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INTP vs. The Military


accepts advice on his English
Local time
Today 8:28 PM
Dec 31, 2008
Does anyone have experience with the army and military service? It would appear that they want me. Any reasons why I should give them a year of my life?


Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Apr 8, 2009
San Diego, CA, USA
A year?

The standard military service time is four years.


I thinka police officer would be a good one for INTPs or maybe some other law nd police services.


is a ze
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Jul 9, 2008
If you consider being barked at a learning experience...


Local time
Today 2:28 PM
Mar 19, 2009
My husband has been in the military for three years. Based upon his experience, I would advise against it. His personality was not a good fit for the military. Actually, it's not that he doesn't have a great work ethic, because he does. He's actually something of a workaholic. It's that he is personally miserable being in. It's just not him. Everything you do in and outside of work is regulated, and if you do not follow regulation, you will be disciplined for it, regardless of whether you believe a rule is necessary.

By the way, a year? Which branch of service offers a 1-year contract? I've never heard of that. Are you outside of the U.S.?


Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Apr 8, 2009
San Diego, CA, USA
Armies and War are quite pointless. People should work together in order to advance technology and therefore better the lives of all humans and our planet (granted we use our technology correctly and weigh the consequences of using each new thing) not work together to destroy what we have worked so hard to achieve. So armies and war are quite arbitrary to the things that truly matter. Don't join the army.

Very true.

But we are not the aggresors in most situations.

It is still pointless to waste years of your life or waste your whole life for endless strings of conflicts troughout the world in which the world will never find peace.
In this modern day we have a humanity that to me I am not totally proud of.

200 hundred years was a time to live in minus the conflicts.

Even 2,000 years ago we were fighting.


accepts advice on his English
Local time
Today 8:28 PM
Dec 31, 2008
Of course I'm talking about national service - also known as conscription. I'm not certain what the exact rules are, but any man between 18 and 45 who is of sound health can theoretically be called upon to serve a total of 19 months. This involves military training only, unless someone decides to invade Norway.

The number of conscripts decreases every year, and it's apparently quite easy to avoid being among them. There are alternative schemes for pacifists.

Can any actual INTP conscripts or professional soldiers relate their experiences?


is a ze
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Jul 9, 2008
We had one, a guy from Malaysia, I think. He seemed to like it. I don't remember where his thread was, sorry.


Active Member
Local time
Today 8:28 PM
Mar 25, 2009
Of course I'm talking about national service - also known as conscription. I'm not certain what the exact rules are, but any man between 18 and 45 who is of sound health can theoretically be called upon to serve a total of 19 months. This involves military training only, unless someone decides to invade Norway.

The number of conscripts decreases every year, and it's apparently quite easy to avoid being among them. There are alternative schemes for pacifists.

Can any actual INTP conscripts or professional soldiers relate their experiences?
You're Norwegian and speak English like that?! 1. Kudos ;) 2. your secret? :D

I can understand that the army may be a frustating experience for an INTP ('now go all do this or that ... because I say so!') but it should be a good exercise to train our S (and J) functions (feet on the ground). Not that I'd want to be a soldier and die for 'my country' (i.e. someone's interests).


Local time
Today 2:28 PM
Mar 19, 2009
Can any actual INTP conscripts or professional soldiers relate their experiences?

Wow! So sorry offering my husband's experience wasn't adequate enough for you. I only worked with his unit for a year, so what do I know, really? LOL.


Local time
Today 2:28 PM
Mar 19, 2009
I can understand that the army may be a frustating experience for an INTP ('now go all do this or that ... because I say so!') but it should be a good exercise to train our S (and J) functions (feet on the ground). Not that I'd want to be a soldier and die for 'my country' (i.e. someone's interests).

I don't know about military service in other countries. In fact, I am only intensely familiar with the Marine Corps, which I would imagine is by far the WORST option for an INTP.

It's not so much about the job itself. It's not even so much about what you deal with during working hours (although that itself is really bad for an INTP). It's that it extends into the rest of your life. There is no such thing as privacy. There is no such thing as leaving your work and private life separate. They have just as much authority to dictate your personal life as they have to dictate your professional life. And if I know my INTP well, and being his wife I know I do, I can assure you he cannot stand it. He's counting down the days till he's out.

And for the record, Sugarpop, I am not just a Marine wife. I was raised by a Marine as well. I know a thing or two about the military, whether I've actually been in or not. :rolleyes:

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Nov 6, 2008
Decaf was in the military for a time and made a few posts that he talked about it in. If you make the effort to search for them you can find some direct opinions on it.

If I remember right he adapted to things fairly well, and it helped him a bit with his development.


