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Search results

  1. Renk Fasze

    Helping and hurting

    Some INTP's, or all - most don't use it, have an incredible talent to read people on a very deep level. They are capable of insight into situations where no one else seems to be able to go. They can think, feel and understand through the eyes of most anyone. I find this to be a very dangerous...
  2. Renk Fasze

    Emotion and Logic

    So how is this area of the brain damaged? Possible that a highly emotional conflict in life can cause damage? There was a period of my life where for two years i was in some heavy emotional turmoil, ever since then it seems to me that portions of myself have been "switched off" Agreed, that...
  3. Renk Fasze

    Emotion and Logic

    If logic is the road and the car is emotion then my map is wrong because im in constant conflict between how i feel i should feel and how i think i should feel.
  4. Renk Fasze

    Emotion and Logic

    But how can logic explain something that is illogical? Emotions are for the most part illogical. I won't deny that they can be explained logically to some degree but in their entirety i don't think it is possible...
  5. Renk Fasze

    Emotion and Logic

    Emotion and logic do not seem to mix. One is founded in formula and the other is founded in, well the illogical. So what happens when someone is equally founded in both?
  6. Renk Fasze

    Biggest INTP downfall?

    So if any other INTPs are like me im fairly sure that most would (secretly) consider themselves on the observant and logical side of life. Therefore able to see and understand and see many things that take place in every day life that seem to be missed by others. I have said on this forum...
  7. Renk Fasze

    Analyzing vs living

    That was such a simple yet incredible way of putting it Blob. I've never taken that approach before, thank you.
  8. Renk Fasze

    Analyzing vs living

    I agree Words, there is a reason. It can be very productive but overused it can rob ones life. There is a reason there are people that analyze. There is a reason for those who don't analyze. If it wasn't for analytical people i would imagine there would be very few systems and few people...
  9. Renk Fasze

    Analyzing vs living

    That's the ticket Adymus.
  10. Renk Fasze

    Analyzing vs living

    Ranon: Seems like you know where im coming from. I really love to analyze but im beginning to see that i analyze things too much and forget to live. I know i will never stop analyzing because it is part of my core but it has to be reigned in. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Ash: Haha...
  11. Renk Fasze

    Analyzing vs living

    I think INTP's a so naturally drawn to analyze their surroundings that they sometimes forget to just live. We unintentionally limit ourselves. Just a random thought, i find ive passed much of my time analyzing the whys and hows of my surroundings rather than just rolling with it and enjoying...
  12. Renk Fasze

    Common descent

    Awesome word. High five.
  13. Renk Fasze

    Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ

    I can see how that thought could be reached but i can't say i, personally, could put any weight in it. I disagree. That was very vague. I can see how that that thought could be reached but it seems like a very human attempt and putting ourselves on a pedestal. Besides its mass media. Can't...
  14. Renk Fasze

    You are wrong.

    Thanks Jesin, ill give that a shot.
  15. Renk Fasze

    You are wrong.

    Easier said that done dude, ive tried as many things as i can think of and it doesn't take the edge off.
  16. Renk Fasze

    You are wrong.

    Sure i can find the points where i have judged too far. That's the easy part. I can analyze and reflect myself out of the corner i have put myself in and then lead myself right back to that corner....that's why im asking a bunch of people i don't know my friend : ) As far as forming another...
  17. Renk Fasze

    You are wrong.

    H-Words I wish i knew of an off switch. It is probably as easy as not caring but im having a hard time just not caring.
  18. Renk Fasze

    Its different from person to person - i don't think their are permanent traits that can be...

    Its different from person to person - i don't think their are permanent traits that can be listed accurately for certain types. I think there is a lot of variety even in 'type' of group. There is probably some sort of pattern. If you think of a gene pool you can have a very wide range of...
  19. Renk Fasze

    You are wrong.

    - Chronomar Pow, you put my thoughts into words better than i could. So a judgment that is more of a distinction which colors the sides very clearly? That is much heavier. A judgment MAY have some foundation in a truth i have constructed i still don't see it as my place to cast it. I...
  20. Renk Fasze

    You are wrong.

