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Function Inversion


Blake Belladonna
Local time
Today 5:44 AM
Sep 21, 2024
I might not explain this well but I have been trying to understand how emotions and the body relate to the brain with cognitive extraversion and introversion. This is my rambling.


I was confused that Ti and Te had to do with emotion and Si with Se had to do with the body.

It turned out that both deal with emotion and body but differently as to energy directions.

Ti Fe related to a calming effect
Si Ne related to calming as well

Te Fi was about increased world activity
Se Ni was about increased world awareness

Unlike what most people think we are not all the same when it comes to the energy moving through us.

In INFJ - Ni to Fe is actually Ni to Ti

Introverts don't extravert in the way extraverts do.

ENFJ do go from Fe to Ni to respond to the word

INTJ go from Ni to Fi to Te to Se

They have a realization
This realization triggers an emotion
The emotion becomes awareness as to what can be done in the world
Then they observe the way the world is


They have a realization.
Then they have thoughts about it.
Then they look around themselves for the world to give them a sign or confirmation emotionally.

ENFJ the emotion directly confirms/initiates the realization then thinking about what needs to be observed.

ENTJ knowing how things work directly confirms/initiates the realization making emotional reactions by observing back to work.


Si and Se can both observe the outside and inside but in reverse. To Se everything is separate from self, to Si everything is self.

So ISTJ and ISFJ both view things the same but in the context of emotion becomes: ISTJ - I am my ability to think and understand the word vs ISFJ - I am my senses to feel and think of the world. An active vs a passive being part of things.

Se types would more so get energy from things rather than be the energy of all things. Fi the most. Where Fx Si type seems to have it that they just are the energy.

The type that observes energy as separate both Ti Fe and Te Fi (Se) - they allow the energy to settle down or build up as when they look at it. Si Ne tho can use their energy in ways that sense it is themselves don't exhaust it all. It exists and doesn't need anything.


Si Ne - has energy that doesn't move much in relation to self (ideas and energy just are)

Se Ni - has energy that is moving but not the self affects sense of self (ideas and energy influence them)

Fi Te - have action oriented world effects in emotional states.

Ti Fe - have thoughts that are emotionally reduced

INTP then has the most calming thinking effect where Ti and Si will together need no outside condition to think. Distraction doesn't disturb them "Si energy".

INTJ needs motion to work and is most chaotic thinking dealing with an always changing environment.

ESFJ is most calm feeling type. ISFJ thinks more.
ISFP is most intense feeling type. ESFP has more energy.

INFP create their own dream world. ENFP the real world is a dream.

INTJ - I noticed doubts MBTI the most.

ISTP they need motion to think internally but the environment doesn't overwhelm them where INTJ they can get frustrated when not in control "Te".

ESTP - Ti just needs to come out from Se

Without immediate control doubting something is easier than being overwhelmed, MBTI? To many failed predictions, non reliable, non intuitive to situations one finds oneself in, unpractical, useless.

INFJ seem to be into MBTI the most.


Blake Belladonna
Local time
Today 5:44 AM
Sep 21, 2024
In Dario Nardis book from 2011

It says INTP use the logic center of the brain the most. (If A=B and B=C then A=C)

This is the DLPFC (dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex)

On both the left and right side of the brain.


They use the far front brain behind the forehead the most. This is the control center for rapid decision making. They also use the vision centers to see future consequences.


I am quite slow at thinking a=b stuff but I believe that I am good at rapid decision making. Just not all the time.

I get tired.

Inhibiting wrong actions is tiring under stress.

Verbal and spatial has alot to do with thinking but I make to many logic errors. It is why my models of the world are so small.

It takes time to iron out all the kinks.

Even then I forget what the main idea is.

Right now it is about

"how do brains do logic?"

That would answer some questions about how to make computers think.

Because I need a model to work with.

I cannot exactly hold it all in my head, not yet.

Putting it together little by little.


Blake Belladonna
Local time
Today 5:44 AM
Sep 21, 2024
Slept a little, can think more clearly.

So a top down approach.

Loops will be needed.

Planning requires combination.

Making sure it comes together correctly if mistakes happen. Immediate vs long term.

Coordination of network feedback.

Growth and pruning for memory.

(Like in a Zelda game solving puzzles)


Blake Belladonna
Local time
Today 5:44 AM
Sep 21, 2024
IQ doesn't really tell you much.

All it does is say, you are 1 in x able to do these problems others cannot.

But that's not showing anything concrete.

We don't know what those problems are or why they are harder to do unless we are told about them.

Fission power may be doable at IQ 175 but what else can they do?

So maybe we need a different measure of intelligence?

One dealing with real quantities not relativistic comparisons?

And how a brain would do it.


Blake Belladonna
Local time
Today 5:44 AM
Sep 21, 2024
More about functions

Fi if it is in the first two functions will be part of a control system. I believe it is / can be conditioned where Fi type learn what feels good or bad extremely. They have adverstion to bad things so go inside to block it off and they draw near that which causes good feelings.

With Te first or second. It seems that control is paramount. Fi type can sit with feelings sometimes but if they become in service to doing actions those actions greatly increase ones capability but if anything comes out of control this may push them into predefined measures to regain control.

In a self regulating process we all want to keep equilibrium. Fi and Te practice alot in keeping this way because of Fi intensifying feelings that tell them equilibrium is off. What distinguishes them from Ti Fe type is that Fe is more detached from a self elicited opinion on good or bad. It seems that Fe is more adverse to feeling but shuts down instead of intensifies. Not that it is completely non reactive. Only that in a self protection mode reducing emotion has been practiced and passive actions have been practiced. Extreme limits need to be pushed for them to be affected into some extreme measure.


That was judgment now perception.

It gives us some information to work with but it's not just for that. In itself perception like I said can be stable or chaotic and this can affect a person or not.

Si Ne is less environment oriented when it comes to the affected person. If a person thinks of or imagine being someone or something exists as separate idea from the self but also feels themselves only that can make them have greater leeway as what's possible.

Ni Se is more about what will happen and what is so to them what affects them is the reality.

INTJ would then only care how some effect exists they can foresee to help them with decisions, ISTJ what stable feelings they would gain having certain ideas to work on, INTP what kind of stable environment they need to think more and more, ISTP how real things are that get them to think.

Feeling would then be with perception:

xSFP a great deal of energy along with emotional tones

xSFJ a stable energy with reduced emotional highs or lows

xNFP great emotion but stabilizing

xNFJ less emotional intense but high energy


This is all out of my head what may be going on but I have not started to understand yet type interactions between each other. That will require more time. Here I just want to lay out how I view each type where they use energy and how they make decisions.
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