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Search results

  1. Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    Well in this particular case it is quite different since the hight you go the difference is expoential IQ follow quite rigorously the normal (It was one of the basic premise of the normal law (Maybe i got thw wrong name for it. Can't remeber the translation for now) If you are inside the...
  2. How much do you spend on clothes?

    I don't spend that much because I don't have that much to spend but I would love to be able to get some really nice clothes. So far my everyday clothes are about 30$ for a jean and about 20-25 for a t-shirt. I just like to have beautiful clothes. ( I just seem to like to have beautifull...

    I would just like to know what exactly you think is causing this discomfort in crowd? Some people have said that they fear having people in they buble zone. Other the attention etc. But what is the sources of it all? Fear of being juged ? Simply a bad habit of not wanting to make eye contact...
  4. So, two INTP's walk into a bar....

    I know i'm going to shame you all but...I have been going to bar pretty often lately lol. Dancing bar too (but i'm a very bad dancer, not the wors but o well :p) It's pretty nice actually :)
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