Agent Intellect
Absurd Anti-hero.
It's a popular topic around here (at least with me) that education is a broken system - or, outdated at best. Since I've gone to college a few years ago after having spent six years in the "real world" after high school, I've certainly taken a notice of this, and this summer semester especially. I'm taking calculus 1 & 2 as well as statistics, and I can't believe just how worthless these classes are.
Before I get started, here are a few TED talks about education (mainly about math) that I think are highly relevant, and I think you will get a sense of where I'm going with this from these:
Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover.
Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education.
Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers.
One thing I had a problem with in my calculus class was when we spent an entire unit learning how to draw a graph using calculus (eg finding local min/max, inflection points etc). This is essentially how people had to do calculus before computers and calculators could graph functions for them. All this calculating is a useless exercise to drive home the point that when the derivative is zero, there is a local min or max, and that if it switches from negative to positive, it was a min, and positive to negative, it was a max.
My point is, this is time that could be better spent doing something else.
As is talked about in the videos, math is essentially taught in a plug-and-chug fashion. In my statistics class, we are supplied with formulas and parameters and we simply need to learn how to put those parameters into the formulas and have it regurgitate some numbers. I'm getting an A in my calculus and statistics class, yet I feel like I haven't really learned anything. In calculus I'm still terrible at the related rates and optimization problems*, because those actually require that I be able to extrapolate mathematical relationships between different variables, and it seems to just be assumed that if someone can calculate a bunch of numbers, that they should be able to do this.
In the third video, the speaker gives a list of four things that make up math:
1. Posing the right questions.
2. Real world -> Math formulation.
3. Calculation.
4. Math formulation -> Real world.
And it's argued that #3 is what gets taught in our math classes. I would mostly agree, although I think #4 is sometimes wedged in there. The idea behind the current math curriculum is to not only teach mainly calculation, but also to teach it in very abstract form. The logic is that, if someone can do something like calculus in an abstract form, then they should be able to apply it to whatever field they need it for.
I would argue that this is not the case. I can compute numbers like a champion in the style it's taught in math class, but I still have a difficult time bridging the gap between abstract computation and real world application. Being able to find the third derivative of a long series of symbols and spit out strings of numbers for certain values of X doesn't teach me A) what the numbers mean in any practical situation or B) how these formulas can relate to real life situations.
But, enough of my ranting.
I think the first two videos give some great ideas on how the teaching method, not just for math, but for almost any subject, can be improved. In the first video, the person talks about a method that would be more akin to guided inquiry as opposed to lecture. I think this would be powerful, primarily for the reasons he gives. I think that having students figure problems out by themselves using problem solving skills will teach them how to do the first two parts of math from the above list, inciting discussion and forcing students to look at a problem from every angle.
In the second video, one of the best points that he makes is that we don't teach students for proficiency. Whether or not you actually learned what was being taught or not, you get pushed along to the next topic, leaving large gaps in your knowledge that will be compounded every time a new concept is introduced - and even if you did well on the test, all that proved is that you could remember things for the test.
I titled this thread "To Write A Textbook" because as it is now, curricula are highly dependent on the information, the format, and the order of the textbook. In several classes I've had, one would not even have to go to the lecture if they had a good enough reading comprehension to just teach themselves from the textbook. This seems like a lazy way to teach, with the baseless assumption that there is a one-size-fits-all approach to learning material, and that only certain things are pertinent to ones education.
What I'm interested in is ideas on how the education system could be reformatted, or even overhauled.
Taking ideas from the videos, I think Salman Khan is on the right track. There is no need to go to school to get a lecture that one can get online from a place like Khan Academy. When one goes to school, they should be getting something more - and that is, essentially, what the first and third videos are talking about: learning to formulate questions, think critically about a concept, participate in problem solving activities, talking about ideas, and figuring things out on ones own. The straight up facts-to-remember and homework can be done in a Khan Academy like fashion.
Just off the top of my head, here's what I might like to see in a classroom:
Math: a real world problem is proposed by the instructor. The class, working together, must figure out a method for formulating this problem in a mathematical way, discerning what sorts of variables are involved, relating these variables to each other, finding a way to calculate them in a meaningful way, and then interpreting the results (a good example of this is in the first video). Because of the video lectures and exercises, the students know how to calculate, so the main focus is on the other three parts from the above list.