    Thanks Blob. I don't have much of an ego. For me i think it has become a control issue. The funny thing is that i can easily see that control is usually nothing more than an illusion in regards to life. Wisdom is simple, this is simple and rare.
  21. Renk Fasze

    You are wrong.

    Judgment drives me insane. Most of it, i hate hearing or seeing. Some of it is necessary but very little at that. Its really not anyone's place to place judgment on another. Who am i to say that someone else is wrong? You could argue black and white and i would agree. Other than that their...
  22. Renk Fasze

    The Power of Music

    You can tell a lot about someone by the music they listen to. Ive always held the belief that music has much more power than people realize. Always has fascinated me, it makes sense but it doesn't. I believe people gravitate towards what they consciously or unconsciously deem true to...
  23. Renk Fasze

    Accused Rebellion?

    I think XXXJ parents tend to assume rebellion if their children don't line up with their ideas/ideals/whatever. My parents always thought i was the one 'rebelling'. They would question me on a regular basis and they thought, seemingly to them, i was the black sheep finding all the trouble to...
  24. Renk Fasze

    INTP to INFP flip flop?

    Haha, looks like i missed it completely sorry mate. Im sorry, i didnt mean to come across as underestimating your ages, didn't mean to sound belittling - that was not my intention. It was more course of habit i suppose. Most of the people im around on a daily basis and that i associate with...
  25. Renk Fasze

    INTP to INFP flip flop?

    Fullerene: Take what i say with a grain of salt. I don't know your girl. From what i have seen the best people in life take the longest to get to know or open up and at the same time they are the easiest to lose. The deepest and most rewarding are those that guard their hearts. The quietest...
  26. Renk Fasze

    Personally i do not believe i can be defined in every detail, or rather i detest complete...

    Personally i do not believe i can be defined in every detail, or rather i detest complete definition because for some reason i see it as confining. However i do believe that there are certain things about me that are solid foundational qualities. Those i am fine with being defined...but not...
  27. Renk Fasze

    How do you think one should define themselves?

    How do you think one should define themselves?
  28. Renk Fasze

    Change becomes truth when you have fully accepted it as who you are.

    Change becomes truth when you have fully accepted it as who you are.
  29. Renk Fasze

    Im not sure i follow. I i wished to change something of course there is a period where i would...

    Im not sure i follow. I i wished to change something of course there is a period where i would be in limbo between what i was and what i am becoming. Granted, if the change is even possible. For the sake of ease, work was tough today and im not too keen on thinking hard at the moment, an...
  30. Renk Fasze

    I lean more towards brutal honesty. Truth is usually revealed given enough time. I would say...

    I lean more towards brutal honesty. Truth is usually revealed given enough time. I would say just because something is shiny doesn't mean its real. A man who doesn't attend to social graces, attends. Im not sure where you are coming from there. I don't believe you can be something you are...
  31. Renk Fasze

    Agreed but i still have to hold to the idea that truth does exist. Life would meaningless and...

    Agreed but i still have to hold to the idea that truth does exist. Life would meaningless and empty without it wouldn't you say? I'm not going to deny the fact that i have an 'itch'. I crave to know what is truth, where is truth, what defines truth, who created truth. It randomly runs across my...
  32. Renk Fasze


    I would just like to go on record to say that i love people who think. Those who not only see the surface but look beneath it. That is where the true beauty is. The world has a serious shortage of thinkers...or at least they don't show their face, which is probably the case.
  33. Renk Fasze

    To top that, i don't think i could stomach the idea that the only thing that exists is the mind...

    To top that, i don't think i could stomach the idea that the only thing that exists is the mind. My gut and experience tells me different. So what if that is the only truth and our minds are only 'pilots' of what we deem our physical being?
  34. Renk Fasze

    I actually had to look solipsism up. Thank you Google. There has to be truth in something. If...

    I actually had to look solipsism up. Thank you Google. There has to be truth in something. If there was not any truth there could not be anything to build on. Likewise without truth there could be no wrong...
  35. Renk Fasze


    HAHAHAHA Cake Truth. Words: It would be safe to say your thoughts are centered around observations?
  36. Renk Fasze

    INTP to INFP flip flop?

