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  1. Hey Everyone

    Good one! ;) I agree with this. I have always felt like caring was probably the key to remembering anything. I have told him this and he swears that he does care and that it disturbs him. I've told my son about this site and hope he decides to join because worst case scenario learning...
  2. Hey Everyone

    That was quite brilliant Rook. Thanks for the reception and I will take a look around.
  3. Hey Everyone

    You are a studious one Yellow! We are really close with each other. He is a 24 year old and has issues remembering and or completing things. It is to the point where he actually cried during a conversation we were having yesterday. I wanted to see if this is normal for an INTP to have memory...
  4. Hey Everyone

    I am an INTJ that has an INTP son and have come to learn more about you guys.
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