There have been made numerous articles, books, researches about identity and identity crisis like symptoms.
People who tell you that they are who they are or never lie e.g. are not theirself already.
Everyone pulls few lies per day, no matter how little they are doesn't even matter if it is a white lie.. It is still lying and hiding your true self... that given to be the first example.
The second example is that everyone hides their true self .. It is also called having more than one face....
I have some stuff in a book about it Identities and how it works, i'd better get back to reading that stuff.
A little example for this topic:
A POLICE OFFICER had just pulled over a car for a routine traffic stop. The officer strode confidently up to the car, hands on his hips, with a bravado swagger as if he were fully in control of the situation. He started to peer into the driver’s window. Suddenly, the man in the car pulled a gun and fired several shots. The officer fell to the ground, screaming and crying in a frenzied panic, “I’ve been shot! I’ve been shot! Call an ambulance! I’ve been shot!”
When the paramedics arrived, they discovered that the officer hadn’t even been wounded. All the shots had missed. The only observable damage was that this tough cop had wet his pants.
That’s how identity works. In one flash, all of the officer’s self-assured control left him, and he was reduced to the helplessness of a baby. Illusions of who we think we are—and claim to be—evaporate in a puff of smoke. And if we haven’t learned how to live from the place of a true identity, we will pay the price in trauma until we do learn how to live.
We all derive identity from the world around us. As infants, we are just a jumble of diverse biological processes over which we have no authority, and our first task in life is to develop a coherent personality which “pulls together” this fragmented confusion. Our first sense of coherence comes from our unconscious identifications with the persons around us. Then, as older children, we look around and see what the world shows us. Some things in the world appeal to us more than others; that’s because some things purport to show us something about what’s missing in our own lives and to offer us some knowledge of what seems to be hidden from us. So, from all the things that appeal to us in the world, we create images of how we want to see ourselves, and then we set about making ourselves “seen” in the world so our images can be reflected back to us through the desire of others.
Whether it’s purple hair and pierced lips or Armani business suits, an image is an image. It’s simply impossible to “opt out” of the social order. Even anarchy, in all its emptiness, is still a form of social identity, an artificially constructed image, a desire to be desired. Sure, the outward image tries to say, “I don’t care about what you think; in fact, I spit on your opinion of me,” but the psychological intent of the image is to make itself seen by others.
And some persons desire to be desired with such desperate intensity that you can literally see in their eyes the inner emptiness they seek to fill.
But they never can fill the void.
At best, their self-styled image is only a fraud, a feeble attempt to hide their pain from their own eyes. The gaping hole of their emotional wounds from childhood can be decorated with tattoos, it can be pierced with rings, or it can be draped with glitzy pieces of cloth—but no one can get rid of the truth by hiding it in plain view.
At worst, their self-styled image becomes their only reality, a pathetic lie and a living hell.
Don't forget that humans are often lying insects if not being above a certain level in society or certain IQ.
The lower you go on the social step, the worse it turns... Excluding the varmint and other human bags of meat that where gifted since the day they where born .. We refer to them as (serial) killers and fantasists and the rest residing in those social circles.
I'm sure many interrogators and cops are aware of that, since they often have to plow trough the shit of society.