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My Poems

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
I am not a very good poet, but I do write poems occasionally for my website blog.

Here's one I wrote.

The Violent Pursuit of Truth Bellows​

I'm dumbfounded and confused.
Can't tell if this is shock or ruse.
Don't know what I'm standing on.
Since the day I asked, I've been gone.

So far. So far. So far I've traveled.
How many things have I seen that I've marveled?
I can't tell what this truth is doing to me.
All I know is what I've discovered to be
The flickering flame to my conscious revealed
The light in my eyes burning bright that I'm sealed.

I flounder with my recuse.
Don't know my stance that I refuse.
My walk to carry me from
The desolation of that dawn.

So far. So far. So far I've traveled.
How many things have I seen that I've marveled?
I can't tell what this truth is doing to me.
All I know is what I've discovered to be
The flickering flame to my conscious revealed
The light in my eyes burning bright that I'm sealed.

Now carry me softly to my bed.
I took for granted all the things said.
A shooting star in the nighttime tells
The violent pursuit of truth bellows.

So far. So far. So far I've traveled.
How many things have I seen that I've marveled?
I can't tell what this truth is doing to me.
All I know is what I've discovered to be
The flickering flame to my conscious revealed
The light in my eyes burning bright that I'm sealed.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
Another Poem I wrote.

Though I'm A Wicked Servant​

Oh, my Lord, I can hide nothing from You.
My sin uncovered and I feel such deep sorrow.
And the work I have done is only just a shadow.
So, How can I live, let alone walk beside You?
I cannot do a thing on my own, I can only I follow.

And to my sin, say, I don’t want to do.
I'd owe me to despair, today and tomorrow.
By these mistakes, and my faults my death would be my own.
Please hear my question I give and lay before You.
Have You departed from me Lord? To sin return to trouble.

In this state I live, I left it all to chance.
I ask You how Your call could be directly to me?
I have no doubt what I'll do with my will and being.
Don't take Your grace from me, or Your will upon me.
I have deep regret and angst, indeed I do, and sacrifice.

Taking myself toward death, I sin and sin again.
In this state I know remorse, my bitter end.
If You can hear me, I’d beg and ask forgiveness.
But In my labored toil you say,
"Love’s better than sacrifice."

Initially, the hardening of the clay,
In due time and your call, waxing of a candle.
With a bit of evil, but after little remittance,
You've chosen me to do things both tiny and also small,
Pour Your Spirit into me,
Though I’m a wicked servant.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
A poem I wrote against the Russians invading Ukraine.

Life Is Simple Now​

Back in the strife of my fathers' life.
They worked their backs hard and their hands too.

They Didn't know the man on the TV.

They did not have gloves that fit,
They didn't have a drill and bit.

They worked with their hands all night and day.
They lived with problems with their own teeth.
They worked the lands in summer and rain.
They lived with problems with their sword sheath.

They didn't even have a clothes dryer.
Could they find a thief, con, or liar?
They hadn't care for the donut fryer.

Living in a magical world now,
Tells us of the griefs they would allow.
Who would want to live in that cruel past,
When people were ugly in contrast.
Not like people today with cell phones,
Without the tech to fly and use drones.

One thing I will say is sure today:
We live in a simple world,
Where we have warm temperature
And the heat of the day will show us the way.
The great internet's worst heart,
Isn't as cruel as past Russian Tsars.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
A short poem I wrote that is highly structured.

You Use Me As An Instrument​

Lord, I beg for Your forgiveness
I have profaned your Holy name
I have behaved in selfishness
Lord, help me not do the same

I lay it all before you, Lord
I come to the altar of grace
I lay it bare before Your face
I come to where You are, Lord

I call You, and You answer me
As the sun rises, there You are
As the stars in the sky, You're there
I call You good, then I see

In this humbled state, I thank You
You use me as an instrument
In this world, we will have trouble
You have overcome my torment

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021

Shalom Shalom​

You are there always
In the worst circumstances
In the best circumstances
And I am so grateful

When the seas do rage
You are there
When the seas are glass
You are there
When a mother lost the child
You are there
When a new mother gives birth
You are there
When the Christian is killed and martyred
You are there
When a new believer is in Christ
You are there

