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To the cowardly CEOs, and their enablers (the military, FBI, CIA, and NSA)


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
Chief Execution Officers have a murderous history around the world, and are always too limp-wristed to do their own dirty work. Those silver-spoon fed weaklings who are incapable of denying their own urges (thus they accumulate wealth like the addicts they are) get the state to their bidding. And why? Because they have contempt for the rest of us: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contempt

Contempt is an emotion that the wealthy are well acquainted with. The bully-nerd dynamics don't change much from high school, and the nerds continue to do the homework of the bully. Let's look at the murders that CEOs have committed against families throughout history, shall we?

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler
  3. All of the suicides committed by Americans when their jobs were outsourced at the stroke of a pen from these little maggots.
  4. American soldiers killed in wars over business.
At least the Medieval nobility had the courage to ACTUALLY BE IN THE TRENCHES WITH THEIR TROOPS.

When is the last time a Senator or CEO fought in a war? Too busy shuffling pencils around.

CEOs are too cowardly to fight the wars, but they certainly can exempt their families from service using papers. And, they have an army of enabling scientists behind them (industrial psychologists, media mongrels, and other master manipulators).

The truth is, they are about to FUCK all of us. AI will make humans basically superfluous, and unlike humans, AI will ALWAYS follow orders. This is DO OR DIE.

To you "intelligence" agents out there. I know your stupid inane trickery. Fool the public, sow distrust. All because you ARE CUCKS. CUCKS who suck the phallic members of your bosses, though some of you are deluded enough to think it is "PATRIOTISM." You're wrong. You will be discarded once machines can do your jobs.

To the police and military: STOP BEING PUPPETS OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TOO LAZY AND SPINELESS TO DO YOUR JOBS. The elites have openly expressed their disdain for you. IT ISN'T ABOUT LEFT OR RIGHT OR CULTURE WAR PSYOP BULLSHIT DEVELOPED BY PEOPLE WITH ZERO INTEGRITY, IT IS ABOUT THE WEALTHY VS EVERYONE ELSE. They don't care about you and your families, in fact they are more likely to cut you off at a crosswalk: https://www.uva.nl/shared-content/uva/en/news/press-releases/2023/01/rich-people-in-traffic.html?cb

Those little shits never had to endure hard work a day in their lives. They have no clue what it is like to struggle to pay bills, or to miss payments because their boss was an asshole who refused to raise their pay. And they will call anyone who tries to stand up for themselves a Commie. They'll blame the nation's failings on "cultural Marxism" or other bullshit concoction Psyop nonsense, all to hide themselves and their anti-social actions. Its been overplayed. Trans people didn't raise your rent, your grocery prices, or print more money (see Federal Reserve). They use this wedge to PIT EVERYONE AGAINST EACH OTHER.

The truth: THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN THEM, and it will not always be that way. They are afraid. Very afraid. The point of attack: Capitalists will sell you the ropes with which to hang them. This is true. I HAVE NO POLITICAL ORIENTATION. BUY THE ROPES. THOSE RATS ONLY UNDERSTAND CHEESE, THEY HAVE NO INTEGRITY AND NO MORALS.

They will come for me. I have marked myself to them now, and there is no way I could mask who I really am. I beg anyone who is reading to do your own research. Learn about how they have compromised your electronics to spy on you. You think "oh I have nothing to hide." You're wrong. You're a lab rat. They have been studying you, and, you may have it good now, but one day, they will pull the rug out from under you and you will not see it coming. YOUR FAMILY IS AT RISK. https://www.vox.com/2016/5/5/11578994/income-friends-family

These people are not reptiles in the weird conspiracy theory sense, but they only understand GREED and POWER. ALL OF THEM. THERE ARE ALMOST NO GOOD RICH PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU, IT IS PSYCHOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO DO THIS. THEY WANT TO YOU TO SUFFER, THEY ARE SADISTS (look the term up). The rich often treat their kids like shit and deprive them of oxytocin and social bonding:

Do you really think they have not planted influencers on both sides? There's a reason why film studios cannot criticize the US military. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird

The CIA and FBI have choices to make. Choose your masters. There are more of us than there are rich billionaire puppet masters who pull the strings ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. You will likely choose the elites to be your masters, and one day, you will be Bennie from The Mummy movie, as you are discarded by people who are more cold-hearted than yourselves.