Local time
Tomorrow 3:28 AM
Aug 15, 2009
Hey I'm in the Marines and as an INTP, it has been extremely difficult. You're forced to be around others all the time, there are VERY few people who you can actually talk to, there is no personal freedom, and, especially on the enlisted side, the jobs are extremely boring. On the positive side, when you deploy and everything gets hectic, it's like reality catches up with your mind, and while everyone else is stressed you're having a blast. Deployments can also be very good for self analysis, as there is alot of down time, and although you won't find many intellectuals, the military is very diverse and you are accepted for who you with very little bias. I would not reccomend it for any intp, because of how flawed the system is, and how apparent those flaws are, but if there are more reasons why you should versus why you shouldn't, than go for it.


Local time
Today 7:28 PM
Aug 19, 2009
the in-between

okay, my dad joined the military at a young age. and he stayed. he's been in it for thirty years. he's an estj so i guess it suits him (well, obviously it suits him), but i, his intp daughter, have been MISERABLE for the entire sixteen years of my life.

it's horrible. being forced to move around against my will, make new friends (which i don't do because i'm socially awkward), never ever ever develop personal relationships, it is a HORRIBLE experience and you do NOT want to risk getting sucked into it and staying in it for thirty years and having a family and ruining their lives because of your stupid shitty job.

not to mention having a drill sergeant dad hasn't been so great. intp's do not do well under stress and pressure, especially stress and pressure that has no real logical basis. you will be miserable. don't do it.

(emotional subject for me, but if i had my way, the military wouldn't exist, so you know)


Local time
Tomorrow 3:28 AM
Aug 15, 2009
Hey my grandfather was one of the ones who spent 30+ years in. The man drives me crazy, and i'm sorry you had to deal with all the bullshit, but it is a survivable environment. As an intp I'm sure you will learn what you can from it and then move on because it becomes extremely tedious. As for personal relationships, it's hard enough for us to make them as is, and the diverse groups of people you meet are always interesting to study. And some of us like the stress and pressure...it makes things interesting. Having to rationalize situations quickly is also a great challenge, and has helped me grow within my mental capacity.


Local time
Tomorrow 7:28 AM
Aug 15, 2009
New Zealand
I'm an INTP in the airforce which is not as bad as the army, scaring or screaming the living daylights out of the people that work under you is not a productive way to get information. Its no good if your young techie has found problems with an aircraft about to fly and not telling his superior because he is to scared to, we are constantly looking for the smarter way to do things.

The flow of information is vital to how we operate which is why we don't exactly beat our guys into the ground. I woud advise against the army for an INTP I coundn't have hacked it. :borg:


Local time
Tomorrow 2:28 AM
Mar 3, 2008
Ah, I realise this thread has something to do with conscription.

Simple answer for an INTP: it will suck, you are not likely to die unless your country is at war or your buddy points his loaded GPMG at you and misfires, try not to end up in jail.
Local time
Today 2:28 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
The only benefit I could see to joining any branch would be getting physical exercise and being able to travel often. I don't feel I'd have the mental ability to stick it out for that 1-2 years+ of taking other people's shit to become an officer. I'd probably end up punching an officer in the face and getting my ass kicked and a dishonorable discharge. I've taken enough bullshit in my lifetime to let much more stack up. One can only take so much until it reaches boiling point. The lack of being able to use my self-prescribed medication would probably be the real kicker. What kinds of meds/drugs are allowed to be used in the military? Any decent anti-anxiety ones?


Local time
Today 2:28 PM
Aug 24, 2009
The military is the last place I want to be. Having dumb people yell at you and tell you what to do, sucks. Not to mention training so hard just to be good at killing people. Fighting for corrupt governments bought by corporations. Having your life no longer belong to you anymore. Losing all of your freedom. Being a guinea pig for whatever the military decides to test on you. No way in hell.

I think the only people who would benefit from the military are relatively dumber people who have nothing else they can positively contribute to society, and evil geniuses to lead them. I forgot relatively intelligent people who are prone to cults... they might benefit as well. People who buy into authority and establish systems and such. I'm far too skeptical and intolerant of authority to ever join the military. I would probably be on my way to Canada even if US soil was invaded.
Local time
Today 2:28 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
I could never subscribe to the ways of the dumb ignorant american. I'm almost ashamed to be associated with those types. I might be lazy and somewhat naive but dumb and ignorant - no. Freedom to be dumb and ignorant is fine but when those 2 core values define the society you live in it is demoralizing and disheartening. I have never found a reason to aspire to do much with my life because why should I do anything for these fuckers. After all people operate more efficiently under good morale - something I wish more employers would understand in this damn country. A little good morale goes a long way and as an INTP I need facts and truth, not lies and cover-ups and stupidity. Sorry, more on an anti-society rant now. I will stop now
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