There are no adequate words
To express our gratitude
In the worst and best of times
There is no language on earth
That has any correct words

I just want to revel in Your glory
To be a part of what gives life
To understand that when I am sorry
I just want to look forward to no strife

I long for shalom shalom
May His perfect peace be upon you
May the storm inside you guide you to peace
May the mother in tragedy lean on Christ
May the martyr rejoice in Suffering
May our Savior and Lord come quickly
I long for that perfect Day

Shalom shalom

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
One of my more "out there" poems. I worked hard on this, but it didn't turn out very well.

The Man Who Knows No Fear​

The sun rose from the Earth
The temperature was cooled.
The religious Elders wanted
To murder someone of worth.

They took Him to the governor.
Remorse from the man's betrayer,
Cause self-murder.

The governor asked,
If he was king of Judea.
Fearlessly, He replied, "You said so,"

The Elders who so hated Him
Needed the man to answer them
For their deceived testimony
But He did not answer the matter

The Governor gave a choice.
He knew the Elders' envy.
The Elders chose the innocent.
The Elders sought His death quickly.
In Envy did they seek to harm.
Then he washed his hands.

“Crucify him!” the crowd jeered.
Horror, Anger, Angst, and Grudges.
The Fearless would die a Holy death.

“See to it yourselves!”
The governor said,
Afraid of the Fearless.

You have some choices to make.
Don't be a weakling
And run from problems.
Or be a person with a grudge
Who's full of resentment and death?
Or a governor,
Who is insecure?
Be a person of power.

The courage of one man
Can topple the most influential.
You'll be consequential.
Fearlessness against calamity
Is the source of freedom.
Bare your cross and follow the Fearless.

Be the one who rises against death.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
Who is like the Lord Almighty?
His footsteps are like thunder.
His hair is as wool.
He has no prominent features
Except that, He speaks the truth.
And He's coming back soon.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021

The Lamb Who is a Shepherd​

The Lamb on the altar
Will be slaughtered in blood
But does even this in peace
By doing what He should
He's betrayed with a kiss

The words in our own head
He numbers all our hairs
And we have to respond
By our inclinations
He's the all-knowing One

The devil of this world
He causes us trouble
And does so willingly
From lying and killing
He's assailed by the Lamb

The news of the Lamb spreads
He gives us the lessons
And we walk as He does
By His self-sacrifice
He's the perfect shepherd

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021

·Seeing they will not see
·To repent and be saved
·Saying, "I am wretched"
·To help their unbelief
·Having mercy on doubters
·He is risen, as He said

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
Your plan and your schemes
Pillaging taking what you will
You never think of those
Who will not grow old to die

There will be an end to this
To chaos and strife for us
There must be an end to this
To the child's loss of life

There are reasons for this
Which shows human hearts
Vile displays of power
Lining their pockets with coin

There will be an end to this
To chaos and strife for us
There must be an end to this
To your villainous wicked ways

Only One has the right
Taking vengeance
Coming with fire
Setting all things right

Proclaim He is coming
And with recompense
To punish or reward each
For what they've done

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021

Is it my fault that I am irrational?
The guilt weaves its way in
Mistakes of a past life
Mind playing tricks on me like
"Should I stay or should I go, now?"
Then the demons get inside
Questioning the very axioms of life
Chaos ensues
Waking nightmares too difficult to say
Like a dream in a dream, my sanity fades
Comatose, anxiety, fear
Loss of direction
And then hope

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021

Failed Success​

One tries to do good
They work hard to do the right thing
Owing nothing to themselves
But it is not enough
They want success for their deeds
And therein lies the problem

We all want to be successful
We all want a piece of the pie
We all want the praise of men

What is a man to do?
How does one war against his flesh?
Why does he want self-gain?

What is the solution?
To never think of your credit?
Not to take pride in your work?