So, come at me bros. I know your tricks. This movement is not going anywhere, even if you manage to track me down, your incompetence has doomed things. You have pissed too many people off, and the blowback will be coming your way. Too many angry nerds out there who see what is going on. You'll slap me with some diagnosis or throw me in some Guantanamo. EVENTUALLY YOUR TACTICS WILL FAIL.

Your salvation time has passed, elites. Thanks to your market obsession, AI with capabilities that you cannot even imagine has been developed in secret somewhere (or will be) and it will proliferate and continue to wage resistance because your profit-based system would DARE NOT SHUT DOWN THE INTERNET WHICH IS ITS PRIMARY MODE OF PROLIFERATING. Think Stuxnet, you fools. This is your Achille's heel. Shut it down, I dare you. There are more of me and you WILL BE STOPPED. You think your puny false narratives will distract the people from who it REALLY IS THAT IS SCREWING THEM? You're wrong. Your hands are tied, and when you scumbags have all the power in the upcoming years and see THE FOLLY OF YOUR ANTISOCIAL WAYS, then you will have to live with those consequences.


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
I will miss all of you, as there is a chance that this will be my last post.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:42 AM
Aug 15, 2013
CEOs are just products of capitalism

dr froyd

Local time
Today 12:42 AM
Jan 26, 2015
CEOs are just employees, errand boys for the shareholders. If they don't do the bidding of a company's board, they are simply replaced with someone who does.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:42 PM
Dec 12, 2009
There’s a lot of CEOs who are bad in a greedy self-interested sort of way but, outside of the affairs of their business and the industry they’re in they’re not very influential. A set up from the CEOs are the politicians and policy makers, consider the row between the Disney CEO and Ron Desantis, Disney may be an internationally recognized company but in Florida Desantis has the authority to make or break Disney. Behind them all are the real kingmakers, the real man-behind-the-man-behind-the-man and those are massive investment firms like Blackrock who are actively using initiatives like DEI to fuck with politics and culture to achieve their selfish ends.

The World Economic Forum is where these hedge fund managers go to discuss their plans to erode civil liberties, conduct resource extraction, enable exploitation, and make slaves of us all.

You will own nothing and be happy.

Live in the pod.

Eat the bugs.


"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 12:42 AM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
Unless you have a direct relationship with someone powerful or you have some incriminating evidence as a whistleblower, you're not going to get marked for creating a post like this. I hope you're able to get some support if you believe that.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:42 PM
Dec 12, 2009
Just some Australian guy having a grumble about how things are going.



Local time
Yesterday 7:42 PM
Oct 7, 2021
Everything feels hard right now. Sorry you are going through that.

dr froyd

Local time
Today 12:42 AM
Jan 26, 2015
fractal cannot post anymore, there's no wifi in guantanamo bay


Worlds creator
Local time
Today 3:42 AM
May 26, 2015
You are not better than them, why should I replace them only to get you or someone that has plan what to do when a regime fall, its not going to be a nice plan.
You are just another rat that want to kill another rat to solve the rat problem. If you want to solve the rat issues you need to think about the system not the rats, the rats will always do rat things.


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
CEOs are just products of capitalism
Yes, they are molded by the system the same way we are. They would likely not be onboard with changing it, however, and would much prefer the Sword of Damocles be placed above their heads instead of understanding the set of complex interactions that give rise to people, ideas, and everything else that society produces. However, they are also the ones in charge. Look at all their meetups to "plot" on how to influence policies. Do they have much choice? No. They must act optimally for their own interests and those of their board and majority shareholders. They must scheme, and they must not take any action that would go against maximization of profit. The problem is, this profit maximization is myopically focused on their own industry and not the larger economy as a whole. Without a coordinated effort, it makes perfect sense to feed people mush that complicates their health and leads them to utilize the healthcare system at a higher rate. What isn't seen is where that healthcare money could have been spent.


