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Search results

  1. Phoenix 966

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you have an idea or thought that you are trying to convey and it comes out in incomplete nonsensical fragments.(but makes perfect sense in your head) Spending 10 minutes constantly re-reading my post to make sure its as clear as possible.
  2. Phoenix 966

    INTP and astrology

    I am a Cancer. Everything I have read about it says I am very sensitive and emotional, which is true, but it is very under developed and raw. I think its pretty fascinating to read about astrology, but only use it as something to go off of instead of taking it 100% seriously.
  3. Phoenix 966

    Facial Expressing (Animated INTPs?)

    Generally I am almost non expressive(when dealing with unfamiliar people), but around my close friends I tend to ease up a lot.
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