"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away
Blessed be the name of the Lord"
This should be our mindset

Let us glorify the name of the Lord
Either by life or by death
Either by blessing or suffering
Because I know now what it takes to be successful
To sell your birthright for a morsel

The Lord is good to those who call upon Him
But success is not yours to take
For the system is corrupt
And many buy into its system

Help me Lord to give You praise

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
"The Quiet Place"

Away from distractions
Just me and Jesus

He welcomes me with loving arms
He provides solace for my soul

He gives and gives of His Spirit

Oh, how I wish I could repay Him!
Oh, how I wish I could make Him my crown!

So sweet, so precious.

You are the breath in my lungs!
You are the reason I live!

Without You, I am nothing!

Thank You Jesus for Your sweetness
Thank You Jesus for the cross.


What can we know?
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
May 24, 2024
I like the prose. It seems the quest for truth remains a quest for some, but ends for most when they have found answers to settle on. Not implying anything about you here, simply stating that I have observed that many people are uncomfortable with ambiguity, and this observation came to mind when reading some of your poetry and processing its themes.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
I like the prose. It seems the quest for truth remains a quest for some, but ends for most when they have found answers to settle on. Not implying anything about you here, simply stating that I have observed that many people are uncomfortable with ambiguity, and this observation came to mind when reading some of your poetry and processing its themes.

It is impossible to question everything. You are going to land somewhere eventually. You are going to settle on some things while other things remain open. Some things we will never know the answer to, but that does not mean we should give up trying to find the answers. Humans don't do well with no resolution to things. I am not saying we should not question things, I am saying that conviction and schema can be valuable in how we approach life.

This has something do do with my view of Free Will. Have a gander if you are so inclined.



What can we know?
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
May 24, 2024
I would not claim it impossible to question everything, since I am quite adept at question-asking when I'm in the mood, but if we wanted to be logically exacting here, then actually it is impossible to question everything since I would be dead before being able to ask all of the potential questions.
I will check out your ideas on free will. I'll have to peak in at that post and comment directly when I get the opportunity.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
"Jesus, the Ancient One"

Oh, ancient One
I fall before You
And the radiance of the Son

Oh, ancient One
You have created
And by Your Word you say it's done

Oh, ancient One
You have given life
And Your resurrection's become

Oh, ancient One
Oh, ancient One
Oh, ancient One

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021

"A Sword"​

A sacrificing Savior
He has paid the penalty
For your wickedness and mine

He will rule and reign
He will crush His enemies
He will hold an iron rod

I am not deceived
I am not confused

A man of war
A God of war
A man of peace
A God of peace

Light and dark
Echos and balance
Discernment incarnate

They rejected their Savior
But the hope lives on
They have defiled God
But the hope lives on
But hope lives on

"I've come not to bring peace,"
He says courageously,
"I've come to bring a sword."
Through flesh and blood
Bone and marrow
Extremities, members

Illuminate, transfigure
The spear that pierced Him
The nails in His wrists
The crown of thorns
They tell a story
Of pain and suffering
A story of resurrection, recompense, and glory
And of resolution
In eternity

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021

"The Swing"​

Keep the hands busy
Lest you get to thinking
Lest it get to your head
Lest you think you are better

Yet, I do try
To bring peace to my enemies
To be a source of comfort
To do the works of His hands

With right motivation
I seek to do what is right
But there is something inside me
That digs its claws in

Because I have done it
Because I have done well
Because I have succeeded

But there is one thing I seek
That the Lord is my shield
That the Lord is my strength
That He guides and equips
In these last days
In these last days

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021

"The Hero Has Spoken"​

"He came unto his own and
His own received him not"
These words have lost knowing

Men play with ideas that kill
Not knowing the fruit they hold
Forbidden fruit, not worthy of time
Not worthy to be called by name

For people see, but do not see
People hear, but do not hear
Their minds are rotten to the core
They have lost their sense

Abominations from the prophets
Ignorance runs rampant in the streets
The will of man runs deep to himself
There is no light to be had in darkness

But some will say, "Here, a man"
Some will say, "He fights for us"
Plurality of men committing blasphemy
Things no one should know, not believe
They will say, he, and others, are light
God's gift to the world, to liberate
But they are only dust and ashes
Turning to moths' in our mouths
They tell us what we want to hear
For the end will come, but to few
They will reap what they have sown
Corruption, carnal passions and disease
They will shut you up and punish you
They will say, "The hero has spoken"

Watch lest you fall for their trap
Lest you become like them
With their hive mind and talk

Remember of old,
"Day by day, we are being slaughtered"
Watch lest it happen to you.


