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Search results

  1. powerspike

    using the wrong part of your brain

    i wasnt as old, but in a freak incident, i was fed something that made me create two completely plausible and explainable realities at the same instant . i was under the influence for 3 days when all i did was find a way out of the whirlpool. What drug does this?
  2. powerspike

    What kind of career do you want?

    i am 26 , i have tried lots of things, and i still dont know what i am looking for. But i am giving everything a fair chance i think i really would love to be a philosopher some day, establish a new religion and stuff:D...:segen:
  3. powerspike

    What are you investigating right now?

    krishnamurti and buddhism. relished "can humanity change" and the entire gamut of JKs work on htp://tchl.freeweb.hu now furiously researching lotus sutra,...although cant make much of it.:confused:
  4. powerspike

    Haha I defeated the system!

    from the topic, i figured you were one among the many who realize everything is nothing and nothing is everything. never mind me, welcome to the forum.:aufsmaul:
  5. powerspike

    I guess I'm not as alien as I thought :D

    what sort? vipassana?
  6. powerspike

    Your username

    mine is from a book i read when i was 18, i think it was called tales of madness and obsession on the electronic frontier. It was the handle used by an australian hacker who , as far as i remember, was very sharp, but eventually grew depressed , delusioned and committed suicide.
  7. powerspike

    What songs are you listening to?

    Superstylin- groove armada
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