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Cloud Computing


Local time
Today 12:22 PM
Dec 8, 2009

Its basically just storing all your data on a "cloud" of web servers instead of on a hard drive and it can be accessed from any computer.

My computer science teacher introduced this to me a couple days ago. He put his USB drive into the school computer, typed his password and user name and his computer popped up. Everything was there and he even started to play a game. The game ran completely from the server. No processor or video card needed (it was lagged a lot though). It also can run any OS on any system.

I was thinking of trying out cloud computing, but this freaked me out a little

Anyways....what do you think of cloud computing?

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 12:22 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
Had not heard of this. It bears study, but right away (without reading links) I'd have to seriously wonder about security.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 9:22 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Cloud computing is really more of a concept than a technology. Microsoft has had the ability to remote desktop for years (that is the ability to call up the resources of your home system providing it has a proper software installed).

It should be noted that thus far https protocol is still secure. That is to say that the link between you and Amazon was never in jeopardy. The infiltration of the Amazon cloud was completely internal, or server infected and based on shoddy security implementation. As time goes on and services take more and more personal responsibility for their internal networks that vulnerability will decrease significantly.

Its my understanding that it was the server expansion that cloud-networking represented in the short term that allowed it to happen. The risk they're talking about is how many more opportunities there are to break into the cloud networks, not that its fundamentally easier than before (though I imagine firewalls are stretched pretty thin now).


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:22 PM
Nov 29, 2009
Cloud computing is being sold to the public many ways. More stable than current model, cheaper to maintain for corporations, less staff, more security, cheaper hardware.

To me it takes many people out of the loop. Currently have thousands of people modding software or hardware, and many many people that work in, and are familiar with IT. That would all disappear.

Too me? Its control of the power of internet, and who has access in far too few hands.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 9:22 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Similar things were said about the GUI interface. I think cloud computing has the potential to make open-source software a viable alternative to mainstream software. Yes it requires a higher buy-in as far as hardware for small networks, but there are a lot of organizations championing the open source movement that can participate at the level of equal. It takes non-collaborative hobbyists out of the loop somewhat, which I recognize as a clear drawback, but not enough for me.

I could be missing a major drawback, so I'm open to new information. With what I have available it reminds me of switching from LAN lines to cell phones. There will be casualties, but I believe it will benefit most.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:22 PM
Nov 29, 2009
I dont see how cloud computing will encourage open source??


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 9:22 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
I dont see how cloud computing will encourage open source??

It encourages interoperability. When programs become easy to come by, standardized file formats will destroy anyone trying to corner market share. One of the biggest disadvantages that open source software has is name recognition and a sense of it being "too unfamiliar". When programs don't have to be installed on your machine to be used you circumvent much of the program transition cost. I'm sure Apple will figure out a way to remain entirely proprietary, but the system itself favors software diversity.

You can already see a large increase in lightly financed companies being built on the back of suddenly popular programs like Facebook and Twitter. The late 90's and early 2000's were owned by large corporations that could afford the cost of producing professional looking software. This new paradigm might go the same route eventually, but at the moment everyone's near the same level.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:22 PM
Dec 22, 2009
I don't like it. If a computer has wireless LAN access to the web, you could easily have your connection high-jacked buy script kiddies. I've seen it done, and what's more, it is not just a simple packet sniffing but a literal code log of everything your doing.

Even if your not using wireless access, and your using a land-line, you still have to worry about corporations monitoring your activities. I am not a hacker, but I do like to use pirating software for legal purposes, like downloading an old copy of a fallout 1|2 when the CD's I own no longer work.

If this becomes the norm, every action you do remotely attributed to pirating will probably get you a court order among other things.

Companies have too much power as it is. With the internet and individual computers present, it gives us freedoms we wouldn't normally have... and I thoroughly enjoy it.
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