What can we know?
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
May 24, 2024

"The Hero Has Spoken"​

"He came unto his own and
His own received him not"
These words have lost knowing

Men play with ideas that kill
Not knowing the fruit they hold
Forbidden fruit, not worthy of time
Not worthy to be called by name

For people see, but do not see
People hear, but do not hear
Their minds are rotten to the core
They have lost their sense

Abominations from the prophets
Ignorance runs rampant in the streets
The will of man runs deep to himself
There is no light to be had in darkness

But some will say, "Here, a man"
Some will say, "He fights for us"
Plurality of men committing blasphemy
Things no one should know, not believe
They will say, he, and others, are light
God's gift to the world, to liberate
But they are only dust and ashes
Turning to moths' in our mouths
They tell us what we want to hear
For the end will come, but to few
They will reap what they have sown
Corruption, carnal passions and disease
They will shut you up and punish you
They will say, "The hero has spoken"

Watch lest you fall for their trap
Lest you become like them
With their hive mind and talk

Remember of old,
"Day by day, we are being slaughtered"
Watch lest it happen to you.
Glad no one died under Christian ideas before.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
Glad no one died under Christian ideas before.

Your heart is growing harder towards truth, bro. Christianity has been way more of a force for good than ill. That's not my opinion. That's a fact.


Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
I wish, dude. If Christianity prevented mass murder, than the past would have been glorious.

People can kill in the name of Christ, but killing in the name of Christ is not Christian. It's a category error. Does the Bible say to kill people in the NT? No. In the NT Christ gives us a superior ethic to lay down our lives for our enemies. Who created hospitals, colleges, mass education, science, etc? It was Christians. You atheists have to borrow from the Christian worldview to criticize the Christian worldview. Do you have any idea what the world would look like if everyone was an atheist? Not good, my friend. Not good at all. We have examples of this. Stalin's last act before he died was to shake his fist at God. With all the horrible things he did, atheists like to say it was not his atheism that caused him to kill so many people. Then you can just stfu about Christianity being responsible for the deaths of people because it is not according to Christianity that people do that.


What can we know?
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
May 24, 2024
I wish, dude. If Christianity prevented mass murder, than the past would have been glorious.

People can kill in the name of Christ, but killing in the name of Christ is not Christian. It's a category error. Does the Bible say to kill people in the NT? No. In the NT Christ gives us a superior ethic to lay down our lives for our enemies. Who created hospitals, colleges, mass education, science, etc? It was Christians. You atheists have to borrow from the Christian worldview to criticize the Christian worldview. Do you have any idea what the world would look like if everyone was an atheist? Not good, my friend. Not good at all. We have examples of this. Stalin's last act before he died was to shake his fist at God. With all the horrible things he did, atheists like to say it was not his atheism that caused him to kill so many people. Then you can just stfu about Christianity being responsible for the deaths of people because it is not according to Christianity that people do that.
It is impossible to make the accurate claim that Christianity serves as an effective control over people's behavior to the extent that it prevents them from killing. I did not say that "Christianity kills," I said that it does not appear to prevent one from killing. These are 2 different things.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
I wish, dude. If Christianity prevented mass murder, than the past would have been glorious.

People can kill in the name of Christ, but killing in the name of Christ is not Christian. It's a category error. Does the Bible say to kill people in the NT? No. In the NT Christ gives us a superior ethic to lay down our lives for our enemies. Who created hospitals, colleges, mass education, science, etc? It was Christians. You atheists have to borrow from the Christian worldview to criticize the Christian worldview. Do you have any idea what the world would look like if everyone was an atheist? Not good, my friend. Not good at all. We have examples of this. Stalin's last act before he died was to shake his fist at God. With all the horrible things he did, atheists like to say it was not his atheism that caused him to kill so many people. Then you can just stfu about Christianity being responsible for the deaths of people because it is not according to Christianity that people do that.
It is impossible to make the accurate claim that Christianity serves as an effective control over people's behavior to the extent that it prevents them from killing. I did not say that "Christianity kills," I said that it does not appear to prevent one from killing. These are 2 different things.

