistic and scientific genius and 'conscious' (I prefer the term ''accessible'') visualization capacity.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
I'm incapable of step 1. I've made a thread about this before, though. I really disagree with the last section of the above post. Those I've spoken to whom, like myself, can't begin to visualise things have to learn to manipulate concepts without associations instead. In my experience, this leads to a far greater level of creativity. We have no finished image when we start drawing, for example: we give form on the paper to the concept, and it takes shape gradually, evolving towards no destination in particular.


Local time
Today 8:35 PM
May 29, 2009
I may have miscommunicated. I meant more that people who don't visualise consciously think differently, not that they simply think less consciously. The visualisation happens on a different level of awareness, but that alters the structure of thought as a whole.

Wrt creativity, many of the greatest imaginative artists and scientific geniuses have been people who visualised, often unintentionally, to the point of solid hallucination. However, this does not mean that other modes of thinking cannot achieve equivalent or superior results.

If you want to be able to visualise anything at will, pm me (it's possible for almost anybody, and almost definitely yourself, with the right technique).


Active Member
Local time
Today 8:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
@Saffyangelis: what you're describing applies to me as well. I'm skeptical whether it's possible to go beyond that (vivid visualization), unless Haruhi says he can do it (?). Then I'd be interested indeed, and others likely too.
If you want to be able to visualise anything at will, pm me (it's possible for almost anybody, and almost definitely yourself, with the right technique).


Bandwidth Angel
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Dec 14, 2008
@Saffyangelis: what you're describing applies to me as well. I'm skeptical whether it's possible to go beyond that (vivid visualization), unless Haruhi says he can do it (?). Then I'd be interested indeed, and others likely too.

I think the main way of improving your ability to visualise was lots and lots of practice according to something I read about it one time a while back, I can't remember where though. I think there's got to be a way of going beyond that, so I'll have to remember to try and picture things along with my thoughts (the easiest way for me to get used to practicing) so I shall have to wait and see. =)


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
"Lots and lots of practice" doesn't really make sense to me. An amputee can't grow an arm back by really trying very hard. I'm sure it's something inborn and not learnt, visual symbols are far too abundant in language for it to be an acquired ability. I really can't begin to will a mental image into being. It just feels like trying to move things with your mind.


Bandwidth Angel
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Dec 14, 2008
"Lots and lots of practice" doesn't really make sense to me. An amputee can't grow an arm back by really trying very hard. I'm sure it's something inborn and not learnt, visual symbols are far too abundant in language for it to be an acquired ability. I really can't begin to will a mental image into being. It just feels like trying to move things with your mind.

I think it only mentioned the practice bit after managing to make some sort of image in your mind, so I think it was meant along the lines of the phrase "practice makes perfect" rather than, "if you keep trying, you'll get it eventually, even if you can't do it at all now". I think they were meaning for you to start off by managing to picture something, then practicing to get better at making the images more realistic/complex.

As for the inborn bit, people are born with different level of ability in different fields, but it takes practice to get to your full potential. A good runner may have a good physical structure, but to improve on his or her skills then he/she'd have to practice, and I think this was the intention.

I'll have to look to see if I can remember where I read it, but if it was in an actual book and not a website, it'll be a lot harder to find =/ but I shall look, to see if they said anything more than I can remember about it.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
I maintain my position that some people are simply incapable of associating thoughts with visual experiences. I doubt most people who can visualise things are capable of the more abstract manipulation of ideas practiced by myself and others I've spoken to, too.


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
I doubt most people who can visualise things are capable of the more abstract manipulation of ideas practiced by myself and others I've spoken to, too.

This sounds interesting. would you care to elaborate?


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
Feb 9, 2009
If you want to be able to visualise anything at will, pm me

Damn this guy got banned like 10 minutes before I was going to pm him. Anyone know how to contact him, he seemed very knowledgable?

I've invested a lot of time in visualization, and can create very vivid image as well as remember long chains of images, but I can't superimpose them into reality. How do you get to that stage? Cog, you seemed to say that you can do this, how?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
Well, if I was asked to draw a picture of a tower, I'd have a concept of a tower and all the features a tower could possess. I'd draw a tower outline, or the base of it, or whatever, without having any clue what it was going to look like before I committed it to the paper, then I'd look at it, decide whether or not I liked it, and alter it as necessary. Then I'd start drawing in different features as they occurred to me. It's like having a notion of every possible tower, then rendering it down to one specific tower. It works in much the same way with writing. When describing something, I don't have an image of it in mind, just a sort of list of things it could be, from which I pick the words describing what this particular instance of the thing in question is like.
Also, I can conceive of things occupying a space without being able to see them. Like being able to feel their presence, a bit like how it feels when you know where parts of your body are with your eyes shut.