Science: given some information, students should be able to formulate a testable hypothesis and come up with an experimental design. A lot of science is learning to speak the language (as a biology major I'm painfully aware of this) but all that could be done in video lectures and exercises and from individual reading. What seems missing from a lot of science curricula is being able to ask the right questions in science, so a great exercise would be a guided inquiry environment that attempts to get students to ask the right questions to have the lesson move forward. For instance, instead of just being told that DNA is replicated in a semiconservative way, have the students come up with the question, based on what they know about DNA: where does the template DNA strand go during replication? In addition, students should be able to propose a hypothesis and come up with an experimental design for testing something like semiconservative replication.
History: a controversial subject from history is presented to class - for example (excuse my American bias) the events leading up to and reasons for the American civil war. The students are then charged with writing a research paper arguing for or against one sides stance (it could even be that the students must argue for the side they disagree with, perhaps at least in more advanced classes). The timelines of names and dates, once again, could be done in a video lecture and exercise format, but my main point is that the classroom is for a more involved, critical thinking method - perhaps even textual criticism of various historical accounts, comparative studies from opposing sides of issues, classroom debates, and ways in which both history itself and the way history is recorded have influenced modern times.
Political science and economics: I think it would be interesting to have students run computer simulations of their own societies - think sim city - or some sort of in-class game. Each student in a class would be a political official (maybe a senator or something) in one simulated society where political opposition, economic hurdles, and policy legislation come up. Perhaps a different simulation in which each student is in charge of a business or bank and must make real time decisions about what to do come up. Once again, information can be conveyed in an online format, but different political and economic schools of thought can be discussed, debated, and criticized in classroom discussions and guided inquiry.
These are just a few ideas, and may not be perfect, but the take home point is that what is done in classrooms right now (mindless calculations and long info-dump lectures) can be done in a Khan Academy like format, with 10-15 minute long videos conveying relevant information and online exercises geared towards proficiency as opposed to a pass/fail graded test. With all this done in an online setting, the classroom can actually be utilized for critical thinking, guided inquiry, and student-student and instructor-student interaction and discussion - eg stuff you can't actually do at home or on your own. This way, students are gaining a mastery and understanding of the subject by using the material to come up with and discuss ideas and by being guided towards conclusions (as well as questions) as opposed to being told information in order to pass the next test.
So, what do you (assuming you muddled through all this bullshit) think about the current state of education? Do you think the way students are taught works? Do you think that your own education has adequately prepared you? Do you know of any places that are actually making any sort of large reforms, and if so, how is it working out for them? What do you think about the videos posted? The ideas I proposed? How might you attempt to reformat or overhaul education? What would you like to see any a classroom of any particular subjects? What methods would you focus on?
Before I get started, here are a few TED talks about education (mainly about math) that I think are highly relevant, and I think you will get a sense of where I'm going with this from these:
Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover.
Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education.
Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers.
One thing I had a problem with in my calculus class was when we spent an entire unit learning how to draw a graph using calculus (eg finding local min/max, inflection points etc). This is essentially how people had to do calculus before computers and calculators could graph functions for them. All this calculating is a useless exercise to drive home the point that when the derivative is zero, there is a local min or max, and that if it switches from negative to positive, it was a min, and positive to negative, it was a max.
My point is, this is time that could be better spent doing something else.
As is talked about in the videos, math is essentially taught in a plug-and-chug fashion. In my statistics class, we are supplied with formulas and parameters and we simply need to learn how to put those parameters into the formulas and have it regurgitate some numbers. I'm getting an A in my calculus and statistics class, yet I feel like I haven't really learned anything. In calculus I'm still terrible at the related rates and optimization problems*, because those actually require that I be able to extrapolate mathematical relationships between different variables, and it seems to just be assumed that if someone can calculate a bunch of numbers, that they should be able to do this.
