Rice is love. Rice is life.
How much does it affect us and our decisions? Just wondering, I saw a short video on the plane about it.
That is interesting. So that brings up another thing. Is homosexuality really a choice or just the unconscious mind doing its work.
I honestly dont mind if someone is homosexual but I dont follow their lifestyle.
You bring up the unconscious mind in its vast comprehensiveness and the first thing you go to is homosexuality? .. >.<That is interesting. So that brings up another thing. Is homosexuality really a choice or just the unconscious mind doing its work.
I honestly dont mind if someone is homosexual but I dont follow their lifestyle.
This is of course only semantics but what makes you say that? Whether following natural homosexual impulses or deliberately preferring homosexuality to heterosexuality they both count in my opinion.Whilst one may experiment in homosexual acts, one ultimately cannot choose to be homosexual.
Homosexuality is not a choice. It is a sexual alignment caused by "cross wiring".
Similar "cross wiring" results in asexuality (I prefer non-sexual myself), bi-sexuality and even androgyny.
This is of course only semantics but what makes you say that? Whether following natural homosexual impulses or deliberately preferring homosexuality to heterosexuality they both count in my opinion.
It's not like the difference between being able to fly and deluding yourself that you can fly, as homosexuality is comprised of both homosexual tendencies and the will to express yourself as such.
The sexual attraction to the same sex is not something someone can decide.
You can't wake up one morning and go "from now on, I'm going to be homosexual". It just doesn't work. You need some sort of catalyst that affects the way your brain functions.
Like this guy:
I used this example as an exception to the stereotypical homosexual. That is, one who has been attracted to the same sex all their lives.
Yeah I understand that you mean "you can't force things", but I think you're misunderstanding how some actually go about it.
It's not that they delude themselves into feeling attraction towards the same sex, but that they prefer or derive pleasure in sexual activity with the same sex.
Where you're clearly mistaken is assuming people feel attraction towards all people of a sex. I'm not attracted to all women, just as any random homosexual is not attracted to all women or all men. It's the preference of selecting sexual partners only within the same sex, not about attraction.
Somewhat, but not solely. No one feels attraction towards all members of any sex, that would be a ridiculous claim. This is what makes it a preference. I'm not sexually attracted to all women, but I prefer them over males. Only females tend to have the physical features I find desirable, but not every woman is physically desirable to me.Hmm, by definition, sexual orientation is the attraction to a particular sex.
Partner preference is merely a subcategory of attributes. Be it hair colour, ethnicity, personality, etc...
Somewhat, but not solely. No one feels attraction towards all members of any sex, that would be a ridiculous claim. This is what makes it a preference. I'm not sexually attracted to all women, but I prefer them over males. Only females tend to have the physical features I find desirable, but not every woman is physically desirable to me.
Where what you're saying especially does not hold up is in online / virtual communication. You do not need to be male or female to have an "feminine" or "masculine" personality. That you could find an online feminine or masculine personality sexually attractive, yet in real life these people are of varying sexes, shows that what sex someone is of little importance in terms of attraction.
Online text has no gender. Any sexuality applied to it is purely subjective. That said, a heterosexual male is more than likely going to want to start a sexual chat with someone named "Miss Pinky" than "Big Steve"...
Perceived sexuality trumps real sexuality online. It still plays a big part on attraction.
Yeah, perceived sexuality is free of "real" sexuality.
It is because attraction involves more than just physical gender or sex. And because attraction is more than just gender or sex, homosexuality cannot be defined as "attraction to the same sex". Homosexuality includes attraction to the same sex, but it's not exclusively that. It's the overall preference for such sexual activity, thus people can choose.
Scientific research has found no evidence to suggest that early childhood or parental upbringing has any effect on a person's sexuality. The majority of experts are in favour that sexual orientation is biological in nature and therefore not a choice.
This is also supported by the fact that lesser developed species also demonstrate homosexual behaviours.
Biology does not make a person lay in bed with a person of the same sex, nor of a differing sex. That is choice.