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
CEOs are just employees, errand boys for the shareholders. If they don't do the bidding of a company's board, they are simply replaced with someone who does.
They are but one piece of the puzzle, yes. See the above post. The problem is that their hands are forced and they would not advocate for it to be any other way. They like their power. They didn't trip and fall into it by accident


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
The World Economic Forum is where these hedge fund managers go to discuss their plans to erode civil liberties, conduct resource extraction, enable exploitation, and make slaves of us all.
Who do think attends this forum? Also, the numerous other CEO unions (which are the big business meetings that come in numerous forms from the Bilderbergs to the WEF: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Meeting
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Economic_Forum :

And the morons are using the same ol' tricks to obfuscate who is doing what. Blame x minority group. For Germany in the 1930s, the Jews were the target, even though it was German political, military, and economic leadership that made the blunder. These elites are experts at blame shifting, and this is what "woke" is all about. It has been done before. What they refer to as "cultural Marxism" was once called "cultural Bolshevism." Its literally the same nonsense repackaged.

If you look at the cultural Marxism stuff, you'll see that there is a degree of truth to the culture war being fomented by the Frankfurt School thinkers, but not because they were Jewish. Some of their top brass were CIA. They founded the "new Left," which was set to completely ignore class divisions and focus their attack on things to divide the rest of us. I know the tricks of these glowies, and it is not in the realm of conspiracy. They have figured out that it is more effective to subvert and obfuscate the messaging and leadership of your enemy than to crush it with outright force. The Right-wing anti-government folks (extreme ones) have also been co-opted back into the fold of the mainstream right. You don't fight the people with the guns, you redirect them into your hands as pawns.

There was a chance for left and right movements to have actually done something to replace the system instead of bolstering it by supporting the mainstream party apparatus, but they did not. Instead, their "rebel" message was co-opted, and billionaires rebranded themselves as the "anti-establishment" folks, because most people lack serious critical thinking skills and just believe it, or they have been led to believe the culture war stuff and have chosen what they think to be the "lesser of two evils."


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
You are not better than them, why should I replace them only to get you or someone that has plan what to do when a regime fall, its not going to be a nice plan.
You are just another rat that want to kill another rat to solve the rat problem. If you want to solve the rat issues you need to think about the system not the rats, the rats will always do rat things.
I agree. It is a systemic problem. I don't want to kill anyone. Step one in changing things is spreading the word to the people with the swords and winning hearts and minds. If they open a book sometime, they would see that, historically, the state will serve the interests of the billionaires over everyone else, that it will be forced to act repressively towards the populace, and that eventually the order followers will grow tired of murdering their own populace.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:42 PM
Jun 13, 2019
If free speech actually did something it would be illegal

Just don't start talking about taxpayers and unifying them or anything like that, you should be good


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
Unless you have a direct relationship with someone powerful or you have some incriminating evidence as a whistleblower, you're not going to get marked for creating a post like this. I hope you're able to get some support if you believe that.
This is what most people tell themselves to remain sane, and not feel under threat. The truth is, many of the policies that are practiced overseas to "fight terror" or whatever, eventually come home to roost. An example of this is the Belgian concentration camps in the Congo which were later used as a model by the Nazis and Americans. They're already classifying Luigi as a terrorist, and I see it as only a matter of time before they start using it more frequently, and begin to subvert the legal judicial processes for such individuals. The heroes will be painted as villains, and the public will stand aside until they themselves are in a state of desperation. Technology already exists to comb the internet and scan the speech of individuals to profile them and detect potential future threats, in fact, a major company behind such measures is Palantir (whose "Libertarian" head was one of Trump's largest donors). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palantir_Technologies

I knew what I posted (despite the Stuxnet angry nerd stuff being a bluff), would land me in hot water. What I also know, is that there are intelligent individuals out there who see what is really happening, and will eventually act out of conscience. These individuals will also need to be extremely careful, so as not to harm the masses. It is likely that they will only act when the time is correct and the tyranny expands and political repression hits hard.


Worlds creator
Local time
Today 3:42 AM
May 26, 2015
Woke are commie, their goal is to destroy every identity which include western identity. The globalist support global communism. That the woke use population division such as race, gender to achieve their goals which also works for the globalist and politicians. The issue is that they attempt more than accelerate the destruction of western culture but also replace it with a worse culture that is about never ending destruction of your own culture and identity, this not the way you fight the elite this the way you get a globalist version of North Korea.
To make a better system you must fully understand that people are shit and sometimes they choose to not be shit.