In the third video, the speaker gives a list of four things that make up math:
1. Posing the right questions.
2. Real world -> Math formulation.
3. Calculation.
4. Math formulation -> Real world.
And it's argued that #3 is what gets taught in our math classes. I would mostly agree, although I think #4 is sometimes wedged in there. The idea behind the current math curriculum is to not only teach mainly calculation, but also to teach it in very abstract form. The logic is that, if someone can do something like calculus in an abstract form, then they should be able to apply it to whatever field they need it for.
I would argue that this is not the case. I can compute numbers like a champion in the style it's taught in math class, but I still have a difficult time bridging the gap between abstract computation and real world application. Being able to find the third derivative of a long series of symbols and spit out strings of numbers for certain values of X doesn't teach me A) what the numbers mean in any practical situation or B) how these formulas can relate to real life situations.
But, enough of my ranting.
I think the first two videos give some great ideas on how the teaching method, not just for math, but for almost any subject, can be improved. In the first video, the person talks about a method that would be more akin to guided inquiry as opposed to lecture. I think this would be powerful, primarily for the reasons he gives. I think that having students figure problems out by themselves using problem solving skills will teach them how to do the first two parts of math from the above list, inciting discussion and forcing students to look at a problem from every angle.
In the second video, one of the best points that he makes is that we don't teach students for proficiency. Whether or not you actually learned what was being taught or not, you get pushed along to the next topic, leaving large gaps in your knowledge that will be compounded every time a new concept is introduced - and even if you did well on the test, all that proved is that you could remember things for the test.
I titled this thread "To Write A Textbook" because as it is now, curricula are highly dependent on the information, the format, and the order of the textbook. In several classes I've had, one would not even have to go to the lecture if they had a good enough reading comprehension to just teach themselves from the textbook. This seems like a lazy way to teach, with the baseless assumption that there is a one-size-fits-all approach to learning material, and that only certain things are pertinent to ones education.
What I'm interested in is ideas on how the education system could be reformatted, or even overhauled.
Taking ideas from the videos, I think Salman Khan is on the right track. There is no need to go to school to get a lecture that one can get online from a place like Khan Academy. When one goes to school, they should be getting something more - and that is, essentially, what the first and third videos are talking about: learning to formulate questions, think critically about a concept, participate in problem solving activities, talking about ideas, and figuring things out on ones own. The straight up facts-to-remember and homework can be done in a Khan Academy like fashion.
Just off the top of my head, here's what I might like to see in a classroom:
Math: a real world problem is proposed by the instructor. The class, working together, must figure out a method for formulating this problem in a mathematical way, discerning what sorts of variables are involved, relating these variables to each other, finding a way to calculate them in a meaningful way, and then interpreting the results (a good example of this is in the first video). Because of the video lectures and exercises, the students know how to calculate, so the main focus is on the other three parts from the above list.
Science: given some information, students should be able to formulate a testable hypothesis and come up with an experimental design. A lot of science is learning to speak the language (as a biology major I'm painfully aware of this) but all that could be done in video lectures and exercises and from individual reading. What seems missing from a lot of science curricula is being able to ask the right questions in science, so a great exercise would be a guided inquiry environment that attempts to get students to ask the right questions to have the lesson move forward. For instance, instead of just being told that DNA is replicated in a semiconservative way, have the students come up with the question, based on what they know about DNA: where does the template DNA strand go during replication? In addition, students should be able to propose a hypothesis and come up with an experimental design for testing something like semiconservative replication.
History: a controversial subject from history is presented to class - for example (excuse my American bias) the events leading up to and reasons for the American civil war. The students are then charged with writing a research paper arguing for or against one sides stance (it could even be that the students must argue for the side they disagree with, perhaps at least in more advanced classes). The timelines of names and dates, once again, could be done in a video lecture and exercise format, but my main point is that the classroom is for a more involved, critical thinking method - perhaps even textual criticism of various historical accounts, comparative studies from opposing sides of issues, classroom debates, and ways in which both history itself and the way history is recorded have influenced modern times.
