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Search results

  1. Dr.Docteur

    Personality Patterns Test

    Introspective You like your own company; you're a very interesting person. Tracking your own mental processes, knowing what you're thinking and why you do what you do, is important to you. Often, what's going on in your mind is more compelling than what's going on outside. For the most part...
  2. Dr.Docteur

    Why do we always contradict ourselves?

    So that we don't get bored when we argue with ourselves.
  3. Dr.Docteur

    Troubles with Compliments?

    Whenever I recieve a compliment I always think that the person who said it has some sort of ulterior motive and so I don't believe them and tend to ignore the comment. But sometimes I do believe it and then I feel really akward.
  4. Dr.Docteur

    What Tarot Card Are You?

    Im am magician
  5. Dr.Docteur

    INTP weaknesses

    I can never stick to something for too long
  6. Dr.Docteur

    Favorite Words?

    zenith quantitative lemming pandemonium chaos tinsel legacy
  7. Dr.Docteur

    Hey there

    Wow I feel welcome already thanks all of you
  8. Dr.Docteur

    Hey there

    Hey there all. I've been reading the posts here for some time and I finally decided to join up. All of the posts were pretty interesting and I guess and I wanted to contribute so here I am. Well I guess I should tell you a bit about myself. Im a 17 year old boy im an intp im in highschool and...
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