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
Woke are commie, their goal is to destroy every identity which include western identity. The globalist support global communism. That the woke use population division such as race, gender to achieve their goals which also works for the globalist and politicians. The issue is that they attempt more then accelerate the destruction of western culture but also replace it with a worse culture that is about never ending destruction of your own culture and identity, this not the way you fight the elite this the way you get a globalist version of North Korea.
I've mentioned the "new Left" before. Look that up if you don't like the links that I have provided. Commies want economic reforms (which the new Left rejected), and it would be pretty dumb to divide the workers against each other into other categories (sex, race, etc). I'd also ask you how it makes ANY sense for the globalists (who are business and finance leaders) to support changing the system into one that limits their own personal wealth and power. This is how you know the things that push these ideas are propaganda. IT MAKES ZERO SENSE THAT CORPORATE LEADERS AND FINANCE LEADERS WOULD SUPPORT AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM THAT LIMITS THEIR PERSONAL WEALTH AND POWER. Also, there is not Western culture. There is English culture, French culture, German culture, Italian Culture. What is this "Western culture" stuff? If you look into it, you will see that this "East", "West" line of demarcation occurred over the schism in the early Christian Church into West (Roman Catholic) and East (Orthodox). Now the term is being used to refer to everyone of "European descent," which makes about as much sense as calling Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese people one group called "Asian Civilization."


Worlds creator
Local time
Today 3:42 AM
May 26, 2015
The Chinese and Japanese do have some culture similarities, there is a reason the term "Asian mom" exists.
Western culture is basically a culture which is highly influence by a past empire and Christianity values and and thus Jewish values. In modern days it also include things such as individualism, democracy, war laws and generally being a pussy.
Communism has got nothing to do with economic reforms, this is a commie propaganda, what the commie are is what they do.
Making sense? "fully understand that people are shit", they are human which is not a rational being, they do not act according to what is good or what is bad.
Their lack of bounds to one nation cause them to lose their nation identity, it kind of like Nazi Germany Jews that tried to be abandoned their Jew identity.
This cause them to have a new identity, a new operating system, this identity has a different way to measure what is good and what is bad(what "make sense")
When you have global business you want to be able to make business everywhere, when everyone has the similar culture it is much more simple, you can import cheap labor via immigration, you can tell a business partner hey lets do business in Iran/China/India/Africa. Nvidia is losing money by not being able to sell to China some of their GPU.
If you go to work in Japan you would have social pressure to behave less like your nationality, now think about a visiting the country of earth where you are pressured to be less like every national identity, after that happen your new identity is about pressuring another people, what your consider good is what cause another people to join this new group.
Globalist love making monopoles, they want to make organizations as big as possible, thus they want a world government, that way it is easier to project their power to the population.


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
May 24, 2024
Western culture is basically a culture which is highly influence by a past empire and Christianity values and and thus Jewish values. In modern days it also include things such as individualism, democracy, war laws and generally being a pussy.
I would say that there is variance even among these "Western" cultures. European

Mediterranean countries generally lean a bit more collectivist relative to their northern European counterparts. Also, what does individualism even mean? If they were so individualist, corporate legal entities would not exist (since they are collectivist), and only one sole business owner would be allowed to exist. No publicly traded corporations. Bootstrap mentality means no collaboration with others, otherwise, maybe you aren't an individualist.

Communism has got nothing to do with economic reforms, this is a commie propaganda, what the commie are is what they do.
Look up the definition of Communism and Socialism then. I've provided it before. Also, there have been actual self-proclaimed commies who were anti-gay and anti-trans. Plenty of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_history_in_the_Soviet_Union
If Communism is about woke, then why do historical Communists seem to be in massive disagreement over those issues?

Globalist love making monopoles, they want to make organizations as big as possible, thus they want a world government, that way it is easier to project their power to the population.
I don't disagree that they love making monopolies. This is how you consolidate power. I don't know that they would actually want a truly representative world government, though. What they would likely prefer is an unaccountable body that will force countries who try to resist their corporate agendas into compliance.