    I know this is old but im beginning to believe, through personal experience, that the flip flop is caused by the present situation. In danger to who i am, protection of my core, i revert to the thinking side which is based in logic. It is very hard to defeat/damage/wound logic. Therefore my...
  37. Renk Fasze

    Truth is positive, it causes growth, at times painful but nevertheless. So it only makes sense...

    Truth is positive, it causes growth, at times painful but nevertheless. So it only makes sense that deceit is an illusion of growth. Its a foundation built on cards or sand. Why found anything on deceit only to have the impending doom hanging over the creator? Wow, i don't mean to sound all high...
  38. Renk Fasze

    I shall now reveal the main purposes of compliments

    To the OP. I can see your point of view and i find myself taking the same position most of the time. For myself i put much weight in compliments. If i compliment, i mean it. However, i do think that many people use compliments to their advantage. A compliment begs a certain type of...
  39. Renk Fasze


    What is your predominate thought? What overshadows everything?
  40. Renk Fasze

    Cyclical Regrets?

    Haha, funny you mention that book. Thanks broman, ill purchase it.
  41. Renk Fasze

    Cyclical Regrets?

    Haphazardly is life. You walk through it and make mistakes. You learn or succumb. Which is either you grow or regress. My question is why i focus on the mistakes rather than the potential growth. Life can be an incredible thing. I see this. Yet i hold myself to my experience, constantly...
  42. Renk Fasze

    Cyclical Regrets?

    That's what i want Ashitaria. Yes, i did spell your name without looking at the keyboard : P Seriously though, i look for absolution/truth. Yet as soon as i find what is absolution or truth i start the circle over again. I'm a very calm person from an outside perspective but im constantly...
  43. Renk Fasze

    Cyclical Regrets?

    I want this with all i have.
  44. Renk Fasze

    Cyclical Regrets?

    I had many recurring dreams, sticking to two themes, through my childhood and up until around fifteen. One being i was protecting and the other being i was flying. Sometimes the dreams would go lucid and i could interact to some degree. A mental rut is definitely what i see. I don't understand...
  45. Renk Fasze

    Cyclical Regrets?

    Lying to myself in what sense? That im smart? Haha, honestly, i don't think im smart. I'd like to but seems like the more petty things in learn the more i can see i don't know. Nothing man, i don't gain anything. I keep running in circles. I know i can grow from a bad experience or decision...
  46. Renk Fasze

    Cyclical Regrets?

    Anyone in a seemingly constant battle with regrets of past events or decisions? I'm constantly baffled by my cyclical mindset. I think of a regret. I ask myself why i did it or why it happened. I come up with no logical conclusion. Then i end up at a point where i can say i grew from the...
  47. Renk Fasze

    Lucid Dreams

    I have been curious about lucid dreaming for a long time and just recently i read a book about it by Robert Waggoner, not surprisingly, called "Lucid Dreaming" Gateway to the Inner self. He brought up many interesting points and some very far off thoughts. Offers some theories behind lucid...
  48. Renk Fasze

    INTP to INFP flip flop?

    Just a random thought, i seem to make my life incredibly difficult with the T fighting the F with every experience i encounter. I crave to allow myself to feel yet i don't want to be hurt so my logic tells me to avoid but if i avoid i don't get what i need. So i continuously run in circles...
  49. Renk Fasze

    INTP to INFP flip flop?

    Thanks actually...i think i was approaching it with the notion an INTP isn't viewed as capable of being friendly/sweet and that is very much wrong in the direct sense. It also might be that i think others see me as cold because most times i don't warm up quickly at all. I can relate to...
  50. Renk Fasze

    INTP to INFP flip flop?

    In most cases i tend to express my INTP when im around people i haven't been able to figure out yet and its heavily expressed when i get a bad gut feel about them. On the other hand i tend to lean towards INFP side when im around people im familiar with. The INFP side becomes progressively...
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