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Search results

  1. INTPs and Halloween

    How many INTPs dress up for Halloween? I never understood the appeal. You dress up, go to a party, socialize, get drunk. Is that it? The last time I dressed up for Halloween I was a little kid going trick-or-treating. I don't get why everyone else is so excited for it. What am I missing?
  2. You know you're an Intp when...

    Agreed. You took the words out of my mouth.
  3. INTP's: A dying breed?

    Re: The Tragedy of Good Intentions Methinks you should get your ass to the gym and start pumping iron then. Follow it up with a protein shake. Just because we're intellectuals doesn't mean we don't frequent the gym and have great strength and viciousness.
  4. I want to be released...

    Well, I hate society. However, your original post sounded all too familiar to me so I felt compelled to write something.
  5. I want to be released...

    I think having to survive in the wilderness is reason enough to overcome your laziness. How about the satisfaction of knowing that you're no longer part of the "rat race"... the disgusting society that you hate and are torn between falling off the grid or doing what you can to manage and...
  6. Partying/Clubbing/Bar-hopping/etc

    How many of you INTP's do these things and if so HOW do you do them? There was about a 2 month period back in college when I drank/partied every weekend just to see what I was "missing out on". I HATE being in a crowd of people I don't know and I will do anything to avoid it. I don't get it...
  7. I want to be released...

    I vote we take a bunch of wilderness survival courses, hunting, permaculture and the like and go find our island. Leo DiCaprio is welcome to come so long as he doesn't bring anyone else with him. And as for us "sitting around thinking of creative ways to kill each other" well I'm willing to...
  8. About you?

    What is your name? Not so fast. Where are you from? I am from Wisconsin. How old are you? I am 23. What's your gender? male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? We had this career test back in high school where I first found out. But then I totally...
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