Sure. So, Christianity is no different than any other worldview. So why the spite against Christianity?


What can we know?
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
May 24, 2024
I wish, dude. If Christianity prevented mass murder, than the past would have been glorious.

People can kill in the name of Christ, but killing in the name of Christ is not Christian. It's a category error. Does the Bible say to kill people in the NT? No. In the NT Christ gives us a superior ethic to lay down our lives for our enemies. Who created hospitals, colleges, mass education, science, etc? It was Christians. You atheists have to borrow from the Christian worldview to criticize the Christian worldview. Do you have any idea what the world would look like if everyone was an atheist? Not good, my friend. Not good at all. We have examples of this. Stalin's last act before he died was to shake his fist at God. With all the horrible things he did, atheists like to say it was not his atheism that caused him to kill so many people. Then you can just stfu about Christianity being responsible for the deaths of people because it is not according to Christianity that people do that.
It is impossible to make the accurate claim that Christianity serves as an effective control over people's behavior to the extent that it prevents them from killing. I did not say that "Christianity kills," I said that it does not appear to prevent one from killing. These are 2 different things.

Sure. So, Christianity is no different than any other worldview. So why the spite against Christianity?
It is not spite, simply an observation that your claim about Christianity being a force for good is a bit more complicated than that. I suppose we could pick instances where it was "good," but what would it take to claim that overall, it was a force for good?

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
It is not spite, simply an observation that your claim about Christianity being a force for good is a bit more complicated than that. I suppose we could pick instances where it was "good," but what would it take to claim that overall, it was a force for good?

I mean, what more do I need to say? Christians started colleges, hospitals, mass education, and much of science is based on Christian values. It's difficult to see how Christianity has been a net loss. What would the world look like today without colleges, hospitals, mass education, and science? Does that look like a better world than we have today? Also, if you could watch the video I posted, it documents a lot of this stuff. Frankly, it is absurd to think that Christianity has been a net loss. This might be a blow to your ego, but it just demonstrates that there is a lot that you don't know about how Christianity has changed the world for the better. Rather, you have been spoon-fed by atheists and other secularists that Christianity is harmful to people. However, the literature on the subject makes that an embarrassing take to make.


What can we know?
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
May 24, 2024
It is not spite, simply an observation that your claim about Christianity being a force for good is a bit more complicated than that. I suppose we could pick instances where it was "good," but what would it take to claim that overall, it was a force for good?

I mean, what more do I need to say? Christians started colleges, hospitals, mass education, and much of science is based on Christian values. It's difficult to see how Christianity has been a net loss. What would the world look like today without colleges, hospitals, mass education, and science? Does that look like a better world than we have today? Also, if you could watch the video I posted, it documents a lot of this stuff. Frankly, it is absurd to think that Christianity has been a net loss. This might be a blow to your ego, but it just demonstrates that there is a lot that you don't know about how Christianity has changed the world for the better. Rather, you have been spoon-fed by atheists and other secularists that Christianity is harmful to people. However, the literature on the subject makes that an embarrassing take to make.
I'll give you the fact that the Puritans in the United States started colleges and heavily pushed for public education. I don't see how science is based on Christian values, however. I also think it would be a false-equivalency to say that colleges, hospital, science, etc came about because they were dependent on the ideas of Christianity. Quite the contrary, these things have existed in nations that were not Christian. Show me the causal relationship between the institutions you listed, and Christianity.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
It is not spite, simply an observation that your claim about Christianity being a force for good is a bit more complicated than that. I suppose we could pick instances where it was "good," but what would it take to claim that overall, it was a force for good?