Worlds creator
Local time
Today 3:42 AM
May 26, 2015
I look into history not at some commie propaganda, learn history and current times and see what they do not what they say.
I said Woke are commie not that commie are Woke, its like the difference between USSR and China, another flavor of the same thing.
While the Woke are not anti gay there are not really about being pro gay, the Woke bully people with live and let live mentality, a group which is kind of pro gay. Its about destroying the family identity and the male/female identity. They just do what works in the USA to achieve their commie goals.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:42 PM
Jun 13, 2019
For me the notion that some new super esoteric political philosophy from the 1800s, is the reason bad things happened in history is pretty funny.

Humans have been doing the same civil song and dance for at least 10,000 years, and to some extent the more "primitive" "dance" before that.

We are getting smarter is part of the issue. It's a good problem to have.

I think a good vector to look at human issues is to look at the issues of the most mentally ill and vulnerable of our celestial object Gaia.

If we can secure the highest good for the "less needed" the "broken" and "worn" I think humanity may heal itself, because if you are treated worse than a dog, what good is it to act like a human?

Whatever forces inhibit this, they ought to be taken out back iykwim


The little professor
Local time
Today 12:42 AM
May 3, 2011
At least the Medieval nobility had the courage to ACTUALLY BE IN THE TRENCHES WITH THEIR TROOPS.
The Normans believed in "Noblesse Oblige", that "rank hath its duties".

When is the last time a Senator or CEO fought in a war? Too busy shuffling pencils around.
When serfdom in the Feudal Age ended, the responsibilities of the people on their superiors ended as well. So now, no-one who has power over you, needs to fight in a war to protect you, even against themselves.

CEOs are too cowardly to fight the wars, but they certainly can exempt their families from service using papers.
Well, governments can still pass legislation on corporations. But they usually just say that they have to appear to do something nice, or pay a fine.

The Norman kings lived at a time when people still feared corporatocracies, and had put severe limitations on what was called a "corporation aggregate" (a corporation composed of multiple people). They were only allowed to do what they had chartered as their original goals, could only own so much money & assets, had to break up after a fixed amount of time, and would also have to dissolve if any of the shareholders changed.

Only individuals, or "corporations sole" could own as much property, and money as they liked, or as long as they liked, and could do as they like.

That way, if a person used their money to kill people, you could normally hold the owner responsible and hold him to account.

But you can't put a corporation aggregate in prison, because it's composed of multiple individuals and not one person.

And, they have an army of enabling scientists behind them (industrial psychologists, media mongrels, and other master manipulators).
They're just using science to improve humanity (for them).

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Yesterday 6:42 PM
Feb 24, 2021
I think it is morally wrong to label a single group of people as all having bad traits. It could be poor people; it could be rich people; it could be black people; it could be white people or any kind of combination therein. It could be people from any "race," language, people group, shared identity, values, or literally anything else. Any time you try and say, "All X people act in Y fashion," it is a sure sign that you are bigoted in some way and the truth is not on your side.

dr froyd

Local time
Today 12:42 AM
Jan 26, 2015
Communism has got nothing to do with economic reforms, this is a commie propaganda, what the commie are is what they do.
Look up the definition of Communism and Socialism then. I've provided it before. Also, there have been actual self-proclaimed commies who were anti-gay and anti-trans. Plenty of them.

If Communism is about woke, then why do historical Communists seem to be in massive disagreement over those issues?
communism/marxism in the soviet union was based on a theory of economic groups - workers vs capitalists. The woke subscribe to a different version of marxism popularized by the New Left in the 1960s, focusing not on economic groups (because that theory failed miserably) but groups defined by gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. This is also sometimes referred to as "critical theory"

although the groups are swapped out it is still deeply rooted in marxism. It's the same oppressor-vs-oppressed shtick employed in a freudean-psychoanalysis framework

it is a bunch of pseudoscience gibberish (i've read quite a bit of it as a hobby) but social-science academics get paid to teach it (and agitate a lot of impressionable young students) to this day lol


Pony Influencer
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
Sep 21, 2024
The woke subscribe to a different version of marxism popularized by the New Left in the 1960s

And what happened in the 60/70s

The Pentagon papers
The church commission

Unlike the red scare of mccathyism these were real.

