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Renk Fasze
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  • Its different from person to person - i don't think their are permanent traits that can be listed accurately for certain types. I think there is a lot of variety even in 'type' of group. There is probably some sort of pattern.

    If you think of a gene pool you can have a very wide range of variation. If i remember correctly this is micro-evolution. Its change within the limits of the available genetic code...right? Any dog can be selectively bred to produce any breed we know of now and even some that we don't know of yet but you can still say they are a dog.

    Permanent traits. For myself, ive always been an observer. I love people watching. I love to protect. I love to support. I love to think and solve (not everything).Those are some of the things that have been a part of me as far back as i can remember.
    such as?
    from my own experience, people possess different colors for different environments. though, i agree, there is always an innate/unchanging one. those traits, perhaps, will never change. that said, do you mind telling an example of permanent traits for certain types?
    Personally i do not believe i can be defined in every detail, or rather i detest complete definition because for some reason i see it as confining.

    However i do believe that there are certain things about me that are solid foundational qualities. Those i am fine with being defined...but not too much. I enjoy liquidity in the small things but solidity in the larger more meaningful things.
    I don't know. If I consider the possibilities, I'm not sure if its even possible to define. The self is too dynamic.
    Mere acceptance of self transforms change into truth? What if there is self-acceptance in the self's constant change? How does then one define one's true self?
    I don't know. I was asking about whether's there's a contradiction between truth and change. When there is truth in change, then what is permanent truth?
    Im not sure i follow.

    I i wished to change something of course there is a period where i would be in limbo between what i was and what i am becoming. Granted, if the change is even possible.

    For the sake of ease, work was tough today and im not too keen on thinking hard at the moment, an addiction.

    You begin from a point where you are addicted. You make the choice to change and then actively make an attempt to follow through. There is the limbo, you aren't really either. I suppose one could say in this period that truth isn't very clear.

    Is that what you are getting at?
    Then what do you think of "development". Does "truth" contradict with it? How different are they?
    I lean more towards brutal honesty. Truth is usually revealed given enough time.

    I would say just because something is shiny doesn't mean its real.

    A man who doesn't attend to social graces, attends. Im not sure where you are coming from there.

    I don't believe you can be something you are not in the long run. Sure, you can imitate for a while, or put up a great fiscade but when it comes down to it if its not you its going to show.

    I always wonder how some people can smile or laugh at anything, to me, those are valuable. Similar in ways to how i don't understand how people throw the words i love you around. I reserve those things for when i mean it. Something well placed is more meaningful than overabundance.
    Good morning. Truth in the realm of personal growth is interesting. What do you say with "when polished enough, fake becomes real". A man who doesn't attend to social graces, attends; A man who doesn't care, cares. All something he isn't but wants to be and tries to be. Would you still call it "deceit"?

    Someone who doesn't want to smile but feels obligated by others and smiles? Would that be lying?
    Agreed but i still have to hold to the idea that truth does exist. Life would meaningless and empty without it wouldn't you say?

    I'm not going to deny the fact that i have an 'itch'. I crave to know what is truth, where is truth, what defines truth, who created truth. It randomly runs across my mind on almost a daily basis.

    Kind of why i am here, amongst the other "oddballs" such as myself. Where others lack, we have abundance, we think. That isn't to put aside the fact that those who don't think as deeply as we do have any less than us. They are merely balanced differently.

    With that, i need to get some sleep, ill catch you on the flipside. Cheers.
    To top that, i don't think i could stomach the idea that the only thing that exists is the mind. My gut and experience tells me different. So what if that is the only truth and our minds are only 'pilots' of what we deem our physical being?
    I actually had to look solipsism up. Thank you Google. There has to be truth in something. If there was not any truth there could not be anything to build on. Likewise without truth there could be no wrong...
    Haha, your very humble. But is there really "truth" in anything? then we go to solipsism...
    Truth is positive, it causes growth, at times painful but nevertheless. So it only makes sense that deceit is an illusion of growth. Its a foundation built on cards or sand. Why found anything on deceit only to have the impending doom hanging over the creator?
    Wow, i don't mean to sound all high an mighty, im not.
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