Local time
Today 7:35 PM
May 18, 2009
Well, if I was asked to draw a picture of a tower, I'd have a concept of a tower and all the features a tower could possess. I'd draw a tower outline, or the base of it, or whatever, without having any clue what it was going to look like before I committed it to the paper, then I'd look at it, decide whether or not I liked it, and alter it as necessary. Then I'd start drawing in different features as they occurred to me. It's like having a notion of every possible tower, then rendering it down to one specific tower. It works in much the same way with writing. When describing something, I don't have an image of it in mind, just a sort of list of things it could be, from which I pick the words describing what this particular instance of the thing in question is like.
Also, I can conceive of things occupying a space without being able to see them. Like being able to feel their presence, a bit like how it feels when you know where parts of your body are with your eyes shut.

Yeah, I do something very similar to this.

Also, for example if I were to transform my ceiling green I'd have to create an imaginary replica of the ceiling in my mind and then mess around with that image. I can do this with my eyes open or shut although, if they are open people would probably think I'm day dreaming.

I just can't map my imagination over a real image.


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
May 15, 2009
How do you think!!!!??

In words. How does thinking in images work, by the way? I've read many times that many (maybe even most?) people think in pictures. I've tried to wrap my mind around that countless times and I can't even begin to figure out how this is possible.

By the way, I've failed miserably at the paper in step one.
Also in the multiple intelligence test "Visual/Spatial" = 0%


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
Yeah, the paper just doesn't make sense to me. "Think of a sheet of paper" makes me think of a sheet of paper, not an image of a sheet of paper...
Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 16, 2009
Yeah, the paper just doesn't make sense to me. "Think of a sheet of paper" makes me think of a sheet of paper, not an image of a sheet of paper...

I'm the same. I close my eyes and it's all swirly darkness.. >.>


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
Exactly! Do you make a picture out of that, or what? Where is it meant to go!? There's no space for it to exist in! D:


Local time
Today 7:35 PM
May 18, 2009
I think the idea is to create a sheet of paper in the darkness.

You can of course create an entire continent filled with millions of people of which you yourself are one of them living in a house that may or may not be identical to the one you live in the real world.

Use your imagination guys. ^^
Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 16, 2009
I think the idea is to create a sheet of paper in the darkness.

You can of course create an entire continent filled with millions of people of which you yourself are one of them living in a house that may or may not be identical to the one you live in the real world.

Use your imagination guys. ^^
Aparently it isn't that easy. I've tried for days to do the first step, I simply can't visualize.


Local time
Today 7:35 PM
May 18, 2009
Are you telling me you have no imagination what-so-ever!?

Do you not even day dream? :eek:


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
I can create that continent you described. I could describe it to you in vivid detail. Whole worlds. But I can't begin to muster a picture of any of it.

Oddly enough, my dreams are visual. I know they are, though I can't recall the images. I do day dream, but I day dream about things happening. I don't see them happening.
Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 16, 2009
I can create that continent you described. I could describe it to you in vivid detail. Whole worlds. But I can't begin to muster a picture of any of it.

Oddly enough, my dreams are visual. I know they are, though I can't recall the images. I do day dream, but I day dream about things happening. I don't see them happening.

I believe it's because we think more abstractly, not in pictures. When we dream, our subconsious surfaces, Fe. (I think)


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
I'd say it's Si, if anything. Ne is the abstract thinking, I'm sure.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:35 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
No, this is my own thinking. S deals with physical sensations, N with abstract ideas, right? And everyone I've met who can't picture things is either Ne dominant or auxiliary.
Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 16, 2009


Local time
Today 2:35 PM
Mar 25, 2009
so sort of a lingual abstraction? If I were to draw a tower, I would first picture it in my head, and change the image around until I had a tower to my liking. then I would convert it onto paper.

Im most likely just an incredibly visual person. even thoughts I have of things which are nonvisual (conversations, certain ideas, etc.) I still associate a "scene" with these thoughts. sometimes consciously, and sometimes subconsciously. It's basically a semi-physical place my mind goes to when the inherent thought provides none. for example, when thinking about philosophy and theology, I always picture my schools parking lot. nobody is ever there, I just simply have a 3d map of it in my head which I roam when thinking about those specific things. this also happens automatically, as in I do not choose to go there, I just do.

I think this thread is really interesting. Ive only ever used my own brain, so I really had no idea that other peoples function so differently. ;)
Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Apr 16, 2009
Very interesting, Glovehead.
If I try to remember things, I get a faint image but I instantly lose it. I don't know..
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