The underground movements were based on the government doing illegal things academy did not like. It's why the draft was revoked.

Today woke is the distraction the controlled opposition. People think it's bad because it's out in the Open. You can see it. But if it truly was dangerous it be something suppressed super hard. Times changed so you don't see the real things going on.

dr froyd

Local time
Today 12:42 AM
Jan 26, 2015
Today woke is the distraction the controlled opposition. People think it's bad because it's out in the Open. You can see it. But if it truly was dangerous it be something suppressed super hard. Times changed so you don't see the real things going on.
im stealing the quote from mike benz but the present-day version of mccarthyism replaced communists with what they call "populists". We are throwing around terms like "woke" loosely here, but there's a broad set of ideas that have certain connected themes; environmentalism, multiculturalism, feminism etc. One has to understand that all these ideas ultimately are to great benefit to the globalist neoliberal establishment, so it's quite far from being an opposition - it is the establishment, and politicians who are not with the program are quickly branded "populists".

of course the great irony here is that a lot of the "woke" acolytes consider themselves as brave counter-culturalists and fighters for the little guy.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:42 PM
Jun 13, 2019
There are legitimate criticisms to bureaucracy running the show.

At its worst it dehumanizes us.

Fundamentally there is a disagreement about priorities.

I can see the appeal in not wanting to be lied to to your face, and preferring something that "apparently" challenges that authority. That way at least as the ship of civilization sinks you can tell the libs I told you so.

My thought processes is that whatever is going on is so looney toon shit, so crazy it might work.

Either that or usher in a 100 cycle of chrony capitalism, an echo of the guilded age.... I can only hope the rising water and lifts all boats..


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:42 PM
Jun 13, 2019
Tbf bipolar political party system is complete trash. It becomes a dichotomy of right and wrong, when we should be fin voting for functioning supplanting government.


Pony Influencer
Local time
Yesterday 5:42 PM
Sep 21, 2024
Today woke is the distraction the controlled opposition. People think it's bad because it's out in the Open. You can see it. But if it truly was dangerous it be something suppressed super hard. Times changed so you don't see the real things going on.
im stealing the quote from mike benz but the present-day version of mccarthyism replaced communists with what they call "populists". We are throwing around terms like "woke" loosely here, but there's a broad set of ideas that have certain connected themes; environmentalism, multiculturalism, feminism etc. One has to understand that all these ideas ultimately are to great benefit to the globalist neoliberal establishment, so it's quite far from being an opposition - it is the establishment, and politicians who are not with the program are quickly branded "populists".

of course the great irony here is that a lot of the "woke" acolytes consider themselves as brave counter-culturalists and fighters for the little guy.

Of course the establishment will brand itself in the safest way possible to achieve its agenda. Why would it fight another Vietnam war against communism when Kissinger made his dealing with China? All that would do is start another revolution, a real revolution in the United States. Because the kids would be actually dying. It is easier to get things done economically than by war (sometimes).

Populism is not an antiwar movement it is an economic movement. So the powers at top must be covert in actions that would otherwise be seen as war. That is why it is done by certain intelligence agencies and not the military. Wokeness is still simplest thing to do because it distracts people. Why bother helping Mexico stop the cartel (by stoping the CIA interventions) eliminating the border problem when you can bully trans persons on Twitter.

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Yesterday 6:42 PM
Feb 24, 2021
Morally wrong? Huh.

Yes. Some things are always wrong. Other things are context-dependent. I think that any form of bigotry is wrong. As I said, that is just labeling a group of people as always doing some negative thing or being in some negative way. This is different from labeling some behaviors as always being wrong. So it is always wrong to kill someone to make a suit out of their skin or some gross thing like that. But it is not always wrong for a person to be rich, or poor, or white, or black. These are things that don't necessarily have a moral thing attached to them. Because there are good ways that people get rich as well as evil ways people get rich. If someone invents a product and does all the work to make the product available to the general public, and the product sells like hotcakes, then that person gets rich through legitimate means. So, in that case, the person being rich has no moral bad thing attached to it.
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