I mean, what more do I need to say? Christians started colleges, hospitals, mass education, and much of science is based on Christian values. It's difficult to see how Christianity has been a net loss. What would the world look like today without colleges, hospitals, mass education, and science? Does that look like a better world than we have today? Also, if you could watch the video I posted, it documents a lot of this stuff. Frankly, it is absurd to think that Christianity has been a net loss. This might be a blow to your ego, but it just demonstrates that there is a lot that you don't know about how Christianity has changed the world for the better. Rather, you have been spoon-fed by atheists and other secularists that Christianity is harmful to people. However, the literature on the subject makes that an embarrassing take to make.
I'll give you the fact that the Puritans in the United States started colleges and heavily pushed for public education. I don't see how science is based on Christian values, however. I also think it would be a false-equivalency to say that colleges, hospital, science, etc came about because they were dependent on the ideas of Christianity. Quite the contrary, these things have existed in nations that were not Christian. Show me the causal relationship between the institutions you listed, and Christianity.

I'd be happy to get into this if you watch the video I posted.


What can we know?
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
May 24, 2024
It is not spite, simply an observation that your claim about Christianity being a force for good is a bit more complicated than that. I suppose we could pick instances where it was "good," but what would it take to claim that overall, it was a force for good?

I mean, what more do I need to say? Christians started colleges, hospitals, mass education, and much of science is based on Christian values. It's difficult to see how Christianity has been a net loss. What would the world look like today without colleges, hospitals, mass education, and science? Does that look like a better world than we have today? Also, if you could watch the video I posted, it documents a lot of this stuff. Frankly, it is absurd to think that Christianity has been a net loss. This might be a blow to your ego, but it just demonstrates that there is a lot that you don't know about how Christianity has changed the world for the better. Rather, you have been spoon-fed by atheists and other secularists that Christianity is harmful to people. However, the literature on the subject makes that an embarrassing take to make.
I'll give you the fact that the Puritans in the United States started colleges and heavily pushed for public education. I don't see how science is based on Christian values, however. I also think it would be a false-equivalency to say that colleges, hospital, science, etc came about because they were dependent on the ideas of Christianity. Quite the contrary, these things have existed in nations that were not Christian. Show me the causal relationship between the institutions you listed, and Christianity.

I'd be happy to get into this if you watch the video I posted.
Eh, fine. I tried this once before with another vid you posted that was rather long and got accused of misrepresenting it.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
It is not spite, simply an observation that your claim about Christianity being a force for good is a bit more complicated than that. I suppose we could pick instances where it was "good," but what would it take to claim that overall, it was a force for good?

I mean, what more do I need to say? Christians started colleges, hospitals, mass education, and much of science is based on Christian values. It's difficult to see how Christianity has been a net loss. What would the world look like today without colleges, hospitals, mass education, and science? Does that look like a better world than we have today? Also, if you could watch the video I posted, it documents a lot of this stuff. Frankly, it is absurd to think that Christianity has been a net loss. This might be a blow to your ego, but it just demonstrates that there is a lot that you don't know about how Christianity has changed the world for the better. Rather, you have been spoon-fed by atheists and other secularists that Christianity is harmful to people. However, the literature on the subject makes that an embarrassing take to make.
I'll give you the fact that the Puritans in the United States started colleges and heavily pushed for public education. I don't see how science is based on Christian values, however. I also think it would be a false-equivalency to say that colleges, hospital, science, etc came about because they were dependent on the ideas of Christianity. Quite the contrary, these things have existed in nations that were not Christian. Show me the causal relationship between the institutions you listed, and Christianity.

I'd be happy to get into this if you watch the video I posted.
Eh, fine. I tried this once before with another vid you posted that was rather long and got accused of misrepresenting it.

You are right. It will probably be the same thing again. Forget it, then.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 24, 2021
"Wouldn't Be Enough"

I could be burned at the stake, and it wouldn't be enough.
I could be put on a torture rack, and it wouldn't be enough.
I could be betrayed by everyone I know, and it wouldn't be enough.
I could live a life of obscurity and silence, and it wouldn't be enough.
I could be put in prison with no light and no sound, and it wouldn't be enough.
I could be beaten, flogged, and crucified in the manner of our Lord, and it wouldn't be enough.
Because it wouldn't be enough.
Wouldn't be enough.
Wouldn't be enough.
Wouldn't be enough to make up for what Yeshua has done for me.
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