Political science and economics: I think it would be interesting to have students run computer simulations of their own societies - think sim city - or some sort of in-class game. Each student in a class would be a political official (maybe a senator or something) in one simulated society where political opposition, economic hurdles, and policy legislation come up. Perhaps a different simulation in which each student is in charge of a business or bank and must make real time decisions about what to do come up. Once again, information can be conveyed in an online format, but different political and economic schools of thought can be discussed, debated, and criticized in classroom discussions and guided inquiry.
These are just a few ideas, and may not be perfect, but the take home point is that what is done in classrooms right now (mindless calculations and long info-dump lectures) can be done in a Khan Academy like format, with 10-15 minute long videos conveying relevant information and online exercises geared towards proficiency as opposed to a pass/fail graded test. With all this done in an online setting, the classroom can actually be utilized for critical thinking, guided inquiry, and student-student and instructor-student interaction and discussion - eg stuff you can't actually do at home or on your own. This way, students are gaining a mastery and understanding of the subject by using the material to come up with and discuss ideas and by being guided towards conclusions (as well as questions) as opposed to being told information in order to pass the next test.
So, what do you (assuming you muddled through all this bullshit) think about the current state of education? Do you think the way students are taught works? Do you think that your own education has adequately prepared you? Do you know of any places that are actually making any sort of large reforms, and if so, how is it working out for them? What do you think about the videos posted? The ideas I proposed? How might you attempt to reformat or overhaul education? What would you like to see any a classroom of any particular subjects? What methods would you focus on?
Here's a little bonus for anyone interested in calculus 1 level optimization and related rates problems:
1. A piece of wire 10 meters long is cut into two pieces. One piece is bent into a square and the other is bent into an equilateral triangle. How should the wire be cut so that the total area enclosed (in the triangle and square together) is A) a maximum? B) A minimum?
2. A right circular cylinder is inscribed in a cone with height h and base radius r. Find the largest possible volume of such a cylinder.
3. In a beehive, each cell is a regular hexagonal prism, open at one end with a trihedral angle at the other end. It is believed that bees form their cells in such a way as to minimize the surface area for a given volume. The apex angle X has been measured and is amazingly consistent (all within 2 degrees). The surface area S is given by:
where s, the length of the sides of the hexagon, and h, the height, are constants. A) Calculate dS/dX. B) What angle should the bees prefer? C) Determine the minimum surface area of the cell (in terms of s and h).
4. A man stars walking north at 4 feet/sec from a point P. Five minutes later a woman starts walking south at 5 feet/sec from a point 500 feet due east of P. At what rate are the people moving apart 15 minutes after the woman starts walking?
5. Water is leaking out of an inverted conical tank at a rate of 10,000 cm^3/min at the same time that water is being pumped into the tank at a constant rate. The tank has a height of 6 meters and the diameter at the top is 4 meters. If the water level is rising at a rate of 20 cm/min when the height of the water is 2 meters, find the rate at which water is being pumped into the tank.
1. A piece of wire 10 meters long is cut into two pieces. One piece is bent into a square and the other is bent into an equilateral triangle. How should the wire be cut so that the total area enclosed (in the triangle and square together) is A) a maximum? B) A minimum?
2. A right circular cylinder is inscribed in a cone with height h and base radius r. Find the largest possible volume of such a cylinder.
3. In a beehive, each cell is a regular hexagonal prism, open at one end with a trihedral angle at the other end. It is believed that bees form their cells in such a way as to minimize the surface area for a given volume. The apex angle X has been measured and is amazingly consistent (all within 2 degrees). The surface area S is given by:
where s, the length of the sides of the hexagon, and h, the height, are constants. A) Calculate dS/dX. B) What angle should the bees prefer? C) Determine the minimum surface area of the cell (in terms of s and h).
4. A man stars walking north at 4 feet/sec from a point P. Five minutes later a woman starts walking south at 5 feet/sec from a point 500 feet due east of P. At what rate are the people moving apart 15 minutes after the woman starts walking?
5. Water is leaking out of an inverted conical tank at a rate of 10,000 cm^3/min at the same time that water is being pumped into the tank at a constant rate. The tank has a height of 6 meters and the diameter at the top is 4 meters. If the water level is rising at a rate of 20 cm/min when the height of the water is 2 meters, find the rate at which water is being pumped into the tank.